blob: 344ee18cd92ec051ccea02b606d7fb8ece1489f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package annotee
import (
pb ""
annotpb ""
// This code converts annotation step(s) to Buildbucket v2 steps or build.
// See:
// *
// *
// *
// StepSep separates parent and child steps.
const StepSep = "|"
// ConvertBuildSteps converts a build given the root step's substeps, which must
// be the actual steps of the build, and the Logdog URL for links conversion.
// The provided context is used only for logging.
// If constructLogURL is True, all returned steps will have fully-qualified
// logdog urls (i.e. logdog://host/prefix/+/log_name) and viewer urls will also
// be populated. Otherwise, the logdog url will simply be the same as log
// stream name and it is caller's responsibility to calculate the full URL.
// Values of defaultLogdogHost and defaultLogdogPrefix are only meaningful when
// constructLogURL is True.
// TODO(yiwzhang): Remove the option to construct full logdog url after kitchen
// is deprecated. Currently, this functionality is used in Kitchen.
// Does not verify that the returned build satisfies all the constraints
// described in the proto files.
// Unsupported fields:
// * Substep.annotation_stream,
// *,
// * Link.isolate_object,
// * Link.dm_link.
func ConvertBuildSteps(c context.Context, annSteps []*annotpb.Step_Substep, constructLogURL bool, defaultLogdogHost, defaultLogdogPrefix string) ([]*pb.Step, error) {
sc := &stepConverter{
defaultLogdogHost: defaultLogdogHost,
defaultLogdogPrefix: defaultLogdogPrefix,
constructLogURL: constructLogURL,
steps: map[string]*pb.Step{},
var bbSteps []*pb.Step
if _, err := sc.convertSubsteps(c, &bbSteps, annSteps, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bbSteps, nil
// ConvertRootStep converts an annotation root step to a Build proto msg.
// This function will populate following fields in the return build.
// * EndTime
// * StartTime
// * Steps
// * Status
// * SummaryMarkdown
// * Output.Logs
// * Output.Properties
func ConvertRootStep(c context.Context, rootStep *annotpb.Step) (*pb.Build, error) {
sc := &stepConverter{
steps: map[string]*pb.Step{},
ret := &pb.Build{
StartTime: rootStep.Started,
EndTime: rootStep.Ended,
Steps: []*pb.Step{},
Output: &pb.Build_Output{},
var err error
if _, err = sc.convertSubsteps(c, &ret.Steps, rootStep.Substep, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ret.Output.Properties, err = annotpb.ExtractProperties(rootStep); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ret.StartTime, ret.EndTime, err = fixupStartAndEndTime(ret.StartTime, ret.EndTime, ret.Steps); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ret.Status, err = determineStatus(ret.StartTime, ret.EndTime, rootStep, ret.Steps); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret.Output.Logs, ret.SummaryMarkdown = sc.calcLogsAndSummary(c, rootStep)
return ret, nil
type stepConverter struct {
defaultLogdogHost, defaultLogdogPrefix string
constructLogURL bool
steps map[string]*pb.Step
// convertSubsteps converts substeps, which we expect to be Steps, not Logdog
// annotation streams.
func (p *stepConverter) convertSubsteps(c context.Context, bbSteps *[]*pb.Step, annSubsteps []*annotpb.Step_Substep, stepPrefix string) ([]*pb.Step, error) {
bbSubsteps := make([]*pb.Step, 0, len(annSubsteps))
for _, annSubstep := range annSubsteps {
annStep := annSubstep.GetStep()
if annStep == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("unexpected non-Step substep %v", annSubstep).Err()
bbSubstep, err := p.convertSteps(c, bbSteps, annStep, stepPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bbSubsteps = append(bbSubsteps, bbSubstep)
return bbSubsteps, nil
// convertSteps converts [non-root] steps.
// Mutates p.steps.
func (p *stepConverter) convertSteps(c context.Context, bbSteps *[]*pb.Step, ann *annotpb.Step, stepPrefix string) (*pb.Step, error) {
// Set up Buildbucket v2 step.
bb := &pb.Step{
StartTime: ann.Started,
EndTime: ann.Ended,
// Unlike annotation step names, buildbucket step names must be unique.
