blob: f10f2d7ba7bcb539a31eb483f39aa3b5f3701cc3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package bundle
import (
// testEntitiesToRun returns a sorted list of tests to run for the given names.
func testEntitiesToRun(allEntities []*protocol.ResolvedEntity, names []string) []*protocol.ResolvedEntity {
nameSet := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, name := range names {
nameSet[name] = struct{}{}
var tests []*protocol.ResolvedEntity
for _, t := range allEntities {
if t.Entity.Type != protocol.EntityType_TEST {
if _, ok := nameSet[t.GetEntity().GetName()]; ok {
tests = append(tests, t)
sort.Slice(tests, func(i, j int) bool {
if tests[i].Hops != tests[j].Hops {
return tests[i].Hops > tests[j].Hops
return tests[i].Entity.Name < tests[j].Entity.Name
return tests
// runTestsRecursive runs tests per rcfg and scfg and writes responses to srv.
// If target bundle is specified in bundleParams, it runs tests on the target
// bundle too.
// If an error is encountered in the test harness (as opposed to in a test), an
// error is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned (test errors will be reported
// via EntityError control messages).
func runTestsRecursive(ctx context.Context, srv protocol.TestService_RunTestsServer, rcfg *protocol.RunConfig, scfg *StaticConfig, bundleParams *protocol.BundleInitParams) (retErr error) {
ctx = testcontext.WithPrivateData(ctx, testcontext.PrivateData{
WaitUntilReady: rcfg.GetWaitUntilReady(),
WaitUntilReadyTimeout: rcfg.GetWaitUntilReadyTimeout().AsDuration(),
bcfg := bundleParams.GetBundleConfig()
ew := newEventWriter(srv)
hbw := newHeartbeatWriter(ew)
defer hbw.Stop()
ctx = logging.AttachLoggerNoPropagation(ctx, logging.NewFuncLogger(ew.RunLog))
es, err := func() (es []*protocol.ResolvedEntity, retErr error) {
var cl *bundleclient.Client
if target := bcfg.GetPrimaryTarget(); target != nil {
var err error
cl, err = bundleclient.New(ctx, bcfg.GetPrimaryTarget(), scfg.registry.Name(), &protocol.HandshakeRequest{
BundleInitParams: &protocol.BundleInitParams{
Vars: bundleParams.Vars,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create bundle client")
defer func() {
if err := cl.Close(ctx); err != nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Warning: %v", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to close bundle client"))
entities, err := listEntitiesRecursive(ctx, scfg.registry, rcfg.GetFeatures(), cl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return entities, nil
if err != nil {
return err
testEntities := testEntitiesToRun(es, rcfg.GetTests())
connEnv, err := setUpConnection(ctx, scfg, rcfg, bcfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed in setup connection with dut")
defer connEnv.close(ctx)
// Set up environment and create pcfg early so that we can run remote
// fixtures for local tests.
env, err := setUpTestEnvironment(ctx, scfg, rcfg, bcfg)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set up test environment")
defer func() {
if err := env.close(ctx); err != nil && retErr != nil {
if retErr != nil {
logging.Info(ctx, "Failed to close test environment: ", err)
} else {
retErr = errors.Wrap(err, "failed to close test environment")
internalTests := make(map[string]*testing.TestInstance)
for _, t := range scfg.registry.AllTests() {
internalTests[t.Name] = t
if t.Timeout == 0 {
t.Timeout = scfg.defaultTestTimeout
pcfg := &planner.Config{
Dirs: rcfg.GetDirs(),
Features: rcfg.GetFeatures(),
Service: rcfg.GetServiceConfig(),
DataFile: rcfg.GetDataFileConfig(),
RemoteData: connEnv.rd,
TestHook: scfg.testHook,
BeforeDownload: scfg.beforeDownload,
Tests: internalTests,
Fixtures: scfg.registry.AllFixtures(),
StartFixtureName: rcfg.GetStartFixtureState().GetName(),
StartFixtureImpl: &stubFixture{setUpErrors: rcfg.GetStartFixtureState().GetErrors()},
ExternalTarget: &planner.ExternalTarget{
Device: bundleParams.GetBundleConfig().GetPrimaryTarget(),
Config: rcfg.GetTarget(),
Bundle: scfg.registry.Name(),
MaxSysMsgLogSize: rcfg.GetMaxSysMsgLogSize(),
var internal []*protocol.ResolvedEntity
var external []*protocol.ResolvedEntity
for _, t := range testEntities {
if t.Hops == 0 {
internal = append(internal, t)
} else {
external = append(external, t)
// Run all the externalTests with Hops > 0 (i.e. local tests).
if err := planner.RunTests(ctx, external, ew, pcfg); err != nil {
return command.NewStatusErrorf(statusError, "run failed: %v", err)
// Run all the tests with Hops = 0.
if err := planner.RunTests(ctx, internal, ew, pcfg); err != nil {
return command.NewStatusErrorf(statusError, "run failed: %v", err)
return nil