blob: 05861029cb969e36c74992aeb05c58e3a0f5f90f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package run
import (
const (
resultsFilename = "results.json" // file in Config.ResDir containing test results
systemLogsDir = "system_logs" // dir in Config.ResDir containing DUT's system logs
testLogsDir = "tests" // dir in Config.ResDir containing tests' dirs
testLogFilename = "log.txt" // file in test's dir containing its logs
testOutputTimeFmt = "15:04:05.000" // format for timestamps attached to test output
defaultMsgTimeout = time.Minute // default timeout for reading next control message
// testResult contains the results from a single test.
// Fields are exported so they can be marshaled by the json package.
type testResult struct {
// Test contains basic information about the test. This is not a runnable
// testing.Test struct; only fields that can be marshaled to JSON are set.
// Errors contains errors encountered while running the test.
// If it is empty, the test passed.
Errors []testing.Error `json:"errors"`
// Start is the time at which the test started (as reported by the test binary).
Start time.Time `json:"start"`
// End is the time at which the test completed (as reported by the test binary).
End time.Time `json:"end"`
// OutDir is the directory into which test output is stored.
OutDir string `json:"outDir"`
testStartMsgTime time.Time // time at which TestStart control message was received
logFile *os.File // test's log file
// copyAndRemoveFunc copies src on a DUT to dst on the local machine and then
// removes src from the DUT.
type copyAndRemoveFunc func(src, dst string) error
// resultsHandler processes the output from a test binary.
type resultsHandler struct {
ctx context.Context
cfg *Config
numTests int // total number of tests that are expected to run
results []testResult // information about completed tests
res *testResult // information about the currently-running test
stage *timing.Stage // current test's timing stage
crf copyAndRemoveFunc // function used to copy and remove files from DUT
func (r *resultsHandler) close() {
if r.res != nil {
// setProgress updates the currently displayed progress to display the number of completed vs.
// total tests and the message s.
func (r *resultsHandler) setProgress(s string) {
if s != "" {
s = " " + s
r.cfg.Logger.Status(fmt.Sprintf("[%d/%d]%s", len(r.results), r.numTests, s))
// handleRunStart handles RunStart control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleRunStart(msg *control.RunStart) error {
r.numTests = msg.NumTests
r.setProgress("Starting testing")
return nil
// handleRunLog handles RunLog control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleRunLog(msg *control.RunLog) error {
r.cfg.Logger.Debugf("[%s] %s", msg.Time.Format(testOutputTimeFmt), msg.Text)
return nil
// handleRunError handles RunError control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleRunError(msg *control.RunError) error {
// Just return an error to abort the run.
return fmt.Errorf("%s:%d: %s", msg.Error.File, msg.Error.Line, msg.Error.Reason)
// handleRunEnd handles RunEnd control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleRunEnd(msg *control.RunEnd) error {
if len(msg.LogDir) != 0 {
r.setProgress("Copying system logs")
if err := r.crf(msg.LogDir, filepath.Join(r.cfg.ResDir, systemLogsDir)); err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Failed to copy system logs: ", err)
if len(msg.OutDir) != 0 {
r.setProgress("Copying output files")
localOutDir := filepath.Join(r.cfg.ResDir, "out.tmp")
if err := r.crf(msg.OutDir, localOutDir); err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Failed to copy test output data: ", err)
} else if err := r.moveTestOutputData(localOutDir); err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Failed to move test output data: ", err)
return r.writeResults()
// handleTestStart handles TestStart control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleTestStart(msg *control.TestStart) error {
// TODO(derat): Delete this on 20180101 after I'm reasonably sure that
// all test executables are setting the Test field.
if msg.Test.Name == "" {
msg.Test.Name = msg.Name
if r.res != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("notified about start of %s while %s still running",
msg.Test.Name, r.res.Name)
if tl, ok := timing.FromContext(r.ctx); ok {
r.stage = tl.Start(msg.Test.Name)
r.res = &testResult{
Test: msg.Test,
Start: msg.Time,
OutDir: r.getTestOutputDir(msg.Test.Name),
testStartMsgTime: time.Now(),
var err error
if err = os.MkdirAll(r.res.OutDir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
if r.res.logFile, err = os.Create(
filepath.Join(r.res.OutDir, testLogFilename)); err != nil {
return err
if err = r.cfg.Logger.AddWriter(r.res.logFile, log.LstdFlags); err != nil {
return err
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Started test ", r.res.Name)
r.setProgress("Running " + r.res.Name)
return nil
// handleTestLog handles TestLog control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleTestLog(msg *control.TestLog) error {
r.cfg.Logger.Debugf("[%s] %s", msg.Time.Format(testOutputTimeFmt), msg.Text)
return nil
// handleTestError handles TestError control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleTestError(msg *control.TestError) error {
if r.res == nil {
return errors.New("notified about test error while no test was running")
te := msg.Error
if r.res.Errors == nil {
r.res.Errors = []testing.Error{te}
} else {
r.res.Errors = append(r.res.Errors, te)
ts := msg.Time.Format(testOutputTimeFmt)
r.cfg.Logger.Logf("[%s] Error at %s:%d: %s", ts, filepath.Base(te.File), te.Line, te.Reason)
r.cfg.Logger.Debugf("[%s] Stack trace:\n%s", ts, te.Stack)
return nil
// handleTestEnd handles TestEnd control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleTestEnd(msg *control.TestEnd) error {
if r.res == nil || msg.Name != r.res.Name {
return fmt.Errorf("notified about completion of not-started test %s", msg.Name)
if r.stage != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Logf("Completed test %s in %0.1f sec with %d error(s)",
msg.Name, msg.Time.Sub(r.res.Start).Seconds(), len(r.res.Errors))
r.res.End = msg.Time
r.results = append(r.results, *r.res)
if err := r.cfg.Logger.RemoveWriter(r.res.logFile); err != nil {
if err := r.res.logFile.Close(); err != nil {
r.res = nil
r.stage = nil
return nil
// getTestOutputDir returns the directory into which data should be stored for a test named testName.
