blob: b651cbbad7198a27fec2cb384ab75bc16014ba65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# USAGE: ./ -p ${product_id}
# The value of product_id is HID PID of touch device.
# For example: (if HID PID of touch device is 732)
# ./ -p 732
# This isn't the exact copy that will be used in production, but it's better
# than pointing shellcheck at /dev/null.
# shellcheck source=../../../scripts/lib/shflags/shflags
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
# shellcheck source=../common/scripts/
. /opt/google/touch/scripts/
# Define parameters to pass to script.
DEFINE_boolean 'recovery' "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Recovery. Allows for rollback" 'r'
# ${device_path}: Device path of the touch device, e.g. "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00"
# Example:
# ./ -d "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00" -p 2A03
DEFINE_string 'device_path' '' "device path of the touch device, e.g. /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00" "d"
# ${hid_pid}: HID product ID of the touch device, in heximal (e.g. 2A03)
# Example:
# ./ -d "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00" -p 2A03 (with INX panel)
# ./ -d "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00" -p 2FCA (with AUO panel)
# ./ -d "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-ELAN900C:00" -p 732 (Device in recovery mode)
DEFINE_string "hid_pid" "" "HID product ID of the touch device, in hexadecimal (e.g. 2A03)" "p"
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
update_firmware() {
# Attempt to update touch-screen device with the provided firmware.
# Args:
# $1: hid_pid of touch device
# $2: Path of firmware file in Elan EKT format
# Returns:
# 0x000: Success
# 0x003: I/O timeout
# 0x005: Invalid data pattern
# 0x008: Invalid parameter
# 0x009: I/O error
# 0x104: Device not found
# 0x105: File not found
local hid_pid="$1"
local fw_file="$2"
minijail0 -u fwupdate-hidraw -g fwupdate-hidraw \
-G -I -N -n -p -v --uts \
-c 'cap_dac_override+eip' --ambient \
-S /opt/google/touch/policies/elani2chid.update.policy -- \
"${FWWRITE_TOOL}" -P "${hid_pid}" -f "${fw_file}" 2>&1
get_active_product_id() {
# Query the touchscreen and see what the current FW version it's running.
# Args:
# $1: hid_pid of touch device
# $2: Path of firmware ID mapping file
# Returns:
# 0x000: Success
# 0x008: Invalid parameter
# 0x104: Device not found
# 0x105: File not found
# 0x701: System command fail
# Outputs:
# ${active_product_id}: A string of hexadecimal value, e.g.: 30e4, 2fca.
local hid_pid="$1"
local fw_map_file="$2"
local command_output=
local active_product_id=
local ret=
minijail0 -u fwupdate-hidraw -g fwupdate-hidraw \
-G -I -N -n -p -v --uts \
-c 'cap_dac_override+eip' --ambient \
-S /opt/google/touch/policies/elani2chid.query.policy -- \
"${FWREAD_TOOL}" -P "${hid_pid}" -f "${fw_map_file}" -s chrome -q 2>&1
# Remove Carriage Return
active_product_id="$( echo "${command_output}" | sed -e 's/\r//g' )"
if [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "${active_product_id}"
echo 1>&2 "Exit status ${ret} retrieving touchscreen product ID: ${active_product_id}"
get_fw_version_from_filename() {
# Get firmware version from firmware filename
# Args:
# $1: Path of firmware file
# Outputs:
# ${fw_version}: Firmware version of this firmware file, e.g.: 5914, 5915
# Filename format:
# ${product_id}_${firmware_version}.bin
# ${product_id}: A string of hexadecimal value, e.g.: 30e4, 2fca.
# ${firmware_version}: A string of hexadecimal value, e.g.: 5914, 5915.
# How to parse firmware version form file name:
# Get ${firmware_version} part of firename
# Example:
# 30e4_5914.bin => 5914
local fw_filepath=
local fw_filename=
local fw_ver=
# POSIX allows, but does not require, shift to exit a non-interactive shell.
fw_filepath="$1"; [ "$#" -gt 0 ] || return; shift
echo "${fw_ver}"
