blob: 684d4d2f228188716ce266f11fb6362dfde4e48e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cgpt.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "cgptlib_internal.h"
#include "cgpt_params.h"
#include "utility.h"
static const char* DumpCgptAddParams(const CgptAddParams *params) {
static char buf[256];
char tmp[64];
buf[0] = 0;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-i %d ", params->partition);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->label) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-l %s ", params->label);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_begin) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-b %llu ", (unsigned long long)params->begin);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_size) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-s %llu ", (unsigned long long)params->size);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_type) {
GuidToStr(&params->type_guid, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
StrnAppend(buf, "-t ", sizeof(buf));
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
StrnAppend(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_unique) {
GuidToStr(&params->unique_guid, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
StrnAppend(buf, "-u ", sizeof(buf));
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
StrnAppend(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_successful) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-S %d ", params->successful);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_tries) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-T %d ", params->tries);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_priority) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-P %d ", params->priority);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
if (params->set_raw) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "-A 0x%x ", params->raw_value);
StrnAppend(buf, tmp, sizeof(buf));
StrnAppend(buf, "\n", sizeof(buf));
return buf;
// This is an internal helper function which assumes no NULL args are passed.
// It sets the given attribute values for a single entry at the given index.
static void set_entry_attributes(struct drive drive,
GptEntry *entry,
uint32_t index,
CgptAddParams *params) {
if (params->set_raw) {
entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att = params->raw_value;
} else {
if (params->set_successful)
SetSuccessful(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index, params->successful);
if (params->set_tries)
SetTries(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index, params->tries);
if (params->set_priority)
SetPriority(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index, params->priority);
// Set the attributes such as is_successful, num_tries_left, priority, etc.
// from the given values in params.
int CgptSetAttributes(CgptAddParams *params) {
struct drive drive;
int gpt_retval;
GptEntry *entry;
uint32_t index;
if (params == NULL)
if (CGPT_OK != DriveOpen(params->drive_name, &drive, O_RDWR))
if (GPT_SUCCESS != (gpt_retval = GptSanityCheck(&drive.gpt))) {
Error("GptSanityCheck() returned %d: %s\n",
gpt_retval, GptError(gpt_retval));
goto bad;
if (((drive.gpt.valid_headers & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH) ||
((drive.gpt.valid_entries & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH)) {
Error("one of the GPT header/entries is invalid.\n"
"please run 'cgpt repair' before adding anything.\n");
goto bad;
if (params->partition == 0) {
Error("invalid partition number: %d\n", params->partition);
goto bad;
uint32_t max_part = GetNumberOfEntries(&drive.gpt);
if (params->partition > max_part) {
Error("invalid partition number: %d\n", params->partition);
goto bad;
index = params->partition - 1;
entry = GetEntry(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
set_entry_attributes(drive, entry, index, params);
RepairEntries(&drive.gpt, MASK_PRIMARY);
RepairHeader(&drive.gpt, MASK_PRIMARY);
// Write it all out.
return DriveClose(&drive, 1);
DriveClose(&drive, 0);
// This method gets the partition details such as the attributes, the
// guids of the partitions, etc. Input is the partition number or the
// unique id of the partition. Output is populated in the respective
// fields of params.
int CgptGetPartitionDetails(CgptAddParams *params) {
struct drive drive;
int gpt_retval;
GptEntry *entry;
uint32_t index;
int result = CGPT_FAILED;
if (params == NULL)
return result;
if (CGPT_OK != DriveOpen(params->drive_name, &drive, O_RDWR)) {
Error("Unable to open drive: %s\n", params->drive_name);
return result;
if (GPT_SUCCESS != (gpt_retval = GptSanityCheck(&drive.gpt))) {
Error("GptSanityCheck() returned %d: %s\n",
gpt_retval, GptError(gpt_retval));
goto bad;
if (((drive.gpt.valid_headers & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH) ||
((drive.gpt.valid_entries & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH)) {
Error("one of the GPT header/entries is invalid.\n"
"please run 'cgpt repair' before adding anything.\n");
goto bad;
uint32_t max_part = GetNumberOfEntries(&drive.gpt);
if (params->partition) {
if (params->partition > max_part) {
Error("invalid partition number: %d\n", params->partition);
goto bad;
// A valid partition number has been specified, so get the entry directly.