func (r *resultsHandler) getTestOutputDir(testName string) string {
return filepath.Join(r.cfg.ResDir, testLogsDir, testName)
// moveTestOutputData moves per-test output data from test-named directories under srcBase
// to the corresponding test directories under r.cfg.ResDir.
func (r *resultsHandler) moveTestOutputData(srcBase string) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(srcBase); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
dirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(srcBase)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fi := range dirs {
dst := r.getTestOutputDir(fi.Name())
if _, err = os.Stat(dst); os.IsNotExist(err) {
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Skipping unexpected output dir ", fi.Name())
src := filepath.Join(srcBase, fi.Name())
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(src)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fi2 := range files {
if err = os.Rename(filepath.Join(src, fi2.Name()), filepath.Join(dst, fi2.Name())); err != nil {
return err
if err = os.RemoveAll(srcBase); err != nil {
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Failed to remove temp dir: ", err)
return nil
// writeResults writes the test results (including errors) to a machine-readable text file
// in the results directory. It additionally logs the results.
func (r *resultsHandler) writeResults() error {
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(r.cfg.ResDir, resultsFilename))
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
enc := json.NewEncoder(f)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err = enc.Encode(r.results); err != nil {
return err
ml := 0
for _, res := range r.results {
if len(res.Name) > ml {
ml = len(res.Name)
sep := strings.Repeat("-", 80)
for _, res := range r.results {
pn := fmt.Sprintf("%-"+strconv.Itoa(ml)+"s", res.Name)
if len(res.Errors) == 0 {
r.cfg.Logger.Logf("%s [ PASS ]", pn)
} else {
for i, te := range res.Errors {
if i == 0 {
r.cfg.Logger.Logf("%s [ FAIL ] %s", pn, te.Reason)
} else {
r.cfg.Logger.Log(strings.Repeat(" ", ml+11) + te.Reason)
r.cfg.Logger.Log("Results saved to ", r.cfg.ResDir)
return nil
// nextMessageTimeout calculates the maximum amount of time to wait for the next
// control message from the test executable.
func (r *resultsHandler) nextMessageTimeout(now time.Time) time.Duration {
timeout := defaultMsgTimeout
if r.cfg.msgTimeout > 0 {
timeout = r.cfg.msgTimeout
// If we're in the middle of a test, add its timeout.
if r.res != nil {
elapsed := now.Sub(r.res.testStartMsgTime)
if elapsed < r.res.Timeout {
timeout += r.res.Timeout - elapsed
// Now cap the timeout to the context's deadline, if any.
ctxDeadline, ok := r.ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
return timeout
if now.After(ctxDeadline) {
return time.Duration(0)
if ctxTimeout := ctxDeadline.Sub(now); ctxTimeout < timeout {
return ctxTimeout
return timeout
// handleMessage handles generic control messages from test executables.
func (r *resultsHandler) handleMessage(msg interface{}) error {
switch v := msg.(type) {
case *control.RunStart:
return r.handleRunStart(v)
case *control.RunLog:
return r.handleRunLog(v)
case *control.RunError:
return r.handleRunError(v)
case *control.RunEnd:
return r.handleRunEnd(v)
case *control.TestStart:
return r.handleTestStart(v)
case *control.TestLog:
return r.handleTestLog(v)
case *control.TestError:
return r.handleTestError(v)
case *control.TestEnd:
return r.handleTestEnd(v)
return errors.New("unknown message type")
// processMessages processes control messages and errors supplied by mch and ech.
func (r *resultsHandler) processMessages(mch chan interface{}, ech chan error) error {
for {
timeout := r.nextMessageTimeout(time.Now())
select {
case msg := <-mch:
if msg == nil {
// If the channel is closed, we'll read the zero value.
return nil
if err := r.handleMessage(msg); err != nil {
return err
case err := <-ech:
return err
case <-time.After(timeout):
return fmt.Errorf("timed out after waiting %v for next message", timeout)
// readMessages reads serialized control messages from r and passes them
// via mch. If an error is encountered, it is passed via ech and no more
// reads are performed. Channels are closed before returning.
func readMessages(r io.Reader, mch chan interface{}, ech chan error) {
mr := control.NewMessageReader(r)
for mr.More() {
msg, err := mr.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
ech <- err
mch <- msg
// readTestOutput reads test output from r and writes the test results to cfg.ResDir.
func readTestOutput(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config, r io.Reader, crf copyAndRemoveFunc) error {
rh := resultsHandler{
ctx: ctx,
cfg: cfg,
results: make([]testResult, 0),
crf: crf,
defer rh.close()
mch := make(chan interface{})
ech := make(chan error)
go readMessages(r, mch, ech)
if err := rh.processMessages(mch, ech); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(derat): Check that RunStart and RunEnd messages were received and that the
// number of TestStart/TestEnd pairs matched the number specified in RunStart.
return nil