get_active_fw_ver() {
# Query the touchscreen and see what the current FW version it's running.
# Args:
# $1: hid_pid of touch device
# Returns:
# 0x000: Success
# 0x003: I/O timeout
# 0x005: Invalid data pattern
# 0x008: Invalid parameter
# 0x009: I/O error
# 0x104: Device not found
# 0x105: File not found
# Outputs:
# ${active_fw_ver}: A string of hexadecimal value, e.g.: 5914, 5915.
# "In Recovery Mode." if touch device is in recovery mode
local hid_pid="$1"
local command_output=
local active_fw_ver=
local ret=
minijail0 -u fwupdate-hidraw -g fwupdate-hidraw \
-G -I -N -n -p -v --uts \
-c 'cap_dac_override+eip' --ambient \
-S /opt/google/touch/policies/elani2chid.query.policy -- \
"${FWWRITE_TOOL}" -P "${hid_pid}" -i -q 2>&1
# Remove Carriage Return
active_fw_ver="$( echo "${command_output}" | sed -e 's/\r//g' )"
if [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${active_fw_ver}"
echo 1>&2 "Exit status ${ret} retrieving touchscreen firmware version: ${active_fw_ver}"
get_calibration_counter() {
# Query the touchscreen and see the current counter of calibration.
# Args:
# $1: hid_pid of touch device
# Returns:
# 0x000: Success
# 0x003: I/O timeout
# 0x005: Invalid data pattern
# 0x008: Invalid parameter
# 0x009: I/O error
# 0x104: Device not found
# 0x105: File not found
# Outputs:
# ${calibration_counter}: A string of hexadecimal value, e.g.: 0000, 0001, 001e, ffff(not calibrated).
local hid_pid="$1"
local command_output=
local calibration_counter=
local ret=
minijail0 -u fwupdate-hidraw -g fwupdate-hidraw \
-G -I -N -n -p -v --uts \
-c 'cap_dac_override+eip' --ambient \
-S /opt/google/touch/policies/elani2chid.query.policy -- \
"${FWWRITE_TOOL}" -P "${hid_pid}" -c -q 2>&1
# Remove Carriage Return
calibration_counter="$( echo "${command_output}" | sed -e 's/\r//g' )"
if [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${calibration_counter}"
echo 1>&2 "Exit status ${ret} retrieving touchscreen calibration counter: ${calibration_counter}"
calibrate() {
# Attempt to calibrate touch-screen device.
# Args:
# $1: hid_pid of touch device
# Returns:
# 0x000: Success
# 0x003: I/O timeout
# 0x005: Invalid data pattern
# 0x008: Invalid parameter
# 0x009: I/O error
# 0x104: Device not found
# 0x105: File not found
# Outputs:
# "Re-Calibration success." if calibration is successful.
# "Re-Calibration failed! err=${error_code}." if calibration failed.
local hid_pid="$1"
minijail0 -u fwupdate-hidraw -g fwupdate-hidraw \
-G -I -N -n -p -v --uts \
-c 'cap_dac_override+eip' --ambient \
-S /opt/google/touch/policies/elani2chid.query.policy -- \
"${FWWRITE_TOOL}" -P "${hid_pid}" -k 2>&1
main() {
# Get the HID PID value from the device on the system
local hid_pid=
# Hardcode or parameterize the fw_map_file
local fw_map_file="${FWID_MAPPING_FILE}"
local active_product_id=
local active_fw_ver=
local fw_link_path=
local fw_version=
local fw_filename=
local fw_path=
local update_type=
local update_needed="${FLAGS_FALSE}"
local recovery_mode=
local ret=
local not_support_calibration_counter=
local calibration_counter=
echo "hid_pid: ${hid_pid}"
echo "update_needed: ${update_needed}"
# This script runs early at bootup, so if the touch driver is mistakenly
# included as a module (as opposed to being compiled directly in) the i2c
# device may not be present yet. Pause long enough for for people to notice
# and fix the kernel config.
# Determine the product ID of the device we're considering updating"
active_product_id="$(get_active_product_id "${hid_pid}" "${fw_map_file}")"
echo "active_product_id: ${active_product_id}"
# Make sure there is a FW that looks like it's for the same product ID
echo "FW_LINK_NAME_BASE: ${FW_LINK_NAME_BASE}, active_product_id: ${active_product_id}"
fw_link_path="$(find_fw_link_path "${FW_LINK_NAME_BASE}" "${active_product_id}")"
log_msg "Attempting to load FW: ${fw_link_path}"
fw_path="$(readlink "${fw_link_path}")"
echo "fw_path: \"${fw_path}\""
if [ ! -e "${fw_link_path}" ] ||
[ ! -e "${fw_path}" ]; then
die "No valid firmware for Elan i2chid ${active_product_id} found."
