blob: 5a05fc94d51a776bd061814f6a22da26aadfe288 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
const (
testDataSubdir = "data" // subdir relative to test package containing data files
testNameAttrPrefix = "name:" // prefix for auto-added attribute containing test name
testBundleAttrPrefix = "bundle:" // prefix for auto-added attribute containing bundle name
testDepAttrPrefix = "dep:" // prefix for auto-added attribute containing software dependency
testHarnessPrefix = "tast" // prefix for test id of test metadata
// TestInstance represents a test instance registered to the framework.
// A test instance is the unit of "tests" exposed to outside of the framework.
// For example, in the command line of the "tast" command, users specify
// which tests to run by names of test instances. Single testing.AddTest call
// may register multiple test instances at once if testing.Test passed to the
// function has non-empty Params field.
type TestInstance struct {
// Name specifies the test's name as "category.TestName".
// The name is derived from Func's package and function name.
// The category is the final component of the package.
Name string
// Pkg contains the Go package in which Func is located.
Pkg string
// ExitTimeout contains the maximum duration to wait for Func to exit after a timeout.
// The context passed to Func has a deadline based on Timeout, but Tast waits for an additional ExitTimeout to elapse
// before reporting that the test has timed out; this gives the test function time to return after it
// sees that its context has expired before an additional error is added about the timeout.
// This is exposed for unit tests and should almost always be omitted when defining tests;
// a reasonable default will be used.
// TODO(oka): Remove ExitTimeout using CustomGracePeriod in planner.Config .
ExitTimeout time.Duration
// Val contains the value inherited from the expanded Param struct for a parameterized test case.
// This can be retrieved from testing.State.Param().
Val interface{}
// Following fields are copied from testing.Test struct.
// See the documents of the struct.
Func TestFunc
Desc string
Contacts []string
Attr []string
PrivateAttr []string
SearchFlags []*protocol.StringPair
Data []string
Vars []string
VarDeps []string
SoftwareDeps map[string]dep.SoftwareDeps
// HardwareDeps field is not in the protocol yet. When the scheduler in infra is
// implemented, it is needed.
HardwareDeps map[string]dep.HardwareDeps
ServiceDeps []string
LacrosStatus LacrosMetadata
Pre Precondition
Fixture string
Timeout time.Duration
// Bundle is the name of the test bundle this test belongs to.
// This field is empty initially, and later set when the test is added
// to testing.Registry.
Bundle string
// TestBedDeps, Requirements, Purpose, BugComponent, and LifeCycleStage
// are only used by infra and should not be used in tests.
TestBedDeps []string
Requirements []string
BugComponent string
LifeCycleStage LifeCycle
VariantCategory string
// instantiate creates one or more TestInstance from t.
func instantiate(t *Test) ([]*TestInstance, error) {
if err := t.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Empty Params is equivalent to one Param with all default values.
ps := t.Params
if len(ps) == 0 {
ps = []Param{{}}
tis := make([]*TestInstance, 0, len(ps))
for _, p := range ps {
ti, err := newTestInstance(t, &p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tis = append(tis, ti)
return tis, nil
func newTestInstance(t *Test, p *Param) (*TestInstance, error) {
info, err := getTestFuncInfo(t.Func)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateFileName(, filepath.Base(info.file)); err != nil {
return nil, err
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", info.category,
if p.Name != "" {
name += "." + p.Name
if err := validateName(name); err != nil {
return nil, err
bugComponent := t.BugComponent
if p.BugComponent != "" {
bugComponent = p.BugComponent
// Overwrite test's LifeCycle with subtest's LifeCycle if it was set.
lifeCycleStage := t.LifeCycleStage
if p.LifeCycleStage != LifeCycleDefault {
lifeCycleStage = p.LifeCycleStage
// Overwrite test's VariantCategory with subtest's VariantCategory if it was set.
variantCategory := t.VariantCategory
if p.VariantCategory != "" {
variantCategory = p.VariantCategory
manualAttrs := append(append([]string(nil), t.Attr...), p.ExtraAttr...)
