blob: b8e44a93c06acd8f606d4fedaf72aa993c798c2a [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- warm_reset is on pin 39, reconfigure -->
<doc>Used to turn fw wp off and on</doc>
<!-- fw_wp_vref and spi2_vref share the same voltage rail on the servo
device, and the Zork AP SPI Flash (DUT_SPI2) is 1.8V, so set fw_wp_vref to
match. b/143319676 -->
<params clobber_ok="" fw_wp_vref="pp1800"/>
<doc>EC chip name (read-only)</doc>
<params clobber_ok="" cmd="get" subtype="chip" interface="servo"
drv="cros_chip" chip="npcx_int_spi" chip_for_ccd_cr50="npcx_uut"/>
<doc>Used to turn the DUT off and on</doc>
<params clobber_ok="" cmd="set" drv="cros_ec_softrec_power"/>
<doc>Used to connect servo to SPI flash via mux</doc>
<!-- servo_present is an alias with dev_mode (and spi1_buf_on_flex_en),
but change type to push-pull since we need to drive high to enable SPI
flash b/143179371 -->
<params clobber_ok="" od="PP" />
<params clobber_ok=""
set_value_1="spi2_vref:pp1800 spi2_buf_en:on spi2_buf_on_flex_en:on
cold_reset:on servo_present:on"
set_value_0="spi2_vref:off spi2_buf_en:off spi2_buf_on_flex_en:off
cold_reset:off servo_present:off"