// Choose a name.
stripPrefix := strings.Replace(strings.TrimSuffix(stepPrefix, StepSep), "|", ".", -1) + "."
baseName := stepPrefix + strings.TrimPrefix(ann.Name, stripPrefix)
bb.Name = baseName
for i := 2; p.steps[bb.Name] != nil; i++ {
bb.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", baseName, i)
p.steps[bb.Name] = bb
bb.Logs, bb.SummaryMarkdown = p.calcLogsAndSummary(c, ann)
// Put step into list of steps.
*bbSteps = append(*bbSteps, bb)
// Handle substeps.
bbSubsteps, err := p.convertSubsteps(c, bbSteps, ann.Substep, bb.Name+StepSep)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bb.StartTime, bb.EndTime, err = fixupStartAndEndTime(bb.StartTime, bb.EndTime, bbSubsteps); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "Step %s: ", bb.Name).Err()
if bb.Status, err = determineStatus(bb.StartTime, bb.EndTime, ann, bbSubsteps); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "Step %s: ", bb.Name).Err()
return bb, nil
func (p *stepConverter) calcLogsAndSummary(ctx context.Context, annStep *annotpb.Step) ([]*pb.Log, string) {
// summary stores a slice of paragraphs, not individual lines.
var summary []string
// Get any failure details.
if fd := annStep.GetFailureDetails(); fd != nil && fd.Text != "" {
summary = append(summary, fd.Text)
// Handle text. Below description copied from
// Although annotation.proto says each line in step_text is a consecutive
// line and should not contain newlines, in practice they are in HTML format
// may have <br>s, Buildbot joins them with " " and treats the result
// as safe HTML.
// Preserve this semantics (except, it is not safe).
// HTML is valid Markdown, so use it as is.
if len(annStep.Text) > 0 {
// enclose ann.Text in a div so they are treated as plain text or HTML.
// use 2 \n so the div is guaranteed to be separated from other sections
summary = append(summary, fmt.Sprintf("\n\n<div>%s</div>\n\n", strings.Join(annStep.Text, " ")))
// Handle logs.
logs, lines := p.convertLinks(ctx, annStep)
if len(lines) > 0 {
summary = append(summary, strings.Join(lines, "\n"))
return logs, strings.Join(summary, "\n\n")
func fixupStartAndEndTime(startTime, endTime *timestamppb.Timestamp, subSteps []*pb.Step) (newStart, newEnd *timestamppb.Timestamp, err error) {
newStart, newEnd = startTime, endTime
// Annotee is known to produce startTime>endTime if they are very close.
// Correct that here.
if startTime != nil && endTime != nil && cmpTs(startTime, endTime) > 0 {
if startTime.Seconds-endTime.Seconds > 1 {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("start time %q is much greater than end time %q", startTime, endTime).Err()
// Swap them. They are close enough.
newStart, newEnd = endTime, startTime
// Ensure parent step start/end time is not after/before of its children.
for _, ss := range subSteps {
if ss.StartTime != nil && (newStart == nil || cmpTs(newStart, ss.StartTime) > 0) {
newStart = ss.StartTime
switch {
case ss.EndTime == nil:
newEnd = nil
case newEnd != nil && cmpTs(newEnd, ss.EndTime) < 0:
newEnd = ss.EndTime
func determineStatus(startTime, endTime *timestamppb.Timestamp, annStep *annotpb.Step, subSteps []*pb.Step) (ret pb.Status, err error) {
// Determine status.
switch {
// First of all, honor start/end times.
case startTime == nil:
ret = pb.Status_SCHEDULED
case endTime == nil:
ret = pb.Status_STARTED
// Secondly, honor current status.
