blob: fc09201573272ba5af5c444a0740d115d2e38871 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
ds ""
// ErrMissingIndex is returned when the current indexes are not sufficient
// for the current query.
type ErrMissingIndex struct {
ns string
Missing *ds.IndexDefinition
func (e *ErrMissingIndex) Error() string {
yaml, err := e.Missing.YAMLString()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"Insufficient indexes. Consider adding:\n%s", yaml)
// reducedQuery contains only the pieces of the query necessary to iterate for
// results.
// deduplication is applied externally
// projection / keysonly / entity retrieval is done externally
type reducedQuery struct {
kc ds.KeyContext
kind string
// eqFilters indicate the set of all prefix constraints which need to be
// fulfilled in the composite query. All of these will translate into prefix
// bytes for SOME index.
eqFilters map[string]stringset.Set
// suffixFormat is the PRECISE listing of the suffix columns that ALL indexes
// in the multi query will have.
// suffixFormat ALWAYS includes the inequality filter (if any) as the 0th
// element
// suffixFormat ALWAYS includes any additional projections (in ascending
// order) after all user defined sort orders
// suffixFormat ALWAYS has __key__ as the last column
suffixFormat []ds.IndexColumn
// limits of the inequality and/or full sort order. This is ONLY a suffix,
// and it will be appended to the prefix during iteration.
start []byte
end []byte
// metadata describing the total number of columns that this query requires to
// execute perfectly.
numCols int
type indexDefinitionSortable struct {
// eqFilts is the list of ACTUAL prefix columns. Note that it may contain
// redundant columns! (e.g. (tag, tag) is a perfectly valid prefix, becuase
// (tag=1, tag=2) is a perfectly valid query).
eqFilts []ds.IndexColumn
coll memCollection
func (i *indexDefinitionSortable) hasAncestor() bool {
return len(i.eqFilts) > 0 && i.eqFilts[0].Property == "__ancestor__"
func (i *indexDefinitionSortable) numEqHits(c *constraints) int {
ret := 0
for _, filt := range i.eqFilts {
if _, ok := c.constraints[filt.Property]; ok {
return ret
type indexDefinitionSortableSlice []indexDefinitionSortable
func (idxs indexDefinitionSortableSlice) Len() int { return len(idxs) }
func (idxs indexDefinitionSortableSlice) Swap(i, j int) { idxs[i], idxs[j] = idxs[j], idxs[i] }
func (idxs indexDefinitionSortableSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
a, b := idxs[i], idxs[j]
if a.coll == nil && b.coll != nil {
return true
} else if a.coll != nil && b.coll == nil {
return false
cmp := len(a.eqFilts) - len(b.eqFilts)
if cmp < 0 {
return true
} else if cmp > 0 {
return false
for k, col := range a.eqFilts {
ocol := b.eqFilts[k]
if !col.Descending && ocol.Descending {
return true
} else if col.Descending && !ocol.Descending {
return false
if col.Property < ocol.Property {
return true
} else if col.Property > ocol.Property {
return false
return false
// maybeAddDefinition possibly adds a new indexDefinitionSortable to this slice.
// It's only added if it could be useful in servicing q, otherwise this function
// is a noop.
// This returns true iff the proposed index is OK and depletes missingTerms to
// empty.
// If the proposed index is PERFECT (e.g. contains enough columns to cover all
// equality filters, and also has the correct suffix), idxs will be replaced
// with JUST that index, and this will return true.
func (idxs *indexDefinitionSortableSlice) maybeAddDefinition(q *reducedQuery, s memStore, missingTerms stringset.Set, id *ds.IndexDefinition) bool {
// Kindless queries are handled elsewhere.
if id.Kind != q.kind {
fmt.Errorf("maybeAddDefinition given index with wrong kind %q v %q", id.Kind, q.kind))
// If we're an ancestor query, and the index is compound, but doesn't include
// an Ancestor field, it doesn't work. Builtin indexes can be used for
// ancestor queries (and have !Ancestor), assuming that it's only equality
// filters (plus inequality on __key__), or a single inequality.