if err := validateManualAttr(manualAttrs); err != nil {
return nil, err
data := append(append([]string(nil), t.Data...), p.ExtraData...)
if err := validateData(t.Data); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateVars(info.category,, append(append([]string(nil), t.Vars...), t.VarDeps...)); err != nil {
return nil, err
swDeps := make(map[string]dep.SoftwareDeps)
swDeps[""] = append(append([]string(nil), t.SoftwareDeps...), p.ExtraSoftwareDeps...)
for key, element := range t.SoftwareDepsForAll {
swDeps[key] = append(swDeps[key], element...)
for key, element := range p.ExtraSoftwareDepsForAll {
swDeps[key] = append(swDeps[key], element...)
hwDeps := make(map[string]dep.HardwareDeps)
hwDeps[""] = dep.MergeHardwareDeps(t.HardwareDeps, p.ExtraHardwareDeps)
for key, element := range t.HardwareDepsForAll {
hwDeps[key] = dep.MergeHardwareDeps(hwDeps[key], element)
for key, element := range p.ExtraHardwareDepsForAll {
hwDeps[key] = dep.MergeHardwareDeps(hwDeps[key], element)
for k, hwDepsForDut := range hwDeps {
if err := hwDepsForDut.Validate(); err != nil {
role := k
if role == "" {
role = "primary"
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to validate %s dut", role)
var requirements []string
requirements = append(requirements, t.Requirements...)
requirements = append(requirements, p.ExtraRequirements...)
attrs := append(manualAttrs, autoAttrs(name, info.pkg, swDeps)...)
attrs = modifyAttrsForCompat(attrs)
if err := validateAttr(attrs); err != nil {
return nil, err
pre := t.Pre
if p.Pre != nil {
if t.Pre != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Param has Pre specified and its enclosing Test also has Pre specified, but only one can be specified")
pre = p.Pre
if err := validatePre(pre); err != nil {
return nil, err
fixt := t.Fixture
if p.Fixture != "" {
if t.Fixture != "" {
return nil, errors.New("Param has Fixture specified and its enclosing Test also has Fixture specified, but only one can be specified")
fixt = p.Fixture
if pre != nil && fixt != "" {
return nil, errors.New("Fixture and Pre cannot be set simultaneously")
timeout := t.Timeout
if p.Timeout != 0 {
if t.Timeout != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Param has Timeout specified and its enclosing Test also has Timeout specified, but only one can be specified")
timeout = p.Timeout
if timeout < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout is negative (%v)", timeout)
PrivateAttr := append(append([]string(nil), t.PrivateAttr...), p.ExtraPrivateAttr...)
searchFlags := append(append([]*protocol.StringPair(nil), t.SearchFlags...), p.ExtraSearchFlags...)
if err := validateSearchFlags(searchFlags); err != nil {
return nil, err
var testBedDeps []string
testBedDeps = append(testBedDeps, t.TestBedDeps...)
testBedDeps = append(testBedDeps, p.ExtraTestBedDeps...)
return &TestInstance{
Name: name,
Pkg: info.pkg,
Val: p.Val,
Func: t.Func,
Desc: t.Desc,
Contacts: append([]string(nil), t.Contacts...),
Attr: attrs,
PrivateAttr: PrivateAttr,
SearchFlags: searchFlags,
Data: data,
Vars: append([]string(nil), t.Vars...),
VarDeps: append([]string(nil), t.VarDeps...),
SoftwareDeps: swDeps,
HardwareDeps: hwDeps,
ServiceDeps: append([]string(nil), t.ServiceDeps...),
LacrosStatus: t.LacrosStatus,
Pre: pre,
Fixture: fixt,
Timeout: timeout,
TestBedDeps: testBedDeps,
Requirements: requirements,
BugComponent: bugComponent,
LifeCycleStage: lifeCycleStage,
VariantCategory: variantCategory,
}, nil
// autoAttrs returns automatically-generated attributes.
