blob: c86c8842f46214ed50da21927d6e035aa9a0986e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import select
import socket
class TouchbotComm:
""" Touchbot II Low-level communications module
This class handles the low-level communications between the controller
and the robot. Touchbot II uses an Ethernet link to accept commands and
send responses to those commands. Here we set up a socket and initialize
the robot and through the member functions allow direct access to sending
whatever commands you want
botcomm = TouchbotComm('')
error_code, data = botcomm.SendCmd('freemode', -1)
def __init__(self, ip_addr, port):
""" Initiate contact with the TouchbotII over ethernet """
self.soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.soc.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_DONTROUTE, 1)
self.soc.connect((ip_addr, port))
self.SendCmd('version') # Print the version string
self.SendCmd('mode', 0) # Set the robot to PC communication mode
self.SendCmd('attach', 1) # Connect to the Touchbot (robot 1)
self.SendCmd('hp', 1, 10) # Turn on 'high power' mode
def __del__(self):
""" Close the socket before cleaning up the object """
def SendCmd(self, cmd, *args):
""" Send a command to the TouchbotII
Commands are newline terminated strings of the format:
'command arg0 arg1 ... argn'
'mode 0'
Then wait for the robot's response and return that
string_args = [str(arg) for arg in args]
cmd_string = ' '.join([cmd] + string_args) + MESSAGE_TERMINATOR
return self.GetResponse()
def SendFingerCmd(self, cmd):
""" Send a command throught the robot to the fingers """
cmd_string = 'CustomSerial ' + cmd + MESSAGE_TERMINATOR
print '[FINGER]\t"%s"' % cmd
ready_to_read, _, _ =[self.soc], [], [], 5)
if self.soc in ready_to_read:
return self.soc.recv(RECV_CHUNK_SIZE)
return None
def GetResponse(self):
""" Listen on the socket for a response from the TouchbotII
parse the response and return it. Responses are of the format:
'response_code data'
eg: For a command requesting the cartesian coordinates 'wherec'
'0 23.4 280.3 31.2 130.0 180.0 90.0'
response = self.soc.recv(RECV_CHUNK_SIZE)
while response[-1] != MESSAGE_TERMINATOR:
response += self.soc.recv(RECV_CHUNK_SIZE)
split_results = response.split(' ', 1)
raw_error_code = split_results[0]
num_results = len(split_results)
raw_data = split_results[1] if num_results == 2 else MESSAGE_TERMINATOR
error_code, data = int(raw_error_code), raw_data[:-1]
self.DisplayResponse(error_code, data)
return error_code, data
def DisplayCmd(self, cmd_string):
""" Print the name of a command to the console before sending it """
print '[COMMAND]\t"%s"' % cmd_string[:-1]
def DisplayResponse(self, error_code, data):
""" Display the message the robot returned and indicate any errors """
success = (error_code == 0)
formatter = '[SUCCESS (%d)]\t%s' if success else '[ERROR(%d)]\t%s'
print formatter % (error_code, data)