if q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] != nil && !id.Ancestor && !id.Builtin() {
fmt.Errorf("maybeAddDefinition given compound index with wrong ancestor info: %s %#v", id, q))
// add __ancestor__ if necessary
sortBy := id.GetFullSortOrder()
// If the index has fewer fields than we need for the suffix, it can't
// possibly help.
if len(sortBy) < len(q.suffixFormat) {
return false
numEqFilts := len(sortBy) - len(q.suffixFormat)
// make sure the orders are precisely the same
for i, sb := range sortBy[numEqFilts:] {
if q.suffixFormat[i] != sb {
return false
if id.Builtin() && numEqFilts == 0 {
if len(q.eqFilters) > 1 || (len(q.eqFilters) == 1 && q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] == nil) {
return false
if len(sortBy) > 1 && q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] != nil {
return false
// Make sure the equalities section doesn't contain any properties we don't
// want in our query.
// numByProp && totalEqFilts will be used to see if this is a perfect match
// later.
numByProp := make(map[string]int, len(q.eqFilters))
totalEqFilts := 0
eqFilts := sortBy[:numEqFilts]
for _, p := range eqFilts {
if _, ok := q.eqFilters[p.Property]; !ok {
return false
// ok, we can actually use this
// Grab the collection for convenience later. We don't want to invalidate this
// index's potential just because the collection doesn't exist. If it's
// a builtin and it doesn't exist, it still needs to be one of the 'possible'
// indexes... it just means that the user's query will end up with no results.
coll := s.GetCollection(
fmt.Sprintf("idx:%s:%s", q.kc.Namespace, ds.Serialize.ToBytes(*id.PrepForIdxTable())))
// First, see if it's a perfect match. If it is, then our search is over.
// A perfect match contains ALL the equality filter columns (or more, since
// we can use residuals to fill in the extras).
for _, sb := range eqFilts {
perfect := false
if len(sortBy) == q.numCols {
perfect = true
for k, num := range numByProp {
if num < q.eqFilters[k].Len() {
perfect = false
toAdd := indexDefinitionSortable{coll: coll, eqFilts: eqFilts}
if perfect {
*idxs = indexDefinitionSortableSlice{toAdd}
} else {
*idxs = append(*idxs, toAdd)
return missingTerms.Len() == 0
// getRelevantIndexes retrieves the relevant indexes which could be used to
// service q. It returns nil if it's not possible to service q with the current
// indexes.
func getRelevantIndexes(q *reducedQuery, s memStore) (indexDefinitionSortableSlice, error) {
missingTerms := stringset.New(len(q.eqFilters))
for k := range q.eqFilters {
if k == "__ancestor__" {
// ancestor is not a prefix which can be satisfied by a single index. It
// must be satisfied by ALL indexes (and has special logic for this in
// the addDefinition logic)
idxs := indexDefinitionSortableSlice{}
// First we add builtins
// add
// idx:KIND
if idxs.maybeAddDefinition(q, s, missingTerms, &ds.IndexDefinition{
Kind: q.kind,
}) {
return idxs, nil
// add
// idx:KIND:prop
// idx:KIND:-prop
props := stringset.New(len(q.eqFilters) + len(q.suffixFormat))
for prop := range q.eqFilters {
for _, col := range q.suffixFormat[:len(q.suffixFormat)-1] {
for _, prop := range props.ToSlice() {
if !isSpecialProp(prop) && (strings.HasPrefix(prop, "__") && strings.HasSuffix(prop, "__")) {
if idxs.maybeAddDefinition(q, s, missingTerms, &ds.IndexDefinition{
Kind: q.kind,
SortBy: []ds.IndexColumn{
{Property: prop},
}) {
return idxs, nil
if idxs.maybeAddDefinition(q, s, missingTerms, &ds.IndexDefinition{
Kind: q.kind,
SortBy: []ds.IndexColumn{
{Property: prop, Descending: true},
}) {
return idxs, nil
// Try adding all compound indexes whose suffix matches.
suffix := &ds.IndexDefinition{
Kind: q.kind,
Ancestor: q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] != nil,
SortBy: q.suffixFormat,
walkCompIdxs(s, suffix, func(def *ds.IndexDefinition) bool {
// keep walking until we find a perfect index.