func autoAttrs(name, pkg string, depsForAll map[string]dep.SoftwareDeps) []string {
attrs := []string{testNameAttrPrefix + name}
if comps := strings.Split(pkg, "/"); len(comps) >= 2 {
attrs = append(attrs, testBundleAttrPrefix+comps[len(comps)-2])
for _, element := range depsForAll {
for _, dep := range element {
attrs = append(attrs, testDepAttrPrefix+dep)
return attrs
// testFuncInfo contains information about a TestFunc.
type testFuncInfo struct {
pkg string // package name, e.g. ""
category string // Tast category name, e.g. "login". The last component of pkg
name string // function name, e.g. "Chrome"
file string // full source path, e.g. "/home/user/chromeos/src/platform/tast-tests/.../login/chrome.go"
// getTestFuncInfo returns info about f.
func getTestFuncInfo(f TestFunc) (*testFuncInfo, error) {
if f == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Func is nil")
pc := reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()
rf := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if rf == nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to get function from PC")
p, name := packages.SplitFuncName(rf.Name())
cs := strings.Split(p, "/")
if len(cs) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to split package %q into at least two components", p)
info := &testFuncInfo{
pkg: p,
category: cs[len(cs)-1],
name: name,
info.file, _ = rf.FileLine(pc)
return info, nil
// testNameRegexp validates test names, which should consist of a package name,
// a period, the name of the exported test function, followed optionally by
// a period and the name of the parameter.
var testNameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][a-z0-9]*\.[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:\.[a-z0-9_]+)?$`)
func validateName(name string) error {
if !testNameRegexp.MatchString(name) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid test name %q test name should consist of a package name, a period the name of the exported test function, followed optionally by a period and the name of the parameter", name)
return nil
// testWordRegexp validates an individual word in a test function name.
// See checkFuncNameAgainstFilename for details.
var testWordRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Z0-9]+[a-z0-9]*[A-Z0-9]*$")
func validateFileName(funcName, filename string) error {
if strings.ToLower(filename) != filename {
return fmt.Errorf("filename %q isn't lowercase", filename)
const goExt = ".go"
if filepath.Ext(filename) != goExt {
return fmt.Errorf("filename %q doesn't have extension %q", filename, goExt)
// First, split the name into words based on underscores in the filename.
funcIdx := 0
fileWords := strings.Split(filename[:len(filename)-len(goExt)], "_")
for _, fileWord := range fileWords {
// Disallow repeated underscores.
if len(fileWord) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty word in filename %q", filename)
// Extract the characters from the function name corresponding to the word from the filename.
if funcIdx+len(fileWord) > len(funcName) {
return fmt.Errorf("name %q doesn't include all of filename %q", funcName, filename)
funcWord := funcName[funcIdx : funcIdx+len(fileWord)]
if strings.ToLower(funcWord) != strings.ToLower(fileWord) {
return fmt.Errorf("word %q at %q[%d] doesn't match %q in filename %q", funcWord, funcName, funcIdx, fileWord, filename)
// Test names are taken from Go function names, so they should follow Go's naming conventions.
// Generally speaking, that means camel case with acronyms fully capitalized (although we can't catch
// miscapitalized acronyms here, as we don't know if a given word is an acronym or not).
// Every word should begin with either an uppercase letter or a digit.
// Multiple leading or trailing uppercase letters are allowed to permit filename -> func-name pairings like
// dbus.go -> "DBus", webrtc.go -> "WebRTC", and crosvm.go -> "CrosVM".
