blob: 19474f617e4e280e340985f4ceab6bd3883c918d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
net_mail "net/mail"
. ""
. ""
func TestMail(t *testing.T) {
Convey("mail", t, func() {
c := Use(context.Background())
Convey("good cases", func() {
Convey("start with an empty set of messages", func() {
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey("can send a message from the admin", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{"Valued Customer <>"},
Subject: "You are valued.",
Body: "We value you.",
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("and it shows up in sent messages", func() {
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldResemble, []*mail.TestMessage{
{Message: mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{"Valued Customer <>"},
Subject: "You are valued.",
Body: "We value you.",
Convey("which can be reset", func() {
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey("can send a message on behalf of a user", func() {
user.GetTestable(c).Login("", "", false)
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "Friendly Person <>",
To: []string{"Other Friendly Person <>"},
Subject: "Hi",
Body: "An app is sending a message for me. It's the future.",
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("can send a message to the admins", func() {
So(mail.SendToAdmins(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldResemble, []*mail.TestMessage{
{Message: mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{""},
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Convey("can set admin emails", func() {
"Friendly <>",
"Epic <>",
So(mail.SendToAdmins(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldResemble, []*mail.TestMessage{
{Message: mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{
"Friendly <>",
"Epic <>",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Convey("attachments get mimetypes assigned to them", func() {
So(mail.SendToAdmins(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Attachments: []mail.Attachment{
{Name: "reminder.txt", Data: []byte("bananas")},
{Name: "coolthing", Data: []byte("bananas")},
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldResemble, []*mail.TestMessage{
Message: mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{""},
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Attachments: []mail.Attachment{
{Name: "reminder.txt", Data: []byte("bananas")},
{Name: "coolthing", Data: []byte("bananas")},
MIMETypes: []string{"text/plain", "application/octet-stream"}},
Convey("can have headers", func() {
So(mail.SendToAdmins(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Headers: net_mail.Header{
"in-reply-to": []string{"epicness"},
"List-Id": []string{"spam"},
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(mail.GetTestable(c).SentMessages(), ShouldResemble, []*mail.TestMessage{
{Message: mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{""},
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Headers: net_mail.Header{
"In-Reply-To": []string{"epicness"},
"List-Id": []string{"spam"},
Convey("errors", func() {
Convey("setting a non-email is a panic", func() {
So(func() { mail.GetTestable(c).SetAdminEmails("i am a banana") },
ShouldPanicLike, `invalid email ("i am a banana")`)
Convey("sending from a non-user, non-admin is an error", func() {
mail.GetTestable(c).SetAdminEmails("Friendly <>")
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
}), ShouldErrLike, "invalid Sender:")
Convey("sending from a bogus address is a problem", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "lalal",
}), ShouldErrLike, "unparsable Sender address: lalal")
Convey("sending with no recipients is a problem", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
}), ShouldErrLike, "one of To, Cc or Bcc must be non-empty")
Convey("bad addresses are a problem", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{"wut"},
}), ShouldErrLike, `invalid email ("wut")`)
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Cc: []string{"wut"},
}), ShouldErrLike, `invalid email ("wut")`)
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Bcc: []string{"wut"},
}), ShouldErrLike, `invalid email ("wut")`)
Convey("no body is a problem", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{""},
}), ShouldErrLike, `one of Body or HTMLBody must be non-empty`)
Convey("bad attachments are a problem", func() {
So(mail.Send(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
To: []string{""},
Body: "nice thing",
Attachments: []mail.Attachment{
{Name: "nice.exe", Data: []byte("boom")},
}), ShouldErrLike, `illegal attachment extension for "nice.exe"`)
Convey("bad headers are a problem", func() {
So(mail.SendToAdmins(c, &mail.Message{
Sender: "",
Subject: "Reminder",
Body: "I forgot",
Headers: net_mail.Header{"x-spam-cool": []string{"value"}},
}), ShouldErrLike, `disallowed header: x-spam-cool`)