blob: 419b5b53c63f2e3e2191362ac3b0908f16c1bfba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
// Fixture represents fixtures to register to the framework.
type Fixture struct {
// Name is the name of the fixture.
// Tests and fixtures use the name to specify the fixture.
// The name must be camelCase starting with a lowercase letter and containing only digits and letters.
Name string
// Desc is the description of the fixture.
Desc string
// Contacts is a list of email addresses of persons and groups who are familiar with the
// fixture. At least one personal email address of an active committer should be specified so
// that we can file bugs or ask for code review.
Contacts []string
// Impl is the implementation of the fixture.
Impl FixtureImpl
// Parent specifies the parent fixture name, or empty if it has no parent.
Parent string
// SetUpTimeout is the timeout applied to SetUp.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// This timeout is by default 0.
SetUpTimeout time.Duration
// ResetTimeout is the timeout applied to Reset.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// This timeout is by default 0.
ResetTimeout time.Duration
// PreTestTimeout is the timeout applied to PreTest.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// This timeout is by default 0.
PreTestTimeout time.Duration
// PostTestTimeout is the timeout applied to PostTest.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// This timeout is by default 0.
PostTestTimeout time.Duration
// TearDownTimeout is the timeout applied to TearDown.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// This timeout is by default 0.
TearDownTimeout time.Duration
// Params lists the Param structs for parameterized fixtures.
Params []FixtureParam
// ServiceDeps contains a list of RPC service names in local test bundles that this remote fixture
// will access. This field is valid only for remote fixtures.
ServiceDeps []string
// Vars contains the names of runtime variables used to pass out-of-band data to tests.
// Values are supplied using "tast run -var=name=value", and tests can access values via State.Var.
Vars []string
// Data contains paths of data files needed by the fixture, relative to a
// "data" subdirectory within the directory in which the fixture is registered.
Data []string
// PrivateAttr contains freeform text private attributres describing the fixture.
PrivateAttr []string
// FixtureParam defines parameters for a parameterized fixture.
type FixtureParam struct {
// Name is the name of this parameterized fixture.
// Full name of the fixture will be category.FixtureName.param_name,
// or category.FixtureName if Name is empty.
// Name should match with [a-z0-9_]*.
Name string
// ExtraContacts is a list of extra email addresses of persons and groups who are familiar
// with the parameter. At least one personal email address of an active committer
// should be specified so that we can file bugs or ask for code review.
ExtraContacts []string
// Parent specifies the parent fixture name, or empty if it has no parent.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
Parent string
// SetUpTimeout is the timeout applied to SetUp.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
SetUpTimeout time.Duration
// ResetTimeout is the timeout applied to Reset.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
ResetTimeout time.Duration
// PreTestTimeout is the timeout applied to PreTest.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
PreTestTimeout time.Duration
// PostTestTimeout is the timeout applied to PostTest.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
PostTestTimeout time.Duration
// TearDownTimeout is the timeout applied to TearDown.
// Even if fixtures are nested, the timeout is applied only to this stage.
// Can only be set if the enclosing fixture doesn't have one already set.
TearDownTimeout time.Duration
// Val is the value which can be retrieved from testing.FixtState.Param() method.
Val interface{}
// ExtraServiceDeps contains a list of extra RPC service names in local test bundles
// that this remote fixture parameter will access.
// This field is valid only for remote fixtures.
ExtraServiceDeps []string
// ExtraData contains paths of extra data files needed by the fixture parameter,
// relative to a "data" subdirectory within the directory in which the fixture is registered.
ExtraData []string
// ExtraPrivateAttr contains extra freeform text private attributes describing the
// fixture parameter.
ExtraPrivateAttr []string
func (f *Fixture) instantiate(pkg string) ([]*FixtureInstance, error) {
if err := validateFixture(f); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Empty Params is equivalent to one Param with all default values.
ps := f.Params
if len(ps) == 0 {
ps = []FixtureParam{{}}
fis := make([]*FixtureInstance, 0, len(ps))
for _, p := range ps {
fi, err := newFixtureInstance(f, pkg, &p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fis = append(fis, fi)
return fis, nil
func newFixtureInstance(f *Fixture, pkg string, p *FixtureParam) (*FixtureInstance, error) {
name := f.Name
if p.Name != "" {
name += "." + p.Name
contacts := append(f.Contacts, p.ExtraContacts...)
parent := f.Parent
if p.Parent != "" {
parent = p.Parent
setUpTimeout, err := timeout(p.SetUpTimeout, f.SetUpTimeout, "SetUpTimeout")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resetTimeout, err := timeout(p.ResetTimeout, f.ResetTimeout, "ResetTimeout")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
preTestTimeout, err := timeout(p.PreTestTimeout, f.PreTestTimeout, "PreTestTimeout")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
postTestTimeout, err := timeout(p.PostTestTimeout, f.PostTestTimeout, "PostTestTimeout")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tearDownTimeout, err := timeout(p.TearDownTimeout, f.TearDownTimeout, "TearDownTimeout")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
serviceDeps := append(f.ServiceDeps, p.ExtraServiceDeps...)