// Note that this also permits incorrect filenames like loadurl.go for "LoadURL", but that's not something code can prevent.
if !testWordRegexp.MatchString(funcWord) {
return fmt.Errorf("word %q at %q[%d] should probably be %q (acronyms also allowed at beginning and end)",
funcWord, funcName, funcIdx, strings.Title(strings.ToLower(funcWord)))
funcIdx += len(funcWord)
if funcIdx < len(funcName) {
return fmt.Errorf("name %q has extra suffix %q not in filename %q", funcName, funcName[funcIdx:], filename)
return nil
func isAutoAttr(attr string) bool {
for _, pre := range []string{testNameAttrPrefix, testBundleAttrPrefix, testDepAttrPrefix} {
if strings.HasPrefix(attr, pre) {
return true
return false
func validateManualAttr(attr []string) error {
for _, a := range attr {
if isAutoAttr(a) {
return fmt.Errorf("attribute %q has reserved prefix", a)
if a == "disabled" {
return errors.New("the disabled attribute is deprecated; remove group:* attributes instead")
return nil
func validateAttr(attr []string) error {
if err := checkKnownAttrs(attr); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func validatePre(pre Precondition) error {
// Precondition must be a pointer type so that it is comparable.
if pre == nil {
return nil
v := reflect.ValueOf(pre)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.New("precondition must be implemented by a pointer type")
return nil
func validateData(data []string) error {
for _, p := range data {
if p != filepath.Clean(p) || strings.HasPrefix(p, ".") || strings.HasPrefix(p, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("data path %q is invalid", p)
return nil
func validateSearchFlags(searchFlags []*protocol.StringPair) error {
validKey := regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*(/[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)*$`)
for _, searchFlag := range searchFlags {
if !validKey.MatchString(searchFlag.Key) {
return fmt.Errorf("The key of SearchFlag %v should match %s", searchFlag, validKey)
return nil
var validVarLastPartRE = regexp.MustCompile("[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z_]*")
func validateVars(category, name string, vars []string) error {
for _, v := range vars {
parts := strings.Split(v, ".")
// Allow global variables e.g. "servo".
if len(parts) == 1 {
if len(parts) == 2 && validVarLastPartRE.MatchString(parts[1]) {
if len(parts) == 3 && parts[0] == category && parts[1] == name && validVarLastPartRE.MatchString(parts[2]) {
return fmt.Errorf("variable name %s violates our naming convention defined in", v)
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, v := range vars {
if _, ok := seen[v]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Vars and VarDeps should not contain the same variable %q twice", v)
seen[v] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (t *TestInstance) clone() *TestInstance {
ret := &TestInstance{}
*ret = *t
ret.Contacts = append([]string(nil), ret.Contacts...)
ret.Attr = append([]string(nil), ret.Attr...)
ret.Data = append([]string(nil), ret.Data...)
ret.Vars = append([]string(nil), ret.Vars...)
ret.VarDeps = append([]string(nil), ret.VarDeps...)
for key, element := range ret.SoftwareDeps {
ret.SoftwareDeps[key] = append([]string(nil), element...)
ret.ServiceDeps = append([]string(nil), ret.ServiceDeps...)
return ret
func (t *TestInstance) String() string {
return t.Name
// Deps dependencies of this test.
func (t *TestInstance) Deps() *dep.Deps {
swDepsForAll := make(map[string]dep.SoftwareDeps)
for key, element := range t.SoftwareDeps {
swDepsForAll[key] = append([]string(nil), element...)
return &dep.Deps{
Test: t.Name,
Var: t.VarDeps,
Software: swDepsForAll,
Hardware: t.HardwareDeps,
// Proto converts test metadata of TestInstance into a protobuf message.
func (t *TestInstance) Proto() *api.TestCaseMetadata {
var tags []*api.TestCase_Tag
for _, a := range t.Attr {
tags = append(tags, &api.TestCase_Tag{Value: a})
// If 'group:hw_agnostic' is set, we need to also set
// HwAgnostic flag in test metadata proto along with adding
// it to the tags.
hwAgnostic := false
for _, a := range t.Attr {
if a == "group:hw_agnostic" {
hwAgnostic = true
// By default, set LifeCycle to ProductionReady.
