blob: 5eeda4acea5b9b9893b034e51ff58641c9ea0a63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
prodConstraints ""
ds ""
//////////////////////////////// dataStoreData /////////////////////////////////
type dataStoreData struct {
// Protects internal guts of this object, including overall consistency of the
// memStore.
// While memStore is consistent by itself, each individual datastore mutation
// (puts and deletes) actually translate into multiple memStore modifications
// (for example, putting an entity updates this entity's data as well as
// entity group version metadata entity). Thus we need additional lock around
// such "batch" head modifications to ensure their consistency. In particular,
// it is very important that any snapshots are taken under the reader lock, to
// make sure we are not snapshotting some intermediary inconsistent state.
rwlock sync.RWMutex
// the 'appid' of this datastore
aid string
// See for head schema.
head memStore
// if snap is nil, that means that this is always-consistent, and
// getQuerySnaps will return (head, head)
snap memStore
// For testing, see SetTransactionRetryCount.
txnFakeRetry int
// true means that queries with insufficent indexes will pause to add them
// and then continue instead of failing.
autoIndex bool
// true means that all of the __...__ keys which are normally automatically
// maintained will be omitted. This also means that Put with an incomplete
// key will become an error.
disableSpecialEntities bool
// true means __scatter__ and other internal special properties won't be
// stripped off from getMutli results. Note that in real datastore there's
// no way to expose them.
showSpecialProps bool
// constraints is the fake datastore constraints. By default, this will match
// the Constraints of the "impl/prod" datastore.
constraints ds.Constraints
var (
_ = memContextObj((*dataStoreData)(nil))
func newDataStoreData(aid string) *dataStoreData {
head := newMemStore()
return &dataStoreData{
aid: aid,
head: head,
snap: head.Snapshot(), // empty but better than a nil pointer.
constraints: prodConstraints.DS(),
func (d *dataStoreData) setTxnRetry(count int) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
d.txnFakeRetry = count
func (d *dataStoreData) setConsistent(always bool) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
if always {
d.snap = nil
} else {
d.snap = d.head.Snapshot()
func (d *dataStoreData) addIndexes(idxs []*ds.IndexDefinition) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
addIndexes(d.head, d.aid, idxs)
func (d *dataStoreData) setAutoIndex(enable bool) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
d.autoIndex = enable
func (d *dataStoreData) maybeAutoIndex(err error) bool {
mi, ok := err.(*ErrMissingIndex)
if !ok {
return false
ai := d.autoIndex
if !ai {
return false
return true
func (d *dataStoreData) setDisableSpecialEntities(disabled bool) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
d.disableSpecialEntities = disabled
func (d *dataStoreData) getDisableSpecialEntities() bool {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
return d.disableSpecialEntities
func (d *dataStoreData) setShowSpecialProperties(show bool) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
d.showSpecialProps = show
func (d *dataStoreData) stripSpecialPropsGetCB(cb ds.GetMultiCB) ds.GetMultiCB {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
if d.showSpecialProps {
return cb
return func(idx int, val ds.PropertyMap, err error) {
cb(idx, val, err)
func (d *dataStoreData) stripSpecialPropsRunCB(cb ds.RawRunCB) ds.RawRunCB {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
if d.showSpecialProps {
return cb
return func(key *ds.Key, val ds.PropertyMap, getCursor ds.CursorCB) error {
return cb(key, val, getCursor)
func (d *dataStoreData) getQuerySnaps(consistent bool) (idx, head memStore) {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
if d.snap == nil {
// we're 'always consistent'
snap := d.head.Snapshot()
return snap, snap
head = d.head.Snapshot()
if consistent {
idx = head
} else {
idx = d.snap
func (d *dataStoreData) takeSnapshot() memStore {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
return d.head.Snapshot()
func (d *dataStoreData) setSnapshot(snap memStore) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
