blob: b9998b78a1134caaf74bd5d92a29503a9dc4d596 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Chrome OS Wedia Touch Config Update Script
# This script checks whether a payload config in rootfs should be applied
# to the touch device. If so, this will trigger the update_config mechanism in
# the kernel driver. The config update mechanism is a unique feature of
# weida touchscreen devices.
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
. /opt/google/touch/scripts/
DEFINE_string "device" "WDHT0001:00" "device name" "d"
# Parse command line
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
get_device_config_csum() {
# Extract the checksum of the config currently on the device and normalize
# the hex digits to lowercase.
echo "$(cat "$1/config_csum")" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]
get_file_config_csum() {
# Config checksum is at the end of the config binary's filename.
# They should be named in the format: hardwareID_configcsum.bin
# eg: 22b90051_5dbda749.bin
local filepath="$1"
local filename=${filepath%.*}
local file_csum=${filename#*_}
echo $file_csum
update_config() {
local touch_device_path="$1"
local config_file_path="$2"
local device_config_csum="$(get_device_config_csum "${touch_device_path}")"
local file_config_csum="$(get_file_config_csum "${config_file_path}")"
log_msg "Device config checksum : ${device_config_csum}"
log_msg "New config checksum : ${file_config_csum}"
report_initial_config "${touch_device_path}" "${device_config_csum}"
if [ "${device_config_csum}" != "${file_config_csum}" ]; then
printf 1 > "${touch_device_path}/update_config"
local ret=$?
if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then
report_config_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_FAILURE}" \
die "Config update failed. ret=${ret}"
local new_config_csum="$(get_device_config_csum "${touch_device_path}")"
log_msg "Updated config checksum : ${new_config_csum}"
report_config_result "${touch_device_path}" "${REPORT_RESULT_SUCCESS}" \
log_msg "Config is up-to-date, no need to update"
main() {
local touch_device_name="${FLAGS_device}"
local touch_device_path=""
local config_link_name="$(basename "${WEIDA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}")"
local config_file_path="$(readlink "${WEIDA_CONFIG_LINK_PATH}")"
touch_device_path="$(find_i2c_device_by_name "${touch_device_name}" \
"update_config config_csum")"
if [ -z "${touch_device_path}" ]; then
die "${touch_device_name} not found on system."
if [ ! -e "${WEIDA_CONFIG_LINK_PATH}" ] ||
[ ! -e "${config_file_path}" ]; then
die "No valid config file with name ${config_link_name} found."
update_config "${touch_device_path}" "${config_file_path}"
exit 0
main "$@"