blob: 4dadd8b6cf65334d975631558474673d480e23ca [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* General vboot-related constants.
* Constants that need to be exposed to assembly files or linker scripts
* may be placed here and imported via vb2_constants.h.
* Size of non-volatile data used by vboot.
* If you only support non-volatile data format V1, then use VB2_NVDATA_SIZE.
* If you support V2, use VB2_NVDATA_SIZE_V2 and set context flag
#define VB2_NVDATA_SIZE 16
#define VB2_NVDATA_SIZE_V2 64
/* Size of secure data spaces used by vboot */
#define VB2_SECDATA_SIZE 10
#define VB2_SECDATAK_SIZE 13
* Recommended size of work buffer for firmware verification stage.
* TODO: The recommended size really depends on which key algorithms are
* used. Should have a better / more accurate recommendation than this.
* Recommended size of work buffer for kernel verification stage.
* This is bigger because vboot 2.0 kernel preambles are usually padded to
* 64 KB.
* TODO: The recommended size really depends on which key algorithms are
* used. Should have a better / more accurate recommendation than this.
/* Recommended buffer size for vb2api_get_pcr_digest. */
* Alignment for work buffer pointers/allocations should be useful for any
* data type. When declaring workbuf buffers on the stack, the caller should
* use explicit alignment to avoid run-time errors. For example:
* int foo(void)
* {
* struct vb2_workbuf wb;
* uint8_t buf[NUM] __attribute__ ((aligned (VB2_WORKBUF_ALIGN)));
* wb.buf = buf;
* wb.size = sizeof(buf);
/* We might get away with using __alignof__(void *), but since GCC defines a
* macro for us we'll be safe and use that. */
/* Maximum length of a HWID in bytes, counting terminating null. */
#define VB2_GBB_HWID_MAX_SIZE 256
/* Type and offset of flags member in vb2_gbb_header struct. */
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t vb2_gbb_flags_t;