if d.snap == nil {
// we're 'always consistent'
d.snap = snap
func (d *dataStoreData) catchupIndexes() {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
if d.snap == nil {
// we're 'always consistent'
d.snap = d.head.Snapshot()
func (d *dataStoreData) getConstraints() ds.Constraints {
defer d.rwlock.RUnlock()
return d.constraints
func (d *dataStoreData) setConstraints(c ds.Constraints) {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
d.constraints = c
/////////////////////////// indexes(dataStoreData) ////////////////////////////
func groupMetaKey(key *ds.Key) []byte {
return keyBytes(ds.MkKeyContext("", "").NewKey("__entity_group__", "", 1, key.Root()))
func groupIDsKey(key *ds.Key) []byte {
return keyBytes(ds.MkKeyContext("", "").NewKey("__entity_group_ids__", "", 1, key.Root()))
func rootIDsKey(kind string) []byte {
return keyBytes(ds.MkKeyContext("", "").NewKey("__entity_root_ids__", kind, 0, nil))
func curVersion(ents memCollection, key []byte) int64 {
if ents != nil {
if v := ents.Get(key); v != nil {
pm, err := readPropMap(v)
pl := pm.Slice("__version__")
if len(pl) > 0 && pl[0].Type() == ds.PTInt {
return pl[0].Value().(int64)
memoryCorruption(fmt.Errorf("__version__ property missing or wrong: %v", pm))
return 0
func incrementLocked(ents memCollection, key []byte, amt int) int64 {
if amt <= 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("incrementLocked called with bad `amt`: %d", amt))
ret := curVersion(ents, key) + 1
ents.Set(key, ds.Serialize.ToBytes(ds.PropertyMap{
"__version__": ds.MkPropertyNI(ret + int64(amt-1)),
return ret
func (d *dataStoreData) allocateIDs(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.NewKeyCB) error {
// Map keys by entity type.
entityMap := make(map[string][]int)
for i, key := range keys {
ks := key.String()
entityMap[ks] = append(entityMap[ks], i)
// Allocate IDs for our keys. We use an inline function so we can ensure that
// the lock is released.
err := func() error {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
for _, idxs := range entityMap {
baseKey := keys[idxs[0]]
ents := d.head.GetOrCreateCollection("ents:" + baseKey.Namespace())
// Allocate IDs. The only possible error is when disableSpecialEntities is
// true, in which case we will return a full method error instead of
// individual callback errors.
start, err := d.allocateIDsLocked(ents, baseKey, len(idxs))
if err != nil {
return err
for i, idx := range idxs {
keys[idx] = baseKey.WithID("", start+int64(i))
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Execute Callbacks.
for i, key := range keys {
cb(i, key, nil)
return nil
func (d *dataStoreData) allocateIDsLocked(ents memCollection, incomplete *ds.Key, n int) (int64, error) {
if d.disableSpecialEntities {
return 0, errors.New("disableSpecialEntities is true so allocateIDs is disabled")
idKey := []byte(nil)
if incomplete.Parent() == nil {
idKey = rootIDsKey(incomplete.Kind())
} else {
idKey = groupIDsKey(incomplete)
return incrementLocked(ents, idKey, n), nil
func (d *dataStoreData) fixKeyLocked(ents memCollection, key *ds.Key) (*ds.Key, error) {
if key.IsIncomplete() {
id, err := d.allocateIDsLocked(ents, key, 1)
if err != nil {
return key, err
key = key.KeyContext().NewKey(key.Kind(), "", id, key.Parent())
return key, nil
func (d *dataStoreData) fixKey(key *ds.Key) (*ds.Key, error) {
if key.IsIncomplete() {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
ents := d.head.GetOrCreateCollection("ents:" + key.Namespace())
return d.fixKeyLocked(ents, key)
return key, nil
func (d *dataStoreData) putMulti(keys []*ds.Key, vals []ds.PropertyMap, cb ds.NewKeyCB, lockedAlready bool) error {
ns := keys[0].Namespace()
for i, k := range keys {
newPM, _ := vals[i].Save(false)
k, err := func() (key *ds.Key, err error) {
if !lockedAlready {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
ents := d.head.GetOrCreateCollection("ents:" + ns)
key, err = d.fixKeyLocked(ents, k)
if err != nil {
if !d.disableSpecialEntities {
incrementLocked(ents, groupMetaKey(key), 1)
keyBlob := keyBytes(key)
// Now that we have the complete key, we can use it to generate special
// __scatter__ property, which is a function of the key. We can't
// serialize newPM to bytes until we've done this step. Thus we do the
// serialization under the lock.