index = params->partition - 1;
entry = GetEntry(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
} else {
// Partition number is not specified, try looking up by the unique id.
if (!params->set_unique) {
Error("either partition or unique_id must be specified\n");
goto bad;
// A unique id is specified. find the entry that matches it.
for (index = 0; index < max_part; index++) {
entry = GetEntry(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
if (GuidEqual(&entry->unique, &params->unique_guid)) {
params->partition = index + 1;
if (index >= max_part) {
Error("no partitions with the given unique id available\n");
goto bad;
// At this point, irrespective of whether a partition number is specified
// or a unique id is specified, we have valid non-null values for all these:
// index, entry, params->partition.
params->begin = entry->starting_lba;
params->size = entry->ending_lba - entry->starting_lba + 1;
memcpy(&params->type_guid, &entry->type, sizeof(Guid));
memcpy(&params->unique_guid, &entry->unique, sizeof(Guid));
params->raw_value = entry->attrs.fields.gpt_att;
params->successful = GetSuccessful(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
params->tries = GetTries(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
params->priority = GetPriority(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
result = CGPT_OK;
DriveClose(&drive, 0);
return result;
int CgptAdd(CgptAddParams *params) {
struct drive drive;
int gpt_retval;
GptEntry *entry, backup;
uint32_t index;
int rv;
if (params == NULL)
if (CGPT_OK != DriveOpen(params->drive_name, &drive, O_RDWR))
if (GPT_SUCCESS != (gpt_retval = GptSanityCheck(&drive.gpt))) {
Error("GptSanityCheck() returned %d: %s\n",
gpt_retval, GptError(gpt_retval));
goto bad;
if (((drive.gpt.valid_headers & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH) ||
((drive.gpt.valid_entries & MASK_BOTH) != MASK_BOTH)) {
Error("one of the GPT header/entries is invalid.\n"
"please run 'cgpt repair' before adding anything.\n");
goto bad;
uint32_t max_part = GetNumberOfEntries(&drive.gpt);
if (params->partition) {
if (params->partition > max_part) {
Error("invalid partition number: %d\n", params->partition);
goto bad;
index = params->partition - 1;
entry = GetEntry(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
} else {
// Find next empty partition.
for (index = 0; index < max_part; index++) {
entry = GetEntry(&drive.gpt, PRIMARY, index);
if (GuidIsZero(&entry->type)) {
params->partition = index + 1;
if (index >= max_part) {
Error("no unused partitions available\n");
goto bad;
memcpy(&backup, entry, sizeof(backup));
// New partitions must specify type, begin, and size.
if (GuidIsZero(&entry->type)) {
if (!params->set_begin || !params->set_size || !params->set_type) {
Error("-t, -b, and -s options are required for new partitions\n");
goto bad;
if (GuidIsZero(&params->type_guid)) {
Error("New partitions must have a type other than \"unused\"\n");
goto bad;
if (!params->set_unique)
if (!uuid_generator) {
Error("Unable to generate new GUID. uuid_generator not set.\n");
goto bad;
(*uuid_generator)((uint8_t *)&entry->unique);
if (params->set_begin)
entry->starting_lba = params->begin;
if (params->set_size)
entry->ending_lba = entry->starting_lba + params->size - 1;
if (params->set_type)
memcpy(&entry->type, &params->type_guid, sizeof(Guid));
if (params->set_unique)
memcpy(&entry->unique, &params->unique_guid, sizeof(Guid));
if (params->label) {
if (CGPT_OK != UTF8ToUTF16((uint8_t *)params->label, entry->name,
sizeof(entry->name) / sizeof(entry->name[0]))) {
Error("The label cannot be converted to UTF16.\n");
goto bad;
set_entry_attributes(drive, entry, index, params);
RepairEntries(&drive.gpt, MASK_PRIMARY);
RepairHeader(&drive.gpt, MASK_PRIMARY);
rv = CheckEntries((GptEntry*)drive.gpt.primary_entries,
if (0 != rv) {
// If the modified entry is illegal, recover it and return error.
memcpy(entry, &backup, sizeof(*entry));
Error("%s\n", GptErrorText(rv));
goto bad;
// Write it all out.
return DriveClose(&drive, 1);
DriveClose(&drive, 0);