blob: 655e4dca4842719ede24359143593d53c2ccfe58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ui
import (
// This file contains the structures for defining a Console view.
// Console: The main entry point and the overall struct for a console page.
// Category: A column in the console representing a builder category that may contain
// subcategories (other columns) as well as builders References a commit with a list
// of build summaries.
// BuilderRef: Used both as an input to request a builder and headers for the console.
// This file also contains an interface through which to render the console "tree."
// ConsoleElement: Represents a renderable unit of the console. In this case a unit refers
// to either a builder (via a BuilderRef) or a category (via a Category).
// Console represents a console view. Commit contains a list of commits to be displayed
// in this console. Table contains a tree of categories whose leaves are builders.
// The builders maintain information regarding the builds for the corresponding commits
// in Commit. MaxDepth is a useful piece of metadata for adding in empty rows in the
// console's header.
type Console struct {
Name string
// Project is the LUCI project for which this console is defined.
Project string
// Header is an optional header for the console which contains links, oncall info,
// and summaries of other, presumably related consoles.
// This field may be nil, which simply indicates to the renderer to not render a
// header.
Header *ConsoleHeader
// Commit is a list of commits representing the list of commits to the left of the
// console.
Commit []Commit
// Table is a tree of builder categories used to generate the console's main table.
// Leaf nodes must always be of concrete type BuilderRef, interior nodes must
// always be of type Category. The root node is a dummy node without a name
// to simplify the implementation.
Table Category
// MaxDepth represents the maximum tree depth of Table.
MaxDepth int
// FaviconURL is the URL to the favicon for this console.
FaviconURL string
// HasCategory returns true if there is at least a single category defined in the console.
func (c *Console) HasCategory() bool {
if len(c.Table.children) != 1 {
return true
root := c.Table.children[0]
rootCat, ok := root.(*Category)
if !ok {
return false // This shouldn't happen.
for _, child := range rootCat.children {
if _, ok := child.(*Category); ok {
return true
return false
// BuilderSummaryGroup represents the summary of a console, including its name and the latest
// status of each of its builders.
type BuilderSummaryGroup struct {
// Name is a Link that contains the name of the console as well as a relative URL
// to the console's page.
Name *Link
// Builders contains a list of builders for a given console and some data about
// the latest state for each builder.
Builders []*model.BuilderSummary
// TreeStatusState indicates the status of a tree.
type TreeStatusState string
const (
// TreeMaintenance means the tree is under maintenance and is not open.
// This has a color of purple.
TreeMaintenance TreeStatusState = "maintenance"
// TreeThrottled means the tree is backed up, and commits are throttled
// to allow the tree to catch up. This has a color of yellow.
TreeThrottled = "throttled"
// TreeClosed means the tree is broken, and commits other than reverts
// or fixes are not accepted at the time. This has a color of red.
TreeClosed = "closed"
// TreeOpen means the tree is not broken, and commits can happen freely.
// This has a color of green.
TreeOpen = "open"
// TreeStatus represents the very top bar of the console, above the header.
type TreeStatus struct {
// Username is the name of the user who changed the status last.
Username string `json:"username"`
CanCommitFreely bool `json:"can_commit_freely"`
// GeneralState is the general state of the tree, which also indicates
// the color of the tree.
GeneralState TreeStatusState `json:"general_state"`
Key int64 `json:"key"`
// Date is when the tree was last updated. The format is YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS.ssssss
// and implicitly UTC. eg. "2017-11-10 14:29:21.804080"
Date string `json:"date"`
// Message is a human readable description of the tree.
Message string `json:"message"`
// URL is a link to the root status page. This is generated on the Milo side,
// not provided by the status app.
URL *url.URL
// Oncall represents an oncall role with the current individuals in that role, represented
// by their email addresses.
// This struct represents the JSON format in which we receive rotation data.
type Oncall struct {
// Primary is the username of the primary oncall. This is used in lieu of emails.
// This is filled in from the remote JSON.
Primary string
// Secondaries are the usernames of the secondary oncalls. This is used in lieu of emails.
// This is filled in from the remote JSON.
Secondaries []string
// Emails is a list of email addresses for the individuals who are currently in
// that role. This is loaded from the sheriffing json.
Emails []string
type OncallSummary struct {
// Name is the name of the oncall role. This is set in the Milo config.
Name string
// Oncallers is an HTML template containing the usernames (for Googlers) or email addresses
// (for external contributors) of current oncallers. External emails are obfuscated to make
// them harder to scrape. If specified in the config, displays "(primary)" and "(secondary)"
// after the oncaller names. Displays "<none>" if no-one is oncall.
Oncallers template.HTML
// LinkGroup represents a set of links grouped together by some category.
type LinkGroup struct {
// Name is the name of the category this group of links belongs to.
