blob: 82fde42eb437c835502216261ce21db93b0040c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
var logMemCollectionFolder = flag.String(
"luci.gae.store_trace_folder", "",
"Set to a folder path to enable debugging traces to be dumped there. Set to '-' to dump to stdout.")
var logMemCollectionFolderTmp string
var logMemCollectionOnce sync.Once
var logMemCounter uint32
var stdoutLock sync.Mutex
func wrapTracingMemStore(store memStore) memStore {
var writer traceWriter
logNum := atomic.AddUint32(&logMemCounter, 1) - 1
collName := fmt.Sprintf("coll%d", logNum)
if *logMemCollectionFolder == "-" {
writer = func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
defer stdoutLock.Unlock()
fmt.Printf(format+"\n", a...)
} else {
logMemCollectionOnce.Do(func() {
var err error
logMemCollectionFolderTmp, err = ioutil.TempDir(*logMemCollectionFolder, "luci-gae-store_trace")
if err != nil {
logMemCollectionFolderTmp, err = filepath.Abs(logMemCollectionFolderTmp)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Saving store trace files to %q\n", logMemCollectionFolderTmp)
if logMemCollectionFolderTmp == "" {
panic("unable to create folder for tracefiles")
lck := sync.Mutex{}
fname := fmt.Sprintf(filepath.Join(logMemCollectionFolderTmp, fmt.Sprintf("%d.trace", logNum)))
fil, err := os.Create(fname)
if err != nil {
writer = func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
defer lck.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintf(fil, format+"\n", a...)
runtime.SetFinalizer(&writer, func(_ *traceWriter) { fil.Close() })
writer("%s := newMemStore()", collName)
return &tracingMemStoreImpl{store, writer, collName, 0, false}
type traceWriter func(format string, a ...interface{})
type tracingMemStoreImpl struct {
i memStore
w traceWriter
collName string
// for the mutable store, this is a counter that increments for every
// Snapshot, and for snapshots, this is the number of the snapshot.
snapNum uint
isSnap bool
var _ memStore = (*tracingMemStoreImpl)(nil)
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) ImATestingSnapshot() {}
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) colWriter(action, name string) traceWriter {
ident := t.ident()
hexname := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(name))
writer := func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if strings.HasPrefix(format, "//") { // comment
t.w(format, a...)
} else {
t.w(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s%s", ident, hexname, format), a...)
writer(" := %s.%s(%q)", ident, action, name)
return writer
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) ident() string {
if t.isSnap {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_snap%d", t.collName, t.snapNum)
return t.collName
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) GetCollection(name string) memCollection {
coll := t.i.GetCollection(name)
if coll == nil {
t.w("// %s.GetCollection(%q) -> nil", t.ident(), name)
return nil
writer := t.colWriter("GetCollection", name)
return &tracingMemCollectionImpl{coll, writer, 0, 0}
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) GetCollectionNames() []string {
t.w("%s.GetCollectionNames()", t.ident())
return t.i.GetCollectionNames()
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) GetOrCreateCollection(name string) memCollection {
writer := t.colWriter("GetOrCreateCollection", name)
return &tracingMemCollectionImpl{t.i.GetOrCreateCollection(name), writer, 0, 0}
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) Snapshot() memStore {
snap := t.i.Snapshot()
if snap == t.i {
t.w("// %s.Snapshot() -> self", t.ident())
return t
ret := &tracingMemStoreImpl{snap, t.w, t.collName, t.snapNum, true}
t.w("%s := %s.Snapshot()", ret.ident(), t.ident())
return ret
func (t *tracingMemStoreImpl) IsReadOnly() bool {
return t.i.IsReadOnly()
type tracingMemCollectionImpl struct {
i memCollection
w traceWriter
iterNumber uint
forEachNumber uint
var _ memCollection = (*tracingMemCollectionImpl)(nil)
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) Name() string {
return t.i.Name()
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) Delete(k []byte) {
t.w(".Delete(%#v)", k)
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) Get(k []byte) []byte {
t.w(".Get(%#v)", k)
return t.i.Get(k)
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) MinItem() *storeEntry {
return t.i.MinItem()
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) Set(k, v []byte) {
t.w(".Set(%#v, %#v)", k, v)
t.i.Set(k, v)
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) Iterator(pivot []byte) memIterator {
inum := t.iterNumber
t.w(".Iterator(%#v) // Created Iterator #%d", pivot, inum)
return &tracingMemIteratorImpl{t.i.Iterator(pivot), t.w, inum}
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) ForEachItem(fn memVisitor) {
vnum := t.forEachNumber
t.w(".ForEachItem(func(k, v []byte) bool{ return true }) // BEGIN ForEachItem(%d)", vnum)
defer t.w("// END ForEachItem(%d)", vnum)
func (t *tracingMemCollectionImpl) IsReadOnly() bool {
return t.i.IsReadOnly()
type tracingMemIteratorImpl struct {
i memIterator
w traceWriter
num uint
func (t *tracingMemIteratorImpl) Next() *storeEntry {
t.w(".Next() // Iterator #%d", t.num)
return t.i.Next()