# Parse out the file name and firmware version from the fw_path.
fw_version="$(get_fw_version_from_filename "${fw_path}")"
log_msg "FW version of file: ${fw_version}"
if [ -z "${fw_version}" ] ; then
die "Format of fW file name is invalid for Elan i2chid ${active_product_id}."
# Select update type
# Check if device in recovery mode.
# If previous update process failed, touch device will switch to recovery mode due to its firmware defective.
# In recovery mode, boot code (boot loader) only serves with firmware update function.
# And it can enumerate touch device as a HID device with PID 0x732 if system reboots.
# Thus check for device's HID_PID becoming 0x732 is needed to make sure if it's a recovery update.
# Besides, touch device will recover its finger report function after system reboot again.
if [ $((0x${hid_pid})) -eq $((0x0732)) ] ; then
log_msg "Switch to recovery flow."
log_update_type "${update_type}"
report_initial_version "${FLAGS_device_path}" "Elan HID" \
# Query the device to get the active FW version.
active_fw_ver="$(get_active_fw_ver "${hid_pid}")"
# Sometimes fw update fails but system does not reboot.
# The touch device will stay in recovery mode.
# However, if requesting fw version in recovery mode,
# this tool will only output a string containing of "In Recovery Mode."
recovery_mode="$( echo "${active_fw_ver}" | grep -c "In Recovery Mode." )"
if [ "${recovery_mode}" -eq 1 ] ; then
log_msg "Switch to recovery flow."
log_update_type "${update_type}"
report_initial_version "${FLAGS_device_path}" "Elan HID" \
log_msg "Current Firmware: ${active_fw_ver}"
log_msg "Updater Firmware: ${fw_version}"
report_initial_version "${FLAGS_device_path}" "Elan HID" \
# Determine if an update is needed, and if we do, trigger it now
update_type="$(compare_multipart_version "$((0x${active_fw_ver}))" "$((0x${fw_version}))")"
log_update_type "${update_type}"
# Update firmware if needed
update_needed="$(is_update_needed "${update_type}")"
if [ "${update_needed}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
log_msg "Update FW with ${fw_filename}."
update_firmware "${hid_pid}" "${fw_path}"
# Check that the update was successful.
if [ "${ret}" -ne 0 ] ; then
report_update_result "${FLAGS_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_FAILURE}" \
die "Firmware update failed, error_code: ${ret}"
# Confirm that the FW was updated by checking the current FW version again.
active_fw_ver="$(get_active_fw_ver "${hid_pid}")"
update_type="$(compare_multipart_version "$((0x${active_fw_ver}))" "$((0x${fw_version}))")"
if [ "${update_type}" -ne "${UPDATE_NOT_NEEDED_UP_TO_DATE}" ]; then
report_update_result "${FLAGS_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_FAILURE}" \
die "Firmware update failed. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_ver}"
log_msg "Update FW succeeded. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_ver}"
report_update_result "${FLAGS_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_SUCCESS}" \
# Reset touch with 300 ms for re-enumeration
rebind_driver "${FLAGS_device_path}"
sleep 0.3
# Check if support calibration counter request function
calibration_counter="$(get_calibration_counter "${hid_pid}")"
not_support_calibration_counter="$( echo "${calibration_counter}" | grep -c "invalid option -- 'c'" )"
if [ "${not_support_calibration_counter}" -eq 1 ] ; then
log_msg "Not support calibration counter function."
log_msg "Current calibration counter: ${calibration_counter}"
# Check if touch device has been calibrated
if [ $((0x${calibration_counter})) -eq $((0xffff)) ] ; then
log_msg "Re-calibration is needed since last calibration probably failed."
calibrate "${hid_pid}"
# Check that the update was successful.
if [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ] ; then
# Check if current calibration counter is 0
calibration_counter="$(get_calibration_counter "${hid_pid}")"
if [ "${calibration_counter}" -eq 0 ] ; then
log_msg "Re-calibration is successful & current calibration counter: ${calibration_counter}"
log_msg "Re-calibration failed. Calibration counter: ${calibration_counter}"
log_msg "Re-calibration failed. Error code: ${ret}"
main "$@"