return !idxs.maybeAddDefinition(q, s, missingTerms, def)
// this query is impossible to fulfill with the current indexes. Not all the
// terms (equality + projection) are satisfied.
if missingTerms.Len() > 0 || len(idxs) == 0 {
remains := &ds.IndexDefinition{
Kind: q.kind,
Ancestor: q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] != nil,
terms := missingTerms.ToSlice()
if serializationDeterministic {
for _, term := range terms {
remains.SortBy = append(remains.SortBy, ds.IndexColumn{Property: term})
remains.SortBy = append(remains.SortBy, q.suffixFormat...)
last := remains.SortBy[len(remains.SortBy)-1]
if !last.Descending {
// this removes the __key__ column, since it's implicit.
remains.SortBy = remains.SortBy[:len(remains.SortBy)-1]
if remains.Builtin() {
fmt.Errorf("recommended missing index would be a builtin: %s", remains))
return nil, &ErrMissingIndex{q.kc.Namespace, remains}
return idxs, nil
// generate generates a single iterDefinition for the given index.
func generate(q *reducedQuery, idx *indexDefinitionSortable, c *constraints) *iterDefinition {
def := &iterDefinition{
c: idx.coll,
start: q.start,
end: q.end,
toJoin := make([][]byte, len(idx.eqFilts))
for _, sb := range idx.eqFilts {
val := c.peel(sb.Property)
if sb.Descending {
val = cmpbin.InvertBytes(val)
toJoin = append(toJoin, val)
def.prefix = bytes.Join(toJoin, nil)
def.prefixLen = len(def.prefix)
if q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"] != nil && !idx.hasAncestor() {
// The query requires an ancestor, but the index doesn't explicitly have it
// as part of the prefix (otherwise it would have been the first eqFilt
// above). This happens when it's a builtin index, or if it's the primary
// index (for a kindless query), or if it's the Kind index (for a filterless
// query).
// builtin indexes are:
// Kind/__key__
// Kind/Prop/__key__
// Kind/Prop/-__key__
if len(q.suffixFormat) > 2 || q.suffixFormat[len(q.suffixFormat)-1].Property != "__key__" {
// This should never happen. One of the previous validators would have
// selected a different index. But just in case.
impossible(fmt.Errorf("cannot supply an implicit ancestor for %#v", idx))
// get the only value out of __ancestor__
anc, _ := q.eqFilters["__ancestor__"].Peek()
// Intentionally do NOT update prefixLen. This allows multiIterator to
// correctly include the entire key in the shared iterator suffix, instead
// of just the remainder.
// chop the terminal null byte off the q.ancestor key... we can accept
// anything which is a descendant or an exact match. Removing the last byte
// from the key (the terminating null) allows this trick to work. Otherwise
// it would be a closed range of EXACTLY this key.
chopped := []byte(anc[:len(anc)-1])
if q.suffixFormat[0].Descending {
chopped = cmpbin.InvertBytes(chopped)
def.prefix = cmpbin.ConcatBytes(def.prefix, chopped)
// Update start and end, since we know that if they contain anything, they
// contain values for the __key__ field. This is necessary because bytes
// are shifting from the suffix to the prefix, and start/end should only
// contain suffix (variable) bytes.
if def.start != nil {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(def.start, chopped) {
// again, shouldn't happen, but if it does, we want to know about it.
"start suffix for implied ancestor doesn't start with ancestor! start:%v ancestor:%v",
def.start, chopped))
def.start = def.start[len(chopped):]
if def.end != nil {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(def.end, chopped) {
"end suffix for implied ancestor doesn't start with ancestor! end:%v ancestor:%v",
def.end, chopped))
def.end = def.end[len(chopped):]
return def
type constraints struct {
constraints map[string][][]byte
original map[string][][]byte
residualMapping map[string]int
// peel picks a constraint value for the property. It then removes this value
// from constraints (possibly removing the entire row from constraints if it
// was the last value). If the value wasn't available in constraints, it picks
// the value from residuals.
