blob: c63b035e952f50a9dbc93b00258f58be73f2cd43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
type iterDefinition struct {
// The collection to iterate over
c memCollection
// The prefix to always assert for every row. A nil prefix matches every row.
prefix []byte
// prefixLen is the number of prefix bytes that the caller cares about. It
// may be <= len(prefix). When doing a multiIterator, this number will be used
// to determine the amount of suffix to transfer accross iterators. This is
// used specifically when using builtin indexes to service ancestor queries.
// The builtin index represents the ancestor key with prefix bytes, but in a
// multiIterator context, it wants the entire key to be included in the
// suffix.
prefixLen int
// The start cursor. It's appended to prefix to find the first row.
start []byte
// The end cursor. It's appended to prefix to find the last row (which is not
// included in the interation result). If this is nil, then there's no end
// except the natural end of the collection.
end []byte
func multiIterate(defs []*iterDefinition, cb func(suffix []byte) error) error {
if len(defs) == 0 {
return nil
ts := make([]*iterator, len(defs))
prefixLens := make([]int, len(defs))
for i, def := range defs {
// bind i so that the defer below doesn't get goofed by the loop variable
i := i
ts[i] = def.mkIter()
prefixLens[i] = def.prefixLen
suffix := []byte(nil)
skip := -1
for {
for idx, it := range ts {
if skip >= 0 && skip == idx {
pfxLen := prefixLens[idx]
it.skip(cmpbin.ConcatBytes(it.def.prefix[:pfxLen], suffix))
ent :=
if ent == nil {
// we hit the end of an iterator, we're now done with the whole
// query.
return nil
sfxRO := ent.key[pfxLen:]
if bytes.Compare(sfxRO, suffix) > 0 {
// this row has a higher suffix than anything we've seen before. Set
// ourself to be the skip, and resart this loop from the top.
suffix = append(suffix[:0], sfxRO...)
skip = idx
if idx != 0 {
// no point to restarting on the 0th index
continue MainLoop
if err := cb(suffix); err != nil {
return err
suffix = nil
skip = -1
type iterator struct {
def *iterDefinition
base memIterator
start []byte
end []byte
lastKey []byte
func (def *iterDefinition) mkIter() *iterator {
if !def.c.IsReadOnly() {
panic("attempting to make an iterator with r/w collection")
it := iterator{
def: def,
// convert the suffixes from the iterDefinition into full rows for the
// underlying storage.
it.start = cmpbin.ConcatBytes(def.prefix, def.start)
if def.end != nil {
it.end = cmpbin.ConcatBytes(def.prefix, def.end)
return &it
func (it *iterator) skip(targ []byte) {
if bytes.Compare(targ, it.start) < 0 {
targ = it.start
if it.base == nil || bytes.Compare(targ, it.lastKey) > 0 {
// If our skip target is >= our last key, then create a new Iterator
// starting from that target.
it.base = it.def.c.Iterator(targ)
func (it *iterator) next() *storeEntry {
if it.base == nil {
ent := it.base.Next()
switch {
case ent == nil:
return nil
case !bytes.HasPrefix(ent.key, it.def.prefix):
// we're no longer in prefix, terminate
return nil
case it.end != nil && bytes.Compare(ent.key, it.end) >= 0:
// we hit our cap, terminate.
return nil
it.lastKey = ent.key
return ent