data := append(f.Data, p.ExtraData...)
privateAttr := append(f.PrivateAttr, p.ExtraPrivateAttr...)
return &FixtureInstance{
Pkg: pkg,
Name: name,
Desc: f.Desc,
Contacts: contacts,
Impl: f.Impl,
Parent: parent,
SetUpTimeout: setUpTimeout,
ResetTimeout: resetTimeout,
PreTestTimeout: preTestTimeout,
PostTestTimeout: postTestTimeout,
TearDownTimeout: tearDownTimeout,
Val: p.Val,
ServiceDeps: serviceDeps,
Data: data,
Vars: f.Vars,
PrivateAttr: privateAttr,
}, nil
func timeout(paramTimeout, fixtureTimeout time.Duration, timeoutType string) (time.Duration, error) {
if paramTimeout != 0 {
if fixtureTimeout != 0 {
return 0,
errors.Errorf("Param has %s specified and its enclosing fixture also has %s specified, but only one can be specified",
timeoutType, timeoutType)
return paramTimeout, nil
return fixtureTimeout, nil
// FixtureInstance represents a fixture instance registered to the framework.
// FixtureInstance is to Fixture what TestInstance is to Test.
type FixtureInstance struct {
// Pkg is the package from which the fixture is registered.
Pkg string
// Following fields are copied from Fixture.
Name string
Desc string
Contacts []string
Impl FixtureImpl
Parent string
SetUpTimeout time.Duration
ResetTimeout time.Duration
PreTestTimeout time.Duration
PostTestTimeout time.Duration
TearDownTimeout time.Duration
Val interface{}
Data []string
ServiceDeps []string
Vars []string
PrivateAttr []string
// Bundle is the name of the test bundle this test belongs to.
// This field is empty initially, and later set when the test is added
// to testing.Registry.
Bundle string
// Constraints returns EntityConstraints for this fixture.
func (f *FixtureInstance) Constraints() *EntityConstraints {
return &EntityConstraints{
allVars: append([]string(nil), f.Vars...),
allData: append([]string(nil), f.Data...),
// EntityProto returns a protocol buffer message representation of f.
func (f *FixtureInstance) EntityProto() *protocol.Entity {
return &protocol.Entity{
Type: protocol.EntityType_FIXTURE,
Package: f.Pkg,
Name: f.Name,
Description: f.Desc,
Fixture: f.Parent,
Dependencies: &protocol.EntityDependencies{
DataFiles: append([]string(nil), f.Data...),
Services: append([]string(nil), f.ServiceDeps...),
Contacts: &protocol.EntityContacts{
Emails: append([]string(nil), f.Contacts...),
LegacyData: &protocol.EntityLegacyData{
Variables: append([]string(nil), f.Vars...),
Bundle: f.Bundle,
// fixtureNameRegexp defines the valid fixture name pattern.
var fixtureNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$`)
// validateFixture validates a user-supplied Fixture metadata.
func validateFixture(f *Fixture) error {
if !fixtureNameRegexp.MatchString(f.Name) {
return errors.Errorf("invalid fixture name: %q", f.Name)
return nil
// FixtureImpl provides implementation of the fixture registered to the framework.
type FixtureImpl interface {
// SetUp is called by the framework to set up the environment with possibly heavy-weight
// operations.
// The context and state passed to SetUp are associated with the fixture metadata. For example,
// testing.ContextOutDir(ctx) and s.OutDir() return the output directory allocated for the
// fixture itself. testing.ContextSoftwareDeps(ctx) fails since fixtures can't declare software
// dependencies.
// TODO(oka): Consider updating ContextSoftwareDeps API so that it's meaningful for fixture
// scoped contexts. For tests, ContextSoftwareDeps returns the dependencies the test declares,
// and utility methods (e.g. arc.New) use it to check that tests declare proper software
// dependencies. For fixtures, it is uncertain what ContextSoftwareDeps should return. One
// might think it could return the intersection of the software deps of the tests depending on
// the fixture, but it doesn't work considering arc.New checks OR condition of the software
// deps. Still, fixtures can call functions like arc.New that calls ContextSoftwareDeps. It
// indicates that we need to reconsider ContextSoftwareDeps API.
// The return value is made available to the direct children of this fixture in the entity
// graph, as long as this fixture and a child live in the same process.