func (c *constraints) peel(prop string) []byte {
ret := []byte(nil)
if vals, ok := c.constraints[prop]; ok {
ret = vals[0]
if len(vals) == 1 {
delete(c.constraints, prop)
} else {
c.constraints[prop] = vals[1:]
} else {
row := c.original[prop]
idx := c.residualMapping[prop]
ret = row[idx%len(row)]
return ret
func (c *constraints) empty() bool {
return len(c.constraints) == 0
// calculateConstraints produces a mapping of all equality filters to the values
// that they're constrained to. It also calculates residuals, which are an
// arbitrary value for filling index prefixes which have more equality fields
// than are necessary. The value doesn't matter, as long as its an equality
// constraint in the original query.
func calculateConstraints(q *reducedQuery) *constraints {
ret := &constraints{
original: make(map[string][][]byte, len(q.eqFilters)),
constraints: make(map[string][][]byte, len(q.eqFilters)),
residualMapping: make(map[string]int),
for prop, vals := range q.eqFilters {
bvals := make([][]byte, 0, vals.Len())
vals.Iter(func(val string) bool {
bvals = append(bvals, []byte(val))
return true
ret.original[prop] = bvals
if prop == "__ancestor__" {
// exclude __ancestor__ from the constraints.
// This is because it's handled specially during index proposal and
// generation. Ancestor is used by ALL indexes, and so its residual value
// in ret.original above will be sufficient.
ret.constraints[prop] = bvals
return ret
// getIndexes returns a set of iterator definitions. Iterating over these
// will result in matching suffixes.
func getIndexes(q *reducedQuery, s memStore) ([]*iterDefinition, error) {
relevantIdxs := indexDefinitionSortableSlice(nil)
if q.kind == "" {
if coll := s.GetCollection("ents:" + q.kc.Namespace); coll != nil {
relevantIdxs = indexDefinitionSortableSlice{{coll: coll}}
} else {
err := error(nil)
relevantIdxs, err = getRelevantIndexes(q, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(relevantIdxs) == 0 {
return nil, ds.ErrNullQuery
// This sorts it so that relevantIdxs goes less filters -> more filters. We
// traverse this list backwards, however, so we traverse it in more filters ->
// less filters order.
constraints := calculateConstraints(q)
ret := []*iterDefinition{}
for !constraints.empty() || len(ret) == 0 {
bestIdx := (*indexDefinitionSortable)(nil)
if len(ret) == 0 {
// if ret is empty, take the biggest relevantIdx. It's guaranteed to have
// the greatest number of equality filters of any index in the list, and
// we know that every equality filter will be pulled from constraints and
// not residual.
// This also takes care of the case when the query has no equality filters,
// in which case relevantIdxs will actually only contain one index anyway
// :)
bestIdx = &relevantIdxs[len(relevantIdxs)-1]
if bestIdx.coll == nil {
return nil, ds.ErrNullQuery
} else {
// If ret's not empty, then we need to find the best index we can. The
// best index will be the one with the most matching equality columns.
// Since relevantIdxs is sorted primarially by the number of equality
// columns, we walk down the list until the number of possible columns is
// worse than our best-so-far.
// Traversing the list backwards goes from more filters -> less filters,
// but also allows us to remove items from the list as we iterate over it.
bestNumEqHits := 0
for i := len(relevantIdxs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
idx := &relevantIdxs[i]
if len(idx.eqFilts) < bestNumEqHits {
// if the number of filters drops below our best hit, it's never going
// to get better than that. This index might be helpful on a later
// loop though, so don't remove it.
numHits := 0
if idx.coll != nil {
numHits = idx.numEqHits(constraints)
if numHits > bestNumEqHits {
bestNumEqHits = numHits
bestIdx = idx
} else if numHits == 0 {
// This index will never become useful again, so remove it.
relevantIdxs = append(relevantIdxs[:i], relevantIdxs[i+1:]...)
if bestIdx == nil {
// something is really wrong here... if relevantIdxs is !nil, then we
// should always be able to make progress in this loop.
impossible(fmt.Errorf("deadlock: cannot fulfil query?"))
ret = append(ret, generate(q, bestIdx, constraints))
return ret, nil