blob: 93d3d70f175d5ee73ea91b7be53757fd2908aa42 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
. /opt/google/touch/scripts/
DEFINE_boolean 'recovery' ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Recovery. Allows for rollback" 'r'
DEFINE_string 'device' '' "device name" 'd'
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
get_active_fw_version() {
# Melfas FW Versions are reported by the driver as 4 separate 4-digit decimal
# numbers. Only the last 4-digit number is actually the FW version, the
# others are markers for their own use (indicating HW version/etc). To compare
# fw versions, we can strip off all but those last four digits to compare.
local touch_device_path="$1"
local raw_fw_version="$(get_active_firmware_version_from_sysfs \
"${FW_VERSION_SYSFS}" "${touch_device_path}")"
echo "${raw_fw_version}" | cut -d " " -f 4
compare_fw_versions() {
local active_fw_version="$1"
local fw_version="$2"
compare_multipart_version "$(hex_to_decimal "${active_fw_version}")" \
"$(hex_to_decimal "${fw_version}")"
main() {
local trackpad_device_name="${FLAGS_device}"
local touch_device_path=""
local active_product_id=""
local active_fw_version=""
local fw_link_path=""
local fw_path=""
local fw_filename=""
local fw_name=""
local update_type=""
local update_needed=${FLAGS_FALSE}
local product_id=""
local fw_version=""
if [ -z "${FLAGS_device}" ]; then
die "Please specify a device using -d"
# Find the path to the device
touch_device_path="$(find_i2c_device_by_name "${trackpad_device_name}" \
"update_fw fw_version name hw_version")"
if [ -z "${touch_device_path}" ]; then
die "${trackpad_device_name} not found on system. Aborting update."
# Determine the product ID of the device we're considering updating
active_product_id="$(cat ${touch_device_path}/${PRODUCT_ID_SYSFS})"
# Make sure there is a FW that looks like it's for the same product ID
fw_link_path="$(find_fw_link_path "${FW_LINK_NAME_BASE}" \
fw_path="$(readlink "${fw_link_path}")"
log_msg "Attempting to load FW: '${fw_link_path}'"
if [ ! -e "${fw_link_path}" ] ||
[ ! -e "${fw_path}" ]; then
die "No valid firmware for ${trackpad_device_name} found."
# Parse out the version numbers for the new FW from it's filename
if [ -n "${active_product_id}" ] &&
[ "${product_id}" != "${active_product_id}" ]; then
log_msg "Current product id: ${active_product_id}"
log_msg "Updater product id: ${product_id}"
die "Touch firmware updater: Product ID mismatch!"
# Get the current FW version that's loaded on the touch IC
active_fw_version="$(get_active_fw_version "${touch_device_path}")"
log_msg "Product ID: ${product_id}"
log_msg "Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
log_msg "Updater Firmware: ${fw_version}"
report_initial_version "${touch_device_path}" "Melfas" "${active_fw_version}"
# Determine if an update is needed, and if we do, trigger it now
update_type="$(compare_fw_versions "${active_fw_version}" "${fw_version}")"
log_update_type "${update_type}"
update_needed="$(is_update_needed "${update_type}")"
if [ ${update_needed} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
log_msg "Updating FW to ${fw_filename}..."
standard_update_firmware "${touch_device_path}" "${fw_version}"
active_fw_version="$(get_active_fw_version "${touch_device_path}")"
log_msg "Current Firmware (after update attempt): ${active_fw_version}"
update_type="$(compare_fw_versions "${active_fw_version}" "${fw_version}")"
if [ "${update_type}" -ne "${UPDATE_NOT_NEEDED_UP_TO_DATE}" ]; then
report_update_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_FAILURE}" \
die "Firmware update failed. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
log_msg "Update FW succeeded. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
report_update_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_SUCCESS}" \
# Rebind the driver incase there is setup that will be different with the
# new firmware we just loaded.
rebind_driver "${touch_device_path}"
exit 0
main "$@"