// If any resource is associated with the value (e.g. Chrome browser connection), it must not
// be released in Reset, PreTest and PostTest because descendant fixtures may cache it or
// construct subresources derived from it (e.g. Chrome tab connection).
// SetUp is called in descending order (parents to children) when fixtures are nested.
// SetUp can be called multiple times. This happens when this fixture's TearDown is called
// before completing all tests depending on it in the following cases:
// - This fixture's Reset requested it by returning an error.
// - Ascendant fixtures' Reset requested it by returning an error.
// In any case, TearDown is called in a pair with a successful SetUp call.
// Errors in this method are reported as errors of the fixture itself, rather than tests
// depending on it.
// If one or more errors are reported in SetUp by s.Error or s.Fatal, all remaining tests
// depending on this fixture are marked failed without actually running. TearDown is not called
// in this case. If s.Fatal is called, SetUp immediately aborts.
// This method is the best place to do a heavy-weight setup of the system environment, e.g.
// restarting a Chrome session.
// Note that SetUpTimeout is by default 0. Change it to have a valid context.
SetUp(ctx context.Context, s *FixtState) interface{}
// Reset is called by the framework after each test (except for the last one) to do a
// light-weight reset of the environment to the original state.
// The context passed to Reset is associated with the fixture metadata. See SetUp for details.
// If Reset returns a non-nil error, the framework tears down and re-sets up the fixture to
// recover. To be accurate, the following methods are called in order:
// - Descendant fixtures' TearDown in ascending order
// - This fixture's TearDown
// - This fixture's SetUp
// - Descendant fixtures' SetUp in descending order
// Consequently, errors Reset returns don't affect ascendant fixtures.
// Returning an error from Reset is valid when light-weight reset doesn't restore the
// condition the fixture declares.
// Reset is called in descending order (parents to children) when fixtures are nested.
// This method is the best place to do a light-weight cleanup of the system environment to the
// original one when the fixture was set up, e.g. closing open Chrome tabs.
// Note that ResetTimeout is by default 0. Change it to have a valid context.
Reset(ctx context.Context) error
// PreTest is called by the framework before each test to do a light-weight set up for the test.
// The context and state passed to PreTest are associated with the test metadata. For example,
// testing.ContextOutDir(ctx) and s.OutDir() return the output directory allocated to the test.
// PreTest is called in descending order (parents to children) when fixtures are nested.
// s.Error or s.Fatal can be used to report errors in PreTest. When s.Fatal is called PreTest
// immediately aborts. The error is marked as the test failure.
// This method is always called if fixture is successfully reset by SetUp or Reset.
// In any case, PostTest is called in a pair with a successful PreTest call.
// If errors are reported in PreTest, it is reported as the test failure.
// If errors are reported in PreTest, the test and PostTest are not run.
// This method is the best place to do a setup for the test runs next. e.g. redirect logs to a
// file in the test's output directory.
// Note that PreTestTimeout is by default 0. Change it to have a valid context.
PreTest(ctx context.Context, s *FixtTestState)
// PostTest is called by the framework after each test to tear down changes PreTest made.
// The context and state passed to PostTest are associated with the test metadata. For example,
// testing.ContextOutDir(ctx) and s.OutDir() return the output directory allocated to the test.
// PostTest is called in ascending order (children to parent) when fixtures are nested.
// s.Error or s.Fatal can be used to report errors in PostTest. When s.Fatal is called PostTest
// immediately aborts. The error is marked as the test failure.
// This method is always called if PreTest succeeds.
// PostTest is always called in a pair with a successful PreTest call.
// If errors are reported in PostTest, it is reported as the test failure.
// The errors PostTest reports don't affect the order of the fixture methods the framework
// calls.
// This method is the best place to tear down changes PreTest made. e.g. close log files in the
// test output directory.
// Note that PostTestTimeout is by default 0. Change it to have a valid context.
PostTest(ctx context.Context, s *FixtTestState)
// TearDown is called by the framework to tear down the environment SetUp set up.
// The context and state passed to TearDown are associated with the fixture metadata. See SetUp
// for details.
// TearDown is called in an ascending order (children to parents) when fixtures are nested.
// TearDown is always called in a pair with a successful SetUp call.
// Errors in this method are reported as errors of the fixture itself, rather than tests
// depending on it.
// Errors in TearDown doesn't affect the order of the fixture methods the framework calls.
// That is, even if this fixture's TearDown reports errors, its ascendants' TearDown are still
// called.
// This method is the best place to tear down changes SetUp made. e.g. Unenroll enterprise
// enrollment.
// Changes that shouldn't hinder healthy execution of succeeding tests are not necessarily to
// be teared down. e.g. Chrome session can be left open.
// Note that TearDownTimeout is by default 0. Change it to have a valid context.
TearDown(ctx context.Context, s *FixtState)