case annStep.Status == annotpb.Status_SUCCESS:
ret = pb.Status_SUCCESS
case annStep.Status == annotpb.Status_FAILURE:
if fd := annStep.GetFailureDetails(); fd != nil {
switch fd.Type {
case annotpb.FailureDetails_GENERAL:
ret = pb.Status_FAILURE
case annotpb.FailureDetails_CANCELLED:
ret = pb.Status_CANCELED
ret = pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE
} else {
ret = pb.Status_FAILURE
return ret, errors.Reason("expected terminal status when endTime is not nil, got %s", annStep.Status).Err()
// When parent step finishes running, compute its final status as worst
// status, as determined by statusPrecedence map below, among direct children
// and its own status.
if protoutil.IsEnded(ret) {
for _, subStep := range subSteps {
substepStatusPrecedence, ok := statusPrecedence[subStep.Status]
if ok && substepStatusPrecedence < statusPrecedence[ret] {
ret = subStep.Status
func maybeCloneTimestamp(ts **timestamppb.Timestamp) {
if *ts != nil {
*ts = proto.Clone(*ts).(*timestamppb.Timestamp)
func cmpTs(a, b *timestamppb.Timestamp) int {
if a.Seconds != b.Seconds {
return int(a.Seconds - b.Seconds)
return int(a.Nanos - b.Nanos)
var statusPrecedence = map[pb.Status]int{
pb.Status_CANCELED: 0,
pb.Status_INFRA_FAILURE: 1,
pb.Status_FAILURE: 2,
pb.Status_SUCCESS: 3,
func (p *stepConverter) convertLinks(c context.Context, ann *annotpb.Step) ([]*pb.Log, []string) {
aLinks := make([]*annotpb.AnnotationLink, 0, len(ann.OtherLinks)+2)
// Get stdout, stderr Logdog links.
if ann.StdoutStream != nil {
aLinks = append(aLinks,
Label: "stdout",
Value: &annotpb.AnnotationLink_LogdogStream{LogdogStream: ann.StdoutStream},
if ann.StderrStream != nil {
aLinks = append(aLinks,
Label: "stderr",
Value: &annotpb.AnnotationLink_LogdogStream{LogdogStream: ann.StderrStream},
// Get "other" links (ann.Link is expected never to be initialized).
if ann.GetLink() != nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "Got unexpectedly populated link field in annotation step %v", ann)
aLinks = append(aLinks, ann.OtherLinks...)
// Convert each link to a Buildbucket v2 log.
bbLogs := make([]*pb.Log, 0, len(aLinks))
summary := make([]string, 0, len(aLinks))
logNames := stringset.New(len(aLinks))
for _, l := range aLinks {
switch {
case l.GetLogdogStream() != nil:
if logNames.Has(l.Label) {
logging.Warningf(c, "step %q: duplicate log name %q", ann.Name, l.Label)
} else {
bbLog := &pb.Log{
Name: l.Label,
Url: l.GetLogdogStream().Name,
if p.constructLogURL {
bbLog.ViewUrl = p.constructLogdogLink(l.GetLogdogStream(), true)
bbLog.Url = p.constructLogdogLink(l.GetLogdogStream(), false)
bbLogs = append(bbLogs, bbLog)
case l.GetUrl() != "":
// Arbitrary links go into the summary.
s := l.GetUrl() // Backslash escape all parens.
s = strings.Replace(s, `(`, `\(`, -1)
s = strings.Replace(s, `)`, `\)`, -1)
s = strings.Replace(s, `&`, `&amp;`, -1)
summary = append(summary, fmt.Sprintf("* [%s](%s)", l.Label, s))
logging.Warningf(c, "Got neither URL nor Logdog stream, skipping: %v", l)
if len(bbLogs) == 0 {
return nil, summary
return bbLogs, summary
func (p *stepConverter) constructLogdogLink(log *annotpb.LogdogStream, viewURL bool) string {
host, prefix := p.defaultLogdogHost, p.defaultLogdogPrefix
if log.GetServer() != "" {
host = log.Server
if log.GetPrefix() != "" {
prefix = log.Prefix
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/+/%s", prefix, log.Name)
if viewURL {
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v/?s=%s", host, url.QueryEscape(path))
return fmt.Sprintf("logdog://%s/%s", host, path)