Name *Link
// Links is a list of links in this link group.
Links []*Link
// ConsoleGroup represents a group of console summaries which may optionally be titled.
// Logically, it represents a group of consoles with some shared quality (e.g. tree closers).
type ConsoleGroup struct {
// Title is the title for this group of consoles and may link to anywhere.
Title *Link
// Consoles is the list of console summaries contained without this group.
Consoles []*BuilderSummaryGroup
// ConsoleHeader represents the header of a console view, containing a set of links,
// oncall details, as well as a set of console summaries for other, relevant consoles.
type ConsoleHeader struct {
// Oncalls is a list of oncall roles and the current people who fill that role
// that will be displayed in the header..
Oncalls []*OncallSummary
// Links is a list of link groups to be displayed in the header.
Links []LinkGroup
// ConsoleGroups is a list of groups of console summaries to be displayed in
// the header, or nil if there was an error when retrieving consoles.
// A console group without a title will have all of its console summaries
// appear "ungrouped" when rendered.
ConsoleGroups []ConsoleGroup
// ConsoleGroupsErr is the error thrown when retrieving console groups.
ConsoleGroupsErr error
// TreeStatus indicates the status of the tree if it is not nil.
TreeStatus *TreeStatus
// ConsoleElement represents a single renderable console element.
type ConsoleElement interface {
// Writes HTML into the given byte buffer.
// The two integer parameters represent useful pieces of metadata in
// rendering: current depth, and maximum depth.
RenderHTML(*bytes.Buffer, int, int)
// Returns number of leaf nodes in this console element.
NumLeafNodes() int
// Category represents an interior node in a category tree for builders.
// Implements ConsoleElement.
type Category struct {
Name string
// The node's children, which can be any console element.
children []ConsoleElement
// The node's children in a map to simplify insertion.
childrenMap map[string]ConsoleElement
// Cached value for the NumLeftNode function.
cachedNumLeafNodes int
// NewCategory allocates a new Category struct with no children.
func NewCategory(name string) *Category {
return &Category{
Name: name,
childrenMap: make(map[string]ConsoleElement),
children: make([]ConsoleElement, 0),
cachedNumLeafNodes: -1,
// AddBuilder inserts the builder into this Category tree.
// AddBuilder will create new subcategories as a chain of Category structs
// as needed until there are no categories remaining. The builder is then
// made a child of the deepest such Category.
func (c *Category) AddBuilder(categories []string, builder *BuilderRef) {
current := c
current.cachedNumLeafNodes = -1
for _, category := range categories {
if child, ok := current.childrenMap[category]; ok {
original := child.(*Category)
original.cachedNumLeafNodes = -1
current = original
} else {
newChild := NewCategory(category)
current.childrenMap[category] = ConsoleElement(newChild)
current.children = append(current.children, ConsoleElement(newChild))
current = newChild
current.childrenMap[builder.ID] = ConsoleElement(builder)
current.children = append(current.children, ConsoleElement(builder))
// Children returns a list of child console elements.
func (c *Category) Children() []ConsoleElement {
// Copy the slice to make it immutable by callers.
return append([]ConsoleElement{}, c.children...)
// NumLeafNodes calculates the number of leaf nodes in Category.
func (c *Category) NumLeafNodes() int {
if c.cachedNumLeafNodes != -1 {
return c.cachedNumLeafNodes
leafNodes := 0
for _, child := range c.children {
leafNodes += child.NumLeafNodes()
c.cachedNumLeafNodes = leafNodes
return c.cachedNumLeafNodes
// BuilderRef is an unambiguous reference to a builder.
// It represents a single column of builds in the console view.
// Implements ConsoleElement.
type BuilderRef struct {
// ID is the canonical reference to a specific builder.
ID string
// ShortName is a string of length 1-3 used to label the builder.
ShortName string
// The most recent build summaries for this builder.
Build []*model.BuildSummary
// The most recent builder summary for this builder.
Builder *model.BuilderSummary
// BuilderName returns the last component of ID (which is the Builder Name).
func (br *BuilderRef) BuilderName() string {
comp := strings.Split(br.ID, "/")
return comp[len(comp)-1]
// Convenience function for writing to bytes.Buffer: in our case, the
// writes into the buffer should _never_ fail. It is a catastrophic error
// if it does.
func must(_ int, err error) {
if err != nil {
// State machine states for rendering builds.
const (
empty = iota
// RenderHTML renders a BuilderRef as HTML with its builds in a column.
