blob: f440f6852149cdf9d164de61d77938310fb11796 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
// RuntimeConfig contains details about how an individual test should be run.
type RuntimeConfig struct {
// DataDir is the directory in which the test's data files are located.
DataDir string
// OutDir is the directory to which the test will write output files.
OutDir string
// Vars contains names and values of out-of-band variables passed to tests at runtime.
// Names must be registered in Test.Vars and values may be accessed using State.Var.
Vars map[string]string
// Features contains hardware features for all DUTs used in the test.
Features map[string]*protocol.DUTFeatures
// CloudStorage is a client to read files on Google Cloud Storage.
CloudStorage *CloudStorage
// RemoteData contains information relevant to remote tests.
// This is nil for local tests.
RemoteData *RemoteData
// FixtValue is a value returned by a parent fixture.
// It is nil if not available.
FixtValue interface{}
// FixtSerializedValue is a serialized value returned by a parent fixture.
// It is nil if not available.
FixtSerializedValue func() ([]byte, error)
// FixtCtx is the context that lives as long as the fixture.
// It can be accessed only from testing.FixtState.
FixtCtx context.Context
// PreCtx is the context that lives as long as the precondition.
// It can be accessed only from testing.PreState.
PreCtx context.Context
// Purgeable is a list of file paths which are not used for now and thus
// can be deleted if the disk space is low.
Purgeable []string
// MaxSysMsgLogSize is a size of flag for truncate log file.
MaxSysMsgLogSize int64
// DUTLabConfig is the lab configuration for all DUTs.
DUTLabConfig *protocol.DUTLabConfig
// RemoteData contains information relevant to remote entities.
type RemoteData struct {
// Meta contains information about how the tast process was run.
Meta *Meta
// RPCHint contains information needed to establish gRPC connections.
RPCHint *RPCHint
// DUT is an SSH connection shared among remote entities.
DUT *dut.DUT
// CompanionDUTs are other DUTs that can be used in remote test.
CompanionDUTs map[string]*dut.DUT
// Meta contains information about how the "tast" process used to initiate testing was run.
// It is used by remote tests in the "meta" category that run the tast executable to test Tast's behavior.
type Meta struct {
// TastPath contains the absolute path to the tast executable.
TastPath string
// Target contains information about the DUT as "[<user>@]host[:<port>]".
// DEPRECATED: Use ConnectionSpec instead.
Target string
// Flags contains flags that should be passed to the tast command's "run" subcommands.
RunFlags []string
// Flags contains flags that should be passed to the tast command's "list" subcommands.
ListFlags []string
// ConnectionSpec contains information about the DUT as "[<user>@]host[:<port>]".
ConnectionSpec string
// clone returns a deep copy of m.
func (m *Meta) clone() *Meta {
mc := *m
mc.RunFlags = append([]string{}, m.RunFlags...)
mc.ListFlags = append([]string{}, m.ListFlags...)
return &mc
// RPCHint contains information needed to establish gRPC connections.
type RPCHint struct {
// localBundleDir is the directory on the DUT where local test bundle executables are located.
// This path is used by remote entities to invoke gRPC services in local test bundles.
localBundleDir string
// testVars holds all test variables and will pass to local bundle services.
testVars map[string]string
// NewRPCHint create a new RPCHint struct.
func NewRPCHint(localBundleDir string, testVars map[string]string) *RPCHint {
return &RPCHint{
localBundleDir: localBundleDir,
testVars: testVars,
// clone returns a deep copy of h.
func (h *RPCHint) clone() *RPCHint {
hc := *h
return &hc
// ExtractLocalBundleDir extracts localBundleDir from RPCHint.
func ExtractLocalBundleDir(h *RPCHint) string {
return h.localBundleDir
// ExtractTestVars extracts test vars from RPCHint.
func ExtractTestVars(h *RPCHint) map[string]string {
return h.testVars