// If this is undesirable, this code can be restructured to grab the lock
// twice: once to generate the key, and the second time to actually store
// the entity and update indexes.
ensureSpecialProps(keyBlob, newPM)
var oldPM ds.PropertyMap
if old := ents.Get(keyBlob); old != nil {
if oldPM, err = readPropMap(old); err != nil {
ents.Set(keyBlob, ds.SerializeKC.ToBytes(newPM))
updateIndexes(d.head, key, oldPM, newPM)
if cb != nil {
cb(i, k, err)
return nil
func getMultiInner(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.GetMultiCB, ents memCollection) {
if ents == nil {
for i := range keys {
cb(i, nil, ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)
for i, k := range keys {
pdata := ents.Get(keyBytes(k))
if pdata == nil {
cb(i, nil, ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)
} else {
pm, err := readPropMap(pdata)
cb(i, pm, err)
func (d *dataStoreData) getMulti(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.GetMultiCB) error {
ents := d.takeSnapshot().GetCollection("ents:" + keys[0].Namespace())
getMultiInner(keys, d.stripSpecialPropsGetCB(cb), ents)
return nil
func (d *dataStoreData) delMulti(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.DeleteMultiCB, lockedAlready bool) error {
ns := keys[0].Namespace()
hasEntsInNS := func() bool {
if !lockedAlready {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
return d.head.GetOrCreateCollection("ents:"+ns) != nil
if hasEntsInNS {
for i, k := range keys {
err := func() error {
kb := keyBytes(k)
if !lockedAlready {
defer d.rwlock.Unlock()
ents := d.head.GetOrCreateCollection("ents:" + ns)
if !d.disableSpecialEntities {
incrementLocked(ents, groupMetaKey(k), 1)
if old := ents.Get(kb); old != nil {
oldPM, err := readPropMap(old)
if err != nil {
return err
updateIndexes(d.head, k, oldPM, nil)
return nil
if cb != nil {
cb(i, err)
} else if cb != nil {
for i := range keys {
cb(i, nil)
return nil
func (d *dataStoreData) beginCommit(c context.Context, obj memContextObj) txnCommitOp {
// TODO(riannucci): implement with Flush/FlushRevert for persistence.
txn := obj.(*txnDataStoreData)
unlock := func() {
// Check for collisions.
for _, muts := range txn.muts {
if len(muts) == 0 { // read-only
// All muts keys belong to same entity group. Grab its root. Note that we
// can try to deserialize txn.muts key instead, by taking it through .Root()
// is simpler.
root := muts[0].key.Root()
entKey := "ents:" + root.Namespace()
mkey := groupMetaKey(root)
entsHead := d.head.GetCollection(entKey)
entsSnap := txn.snap.GetCollection(entKey)
vHead := curVersion(entsHead, mkey)
vSnap := curVersion(entsSnap, mkey)
if vHead != vSnap {
return nil // a collision, the commit is not possible
return &txnCommitCallback{
unlock: unlock,
apply: func() {
for _, muts := range txn.muts {
if len(muts) == 0 { // read-only
// TODO(riannucci): refactor to do just 1 putMulti, and 1 delMulti
for _, m := range muts {
if == nil {
func(_ int, err error) { impossible(err) }, true))
} else {
impossible(d.putMulti([]*ds.Key{m.key}, []ds.PropertyMap{},
func(_ int, _ *ds.Key, err error) { impossible(err) }, true))
func (d *dataStoreData) mkTxn(o *ds.TransactionOptions) memContextObj {
return &txnDataStoreData{
// alias to the main datastore's so that testing code can have primitive
// access to break features inside of transactions.
parent: d,
txn: &transactionImpl{},
snap: d.takeSnapshot(),
muts: map[string][]txnMutation{},
func (d *dataStoreData) endTxn() {}
/////////////////////////////// txnDataStoreData ///////////////////////////////
type txnMutation struct {
key *ds.Key
data ds.PropertyMap
type txnDataStoreData struct {
lock sync.Mutex
parent *dataStoreData
txn *transactionImpl
snap memStore
// string is the raw-bytes encoding of the entity root incl. namespace
muts map[string][]txnMutation
// TODO(riannucci): account for 'transaction size' limit of 10MB by summing
// length of encoded keys + values.