// If maxDepth is negative, render the HTML as flat rather than nested.
func (br BuilderRef) RenderHTML(buffer *bytes.Buffer, depth int, maxDepth int) {
// If render the HTML as flat rather than nested, we don't need to recurse at all and should just
// return after rendering the BuilderSummary.
if maxDepth < 0 {
if br.Builder != nil && br.Builder.LastFinishedBuildID != "" {
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<a class="console-builder-status" href="%s" title="%s">`,
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<div class="console-list-builder status-%s critical-%s"></div>`,
} else {
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<a class="console-builder-status" href="/%s" title="%s">`,
must(buffer.WriteString(`<div class="console-list-builder"></div>`))
must(buffer.WriteString(`<div class="console-builder-column">`))
// Add spaces if we haven't hit maximum depth to keep the grid consistent.
for i := 0; i < (maxDepth - depth); i++ {
must(buffer.WriteString(`<div class="console-space"></div>`))
var extraStatus string
if br.Builder != nil {
extraStatus += fmt.Sprintf("console-%s", br.Builder.LastFinishedStatus)
buffer, `<span class="%s"><a class="console-builder-item" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></span>`,
must(buffer.WriteString(`<div class="console-build-column">`))
status := "None"
link := "#"
critical := "UNSET"
// Below is a state machine for rendering a single builder's column.
// In essence, the state machine takes 3 inputs: the current state, and
// the if the next 2 builds exist. It uses this information to choose the
// next state.
// Each iteration, the state machine writes out the state's corresponding element,
// either a lone cell, the top of a long cell, the bottom of a long cell, the
// middle of a long cell, or an empty space.
// The ultimate goal of this state machine is to visually extend a single
// build down to the next known build for this builder by commit.
// Initialize state machine state.
// Could equivalently be implemented using a "start" state, but
// that requires a no-render special case which would make the
// state machine less clean.
var state int
switch {
case len(br.Build) == 1:
switch {
case br.Build[0] != nil:
state = cell
case br.Build[0] == nil:
state = empty
case len(br.Build) > 1:
switch {
case br.Build[0] != nil && br.Build[1] != nil:
state = cell
case br.Build[0] != nil && br.Build[1] == nil:
state = top
case br.Build[0] == nil:
state = empty
// This is probably a console preview.
// Execute state machine for determining cell type.
for i, build := range br.Build {
nextBuild := false
if i < len(br.Build)-1 {
nextBuild = br.Build[i+1] != nil
nextNextBuild := false
if i < len(br.Build)-2 {
nextNextBuild = br.Build[i+2] != nil
console := ""
var nextState int
switch state {
case empty:
console = "empty-cell"
critical = "UNSET"
switch {
case nextBuild && nextNextBuild:
nextState = cell
case nextBuild && !nextNextBuild:
nextState = top
case !nextBuild:
nextState = empty
case top:
console = "cell-top"
status = build.Summary.Status.String()
link = build.SelfLink()
critical = build.Critical.String()
switch {
case nextNextBuild:
nextState = bottom
case !nextNextBuild:
nextState = middle
case middle:
console = "cell-middle"
switch {
case nextNextBuild:
nextState = bottom
case !nextNextBuild:
nextState = middle
case bottom:
console = "cell-bottom"
switch {
case nextNextBuild:
nextState = cell
case !nextNextBuild:
nextState = top
case cell:
console = "cell"
status = build.Summary.Status.String()
link = build.SelfLink()
critical = build.Critical.String()
switch {
case nextNextBuild:
nextState = cell
case !nextNextBuild:
nextState = top
panic("Unrecognized state")
// Write current state's information.
class := fmt.Sprintf("console-%s status-%s critical-%s", console, status, critical)
`<div class="console-cell-container"><a class="%s" href="%s" title="%s">`+
`<span class="console-cell-text">%s</span></a><div class="console-cell-spacer"></div></div>`,
class, link,
// Update state.
state = nextState
// NumLeafNodes always returns 1 for BuilderDef since it is a leaf node.
func (br BuilderRef) NumLeafNodes() int {
return 1
// RenderHTML renders the Category struct and its children as HTML into a buffer.
// If maxDepth is negative, skip the labels to render the HTML as flat rather than nested.
func (c Category) RenderHTML(buffer *bytes.Buffer, depth int, maxDepth int) {
// Check to see if this category is a leaf.
// A leaf category has no other categories as it's children.
isLeafCategory := true
for _, child := range c.children {
if _, ok := child.(*Category); ok {
isLeafCategory = false
if maxDepth > 0 {
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<div class="console-column" style="flex: %d">`, c.NumLeafNodes()))
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<div class="console-top-item">%s</div>`, template.HTMLEscapeString(c.Name)))
if isLeafCategory {
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<div class="console-top-row console-leaf-category">`))
} else {
must(fmt.Fprintf(buffer, `<div class="console-top-row">`))
for _, child := range c.children {
child.RenderHTML(buffer, depth+1, maxDepth)
if maxDepth > 0 {