lifeCycleValue := api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_PRODUCTION_READY
switch t.LifeCycleStage {
case LifeCycleProductionReady:
lifeCycleValue = api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_PRODUCTION_READY
case LifeCycleDisabled:
lifeCycleValue = api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_DISABLED
case LifeCycleInDevelopment:
lifeCycleValue = api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_IN_DEVELOPMENT
case LifeCycleManualOnly:
lifeCycleValue = api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_MANUAL_ONLY
case LifeCycleOwnerMonitored:
lifeCycleValue = api.LifeCycleStage_LIFE_CYCLE_OWNER_MONITORED
var owners []*api.Contact
for _, email := range t.Contacts {
owners = append(owners, &api.Contact{Email: email})
var dependencies []*api.TestCase_Dependency
for _, dep := range t.TestBedDeps {
dependencies = append(dependencies, &api.TestCase_Dependency{Value: dep})
var requirements []*api.Requirement
for _, requirement := range t.Requirements {
requirements = append(requirements, &api.Requirement{Value: requirement})
r := api.TestCaseMetadata{
TestCase: &api.TestCase{
Id: &api.TestCase_Id{
Value: testHarnessPrefix + "." + t.Name,
Name: t.Name,
Tags: tags,
Dependencies: dependencies,
TestCaseExec: &api.TestCaseExec{
TestHarness: &api.TestHarness{
TestHarnessType: &api.TestHarness_Tast_{
Tast: &api.TestHarness_Tast{},
TestCaseInfo: &api.TestCaseInfo{
Owners: owners,
Requirements: requirements,
Criteria: &api.Criteria{Value: t.Desc},
BugComponent: &api.BugComponent{Value: t.BugComponent},
HwAgnostic: &api.HwAgnostic{Value: hwAgnostic},
LifeCycleStage: &api.LifeCycleStage{Value: lifeCycleValue},
VariantCategory: &api.DDDVariantCategory{Value: t.VariantCategory},
return &r
// Constraints returns EntityConstraints for this test.
func (t *TestInstance) Constraints() *EntityConstraints {
return &EntityConstraints{
allVars: append(append([]string(nil), t.Vars...), t.VarDeps...),
allData: append([]string(nil), t.Data...),
// EntityProto a protocol buffer message representation of TestInstance.
func (t *TestInstance) EntityProto() *protocol.Entity {
return &protocol.Entity{
Type: protocol.EntityType_TEST,
Name: t.Name,
Package: t.Pkg,
Attributes: append([]string(nil), t.Attr...),
SearchFlags: append([]*protocol.StringPair(nil), t.SearchFlags...),
Description: t.Desc,
Fixture: t.Fixture,
Dependencies: &protocol.EntityDependencies{
DataFiles: append([]string(nil), t.Data...),
Services: append([]string(nil), t.ServiceDeps...),
Contacts: &protocol.EntityContacts{
Emails: append([]string(nil), t.Contacts...),
LegacyData: &protocol.EntityLegacyData{
Timeout: ptypes.DurationProto(t.Timeout),
Variables: append([]string(nil), t.Vars...),
VariableDeps: append([]string(nil), t.VarDeps...),
SoftwareDeps: append([]string(nil), t.SoftwareDeps[""]...),
Bundle: t.Bundle,
TestBedDeps: append([]string(nil), t.TestBedDeps...),
Requirements: append([]string(nil), t.Requirements...),
BugComponent: t.BugComponent,
LacrosStatus: t.LacrosStatus.String(),
// WriteTestsAsProto exports test metadata in the protobuf format defined by infra.
func WriteTestsAsProto(w io.Writer, ts []*TestInstance) error {
var result api.TestCaseMetadataList
for _, src := range ts {
result.Values = append(result.Values, src.Proto())
d, err := proto.Marshal(&result)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to marshalize the proto")
_, err = w.Write(d)
return err
// RelativeDataDir returns the path to the directory in which data files for tests in pkg
// will be located, relative to the top-level directory containing data files.
func RelativeDataDir(pkg string) string {
return filepath.Join(pkg, testDataSubdir)