blob: df282fb0f6014a0f014c7c1a5489474fea1b8e36 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Chrome OS Touch Firmware Update Script
# This script checks whether a payload firmware in rootfs should be applied
# to the touch device. If so, this will trigger the update_fw mechanism in
# the kernel driver.
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
. /opt/google/touch/scripts/
DEFINE_boolean 'recovery' ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Recovery. Allows for rollback" 'r'
DEFINE_string 'device' '' "device name" 'd'
DEFINE_string 'firmware_name' '' "firmware name (in /lib/firmware)" 'n'
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
get_active_firmware_version() {
local touch_device_path="$1"
cat "${touch_device_path}/${ATMEL_FW_VERSION_SYSFS}"
get_major_version_number() {
# Extract the major version number for an Atmel FW version string of the
# form
local fw_version="$1"
echo "${fw_version%%.*}"
get_minor_version_number() {
# Extract the minor version number for an Atmel FW version string of the
# form
local fw_version="$1"
local major="$(get_major_version_number "${fw_version}")"
local fw_version_without_major=${fw_version#${major}.}
echo "${fw_version_without_major%.*}"
get_build_number() {
# Extract the build number for an Atmel FW version string of the
# form
# This function also takes a second parameter the others do not, which
# indicates if the number should be converted from hex to decimal
local fw_version="$1"
local needs_hex_to_decimal_conversion="$2"
local build_number="${fw_version##*.}"
if [ ${needs_hex_to_decimal_conversion} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
hex_to_decimal "${build_number}"
echo "${build_number}"
set_fw_file() {
# Atmel touch devices have a fw_file sysfs entry that allows you to
# specify a filename for the fw updater. This function takes in
# the location of the fw binary and configures the new fw update to
# read from that file.
local touch_device_path="$1"
local fw_link_name="$2"
local sysfs_entry="${touch_device_path}/${ATMEL_FW_FILENAME_SYSFS}"
printf "${fw_link_name}" > "${sysfs_entry}"
if [ "$(cat "${sysfs_entry}")" != "${fw_link_name}" ]
die "Unable set firmware file name to '${fw_link_name}'."
compare_fw_versions() {
local active_fw_version="$1"
local fw_version="$2"
# Parse the FW versions into their separate components. Atmel FW version
# strings are made up of three numbers separated by dots. They follow
# the form: major.minor.build_number
# Note: Due to a mixup early on, the build number is in hex when reading from
# the sysfs entries, but is stored in decimal in the filename of the
# updater's FW binary.
local fw_version_major="$(get_major_version_number "${fw_version}")"
local fw_version_minor="$(get_minor_version_number "${fw_version}")"
local fw_version_build="$(get_build_number "${fw_version}" ${FLAGS_FALSE})"
local active_fw_version_major="$(get_major_version_number "${active_fw_version}")"
local active_fw_version_minor="$(get_minor_version_number "${active_fw_version}")"
local active_fw_version_build="$(get_build_number "${active_fw_version}" ${FLAGS_TRUE})"
compare_multipart_version "${active_fw_version_major}" "${fw_version_major}" \
"${active_fw_version_minor}" "${fw_version_minor}" \
"${active_fw_version_build}" "${fw_version_build}"
main() {
local touch_device_name="${FLAGS_device}"
local touch_device_path=""
local update_needed=""
local update_type=""
local fw_link_name=""
local active_hw_version=""
local active_fw_version=""
local fw_path=""
local fw_link_path=""
local fw_filename=""
local fw_name=""
local hw_version=""
local fw_version=""
# First, confirm that the specified device exists
if [ -z "${FLAGS_device}" ]; then
die "Please specify a device using -d"
touch_device_path="$(find_i2c_device_by_name "${touch_device_name}" \
if [ -z "${touch_device_path}" ]; then
die "${touch_device_name} not found on system. Aborting update."
# Find the device's HW version
active_hw_version="$(cat ${touch_device_path}/${ATMEL_HW_VERSION_SYSFS})"
if [ -z "${active_hw_version}" ]; then
die "No hw version found in ${touch_device_path}."
# Find the location of the correct FW to load in /lib/firmware
fw_link_path="$(find_fw_link_path "${FLAGS_firmware_name}" \
log_msg "Attempting to load FW: '${fw_link_path}'"
fw_path="$(readlink "${fw_link_path}")"
if [ ! -e "${fw_link_path}" ] || [ ! -e "${fw_path}" ]; then
die "No valid firmware for ${touch_device_name} found."
# Parse out the HW & FW versions that the updater has (from its filename)
fw_filename="$(basename "${fw_path}")"
if [ -z "${hw_version}" ] || [ -z "${fw_version}" ]; then
die "Unable to determine hw/fw versions on disk from ${fw_path}."
# If the updater expected a different HW version, stop now.
if [ "${active_hw_version}" = "${CORRUPTED_HW_VERSION}" ]; then
log_msg "Forcing FW update, the device appears to have corrupted FW"
elif [ "${hw_version}" != "${active_hw_version}" ]; then
log_msg "Hardware HW version : ${active_hw_version}"
log_msg "Updater HW version : ${hw_version}"
die "HW Version mismatch, unable to continue!"
# Query the device and then do the same, parsing it into its components
active_fw_version="$(get_active_firmware_version "${touch_device_path}")"
if [ -z "${active_fw_version}" ]; then
echo "Unable to determine active FW version."
# Compare the two versions, and see if an update is needed
log_msg "Product ID : ${hw_version}"
log_msg "Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
log_msg "Updater Firmware: ${fw_version}"
report_initial_version "${touch_device_path}" "Atmel firmware" \
update_type="$(compare_fw_versions "${active_fw_version}" "${fw_version}")"
log_update_type "${update_type}"
update_needed="$(is_update_needed "${update_type}")"
# If we do indeed need to perform an update, do it now
if [ "${update_needed}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
log_msg "Update FW to ${fw_name}"
# Transform the build number to hex for consistency in failure reports.
local fw_version_hexxed="$(
printf '%d.%d.%X' $(get_major_version_number "${fw_version}") \
$(get_minor_version_number "${fw_version}") \
$(get_build_number "${fw_version}" ${FLAGS_FALSE}))"
# Configure the touch driver to know which fw file to load, then update
fw_link_name="$(basename "${fw_link_path}")"
set_fw_file "${touch_device_path}" "${fw_link_name}"
standard_update_firmware "${touch_device_path}" "${fw_version_hexxed}"
# Confirm that the update succeeded, by re-reading the fw version
active_fw_version="$(get_active_firmware_version "${touch_device_path}")"
update_type="$(compare_fw_versions "${active_fw_version}" "${fw_version}")"
if [ "${update_type}" -ne "${UPDATE_NOT_NEEDED_UP_TO_DATE}" ]; then
report_update_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_FAILURE}" \
die "Firmware update failed. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
log_msg "Update FW succeeded. Current Firmware: ${active_fw_version}"
report_update_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_SUCCESS}" \
rebind_driver "${touch_device_path}"
exit 0
main "$@"