blob: a282cd729988da1a6ffd7f6b11c923ce90eb6ea5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package build
import (
const (
defaultBuildOutDir = "/tmp/tast/build" // default directory used to store compiled code
defaultTestDir = "src/platform/tast" // relative path within Chrome OS checkout to Go workspace with test code
// Config describes a configuration for building a test executable.
type Config struct {
// TestWorkspace is the path to the Go workspace where test source code is stored (i.e.
// containing a top-level directory named "src").
TestWorkspace string
// SysGopath is the path to the Go workspace containing source for test executables'
// emerged dependencies. This is typically /usr/lib/gopath.
SysGopath string
// Arch is the architecture to build for (as a machine name or processor given by "uname -m").
Arch string
// OutDir is the path to a directory where compiled code is stored (after appending arch).
OutDir string
// PortagePkg is the Portage package that contains the test executable (when tests are
// included in a system image rather than being compiled by the tast command).
// If non-empty, BuildTests checks that the package's direct dependencies are installed
// in the host sysroot before building tests.
PortagePkg string
// OutPath returns the path to a file named fn within cfg's architecture-specific output dir.
func (c *Config) OutPath(fn string) string {
return filepath.Join(c.OutDir, c.Arch, fn)
// SetFlags adds common build-related flags to f that store values in Config.
// trunkDir is the path to the Chrome OS checkout (within the chroot).
func (c *Config) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet, trunkDir string) {
f.StringVar(&c.Arch, "arch", "", "target architecture (per \"uname -m\")")
f.StringVar(&c.OutDir, "outdir", defaultBuildOutDir, "directory storing build artifacts")
f.StringVar(&c.SysGopath, "sysgopath", "/usr/lib/gopath",
"Go workspace containing system package source code (if empty, chosen automatically)")
f.StringVar(&c.TestWorkspace, "testdir", filepath.Join(trunkDir, defaultTestDir),
"Go workspace containing test source code")