var _ memContextObj = (*txnDataStoreData)(nil)
const xgEGLimit = 25
func (td *txnDataStoreData) endTxn() {
if err := td.txn.close(); err != nil {
func (*txnDataStoreData) mkTxn(*ds.TransactionOptions) memContextObj {
impossible(fmt.Errorf("cannot create a recursive transaction"))
return nil
func (*txnDataStoreData) beginCommit(c context.Context, txnCtxObj memContextObj) txnCommitOp {
impossible(fmt.Errorf("cannot commit a recursive transaction"))
return nil
func (td *txnDataStoreData) run(f func() error) error {
// Slightly different from the SDK... datastore and taskqueue each implement
// this here, where in the SDK only datastore.transaction.Call does.
if err := td.txn.valid(); err != nil {
return err
return f()
// writeMutation ensures that this transaction can support the given key/value
// mutation.
// If getOnly is true, don't record the actual mutation data, just ensure that
// the key is in an included entity group (or add an empty entry for that
// group).
// If !getOnly && data == nil, this counts as a deletion instead of a Put.
// Returns an error if this key causes the transaction to cross too many entity
// groups.
func (td *txnDataStoreData) writeMutation(getOnly bool, key *ds.Key, data ds.PropertyMap) error {
rk := string(keyBytes(key.Root()))
defer td.lock.Unlock()
if _, ok := td.muts[rk]; !ok {
if len(td.muts)+1 > xgEGLimit {
return errors.New(
"operating on too many entity groups in a single transaction. " +
"NOTE: luci/gae/impl/memory currently emulates 'classic' Datastore " +
"semantics, not Firestore-in-datastore-mode semantics. If you're from " +
"the future where everything is Firestore now, then you should " +
"remove this check (and the one in 'filter/txnBuf', too).")
td.muts[rk] = []txnMutation{}
if !getOnly {
td.muts[rk] = append(td.muts[rk], txnMutation{key, data})
return nil
func (td *txnDataStoreData) putMulti(keys []*ds.Key, vals []ds.PropertyMap, cb ds.NewKeyCB) {
for i, k := range keys {
k, err := td.parent.fixKey(k)
if err == nil {
err = td.writeMutation(false, k, vals[i])
if cb != nil {
cb(i, k, err)
func (td *txnDataStoreData) getMulti(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.GetMultiCB) error {
for _, key := range keys {
err := td.writeMutation(true, key, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
ents := td.snap.GetCollection("ents:" + keys[0].Namespace())
getMultiInner(keys, td.parent.stripSpecialPropsGetCB(cb), ents)
return nil
func (td *txnDataStoreData) delMulti(keys []*ds.Key, cb ds.DeleteMultiCB) error {
for i, k := range keys {
err := td.writeMutation(false, k, nil)
if cb != nil {
cb(i, err)
return nil
func keyBytes(key *ds.Key) []byte {
return ds.Serialize.ToBytes(ds.MkProperty(key))
func readPropMap(data []byte) (ds.PropertyMap, error) {
return ds.Deserialize.PropertyMap(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
func namespaces(store memStore) []string {
var namespaces []string
for _, c := range store.GetCollectionNames() {
ns, has := trimPrefix(c, "ents:")
if !has {
if len(namespaces) > 0 {
namespaces = append(namespaces, ns)
return namespaces
func trimPrefix(v, p string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, p) {
return v[len(p):], true
return v, false
// __scatter__ is a "hidden" indexed byte string property containing a hash of
// the key (of some unspecified nature). It is added to a small percentage of
// the datastore entities (0.78% in prod), to be used in .order(__scatter__)
// queries, to aid mapper frameworks to partition the key space into
// approximately even ranges. Here we use 50% percentage instead, as also does
// dev_appserver.
// See
func isSpecialProp(prop string) bool {
return prop == "__scatter__"
func ensureSpecialProps(keyBlob []byte, pm ds.PropertyMap) {
h := sha256.Sum256(keyBlob)
i := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(h[:2])
if i >= 32768 {
pm["__scatter__"] = ds.MkProperty(h[:])
} else {
// This is for the case when the entity struct has "output only" __scatter__
// field. We don't want to store and index empty strings. This is possible
// only in testing code, since real datastore never accepts nor returns
// __scatter__.
delete(pm, "__scatter__")
func stripSpecialProps(pm ds.PropertyMap) {
delete(pm, "__scatter__")