blob: 5f2864c405087aba59067464c5c44662c8d823f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package processing
import (
api ""
. ""
. ""
func phonyHexDigest(algo api.HashAlgo, letter string) string {
return strings.Repeat(letter, map[api.HashAlgo]int{
api.HashAlgo_SHA1: 40,
api.HashAlgo_SHA256: 64,
func phonyInstanceID(algo api.HashAlgo, letter string) string {
return common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(&api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: algo,
HexDigest: phonyHexDigest(algo, letter),
func instance(ctx context.Context, pkg string, algo api.HashAlgo) *model.Instance {
return &model.Instance{
InstanceID: phonyInstanceID(algo, "a"),
Package: model.PackageKey(ctx, pkg),
func hexDigest(algo api.HashAlgo, body string) string {
h := common.MustNewHash(algo)
if _, err := h.Write([]byte(body)); err != nil {
return common.HexDigest(h)
func TestGetClientPackage(t *testing.T) {
Convey("works", t, func() {
pkg, err := GetClientPackage("linux-amd64")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pkg, ShouldEqual, "infra/tools/cipd/linux-amd64")
Convey("fails", t, func() {
_, err := GetClientPackage("../sneaky")
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid package name")
func TestClientExtractor(t *testing.T) {
ctx := memory.Use(context.Background())
originalBody := strings.Repeat("01234567", 8960)
expectedDigests := map[string]string{
"SHA1": hexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA1, originalBody),
"SHA256": hexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA256, originalBody),
instSHA256 := instance(ctx, "infra/tools/cipd/linux-amd64", api.HashAlgo_SHA256)
instSHA1 := instance(ctx, "infra/tools/cipd/linux-amd64", api.HashAlgo_SHA1)
goodPkg := packageReader(map[string]string{"cipd": originalBody})
Convey("With mocks", t, func() {
var publishedRef *api.ObjectRef
var canceled bool
expectedUploadAlgo := api.HashAlgo_SHA256
cas := testutil.MockCAS{
BeginUploadImpl: func(_ context.Context, r *api.BeginUploadRequest) (*api.UploadOperation, error) {
So(r.HashAlgo, ShouldEqual, expectedUploadAlgo)
return &api.UploadOperation{
OperationId: "op_id",
UploadUrl: "",
}, nil
FinishUploadImpl: func(_ context.Context, r *api.FinishUploadRequest) (*api.UploadOperation, error) {
So(r.UploadOperationId, ShouldEqual, "op_id")
publishedRef = r.ForceHash
return &api.UploadOperation{Status: api.UploadStatus_PUBLISHED}, nil
CancelUploadImpl: func(_ context.Context, r *api.CancelUploadRequest) (*api.UploadOperation, error) {
So(r.UploadOperationId, ShouldEqual, "op_id")
canceled = true
return &api.UploadOperation{Status: api.UploadStatus_CANCELED}, nil
extracted := bytes.Buffer{}
uploader := &trackingWriter{w: &extracted}
ce := ClientExtractor{
CAS: &cas,
uploader: func(ctx context.Context, size int64, uploadURL string) io.Writer { return uploader },
bufferSize: 64 * 1024,
Convey("Happy path, SHA256", func() {
res, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA256, goodPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res.Err, ShouldBeNil)
r := res.Result.(ClientExtractorResult)
So(r.ClientBinary.Size, ShouldEqual, len(originalBody))
So(r.ClientBinary.HashAlgo, ShouldEqual, "SHA256")
So(r.ClientBinary.HashDigest, ShouldEqual, expectedDigests["SHA256"])
So(r.ClientBinary.AllHashDigests, ShouldResemble, expectedDigests)
So(extracted.String(), ShouldEqual, originalBody)
So(publishedRef, ShouldResembleProto, &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
HexDigest: expectedDigests["SHA256"],
// Was written by 64 Kb chunks, NOT 32 Kb (as used by zip.Reader).
So(uploader.calls, ShouldResemble, []int{64 * 1024, 6 * 1024})
// TODO(vadimsh): Delete this test once SHA1 uploads are forbidden.
Convey("Happy path, SHA1", func() {
expectedUploadAlgo = api.HashAlgo_SHA1
res, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA1, goodPkg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res.Err, ShouldBeNil)
r := res.Result.(ClientExtractorResult)
So(r.ClientBinary.Size, ShouldEqual, len(originalBody))
So(r.ClientBinary.HashAlgo, ShouldEqual, "SHA1")
So(r.ClientBinary.HashDigest, ShouldEqual, expectedDigests["SHA1"])
So(r.ClientBinary.AllHashDigests, ShouldResemble, expectedDigests)
So(publishedRef, ShouldResembleProto, &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1,
HexDigest: expectedDigests["SHA1"],
Convey("No such file in the package", func() {
res, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA256, packageReader(nil))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res.Err, ShouldErrLike, `failed to open the file for reading: no file "cipd" inside the package`)
Convey("Internal error when initiating the upload", func() {
cas.BeginUploadImpl = func(_ context.Context, r *api.BeginUploadRequest) (*api.UploadOperation, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "boo")
_, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA256, goodPkg)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `failed to open a CAS upload: rpc error: code = Internal desc = boo`)
Convey("Internal error when finalizing the upload", func() {
cas.FinishUploadImpl = func(_ context.Context, r *api.FinishUploadRequest) (*api.UploadOperation, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "boo")
_, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA256, goodPkg)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `failed to finalize the CAS upload: rpc error: code = Internal desc = boo`)
Convey("Asked to restart the upload", func() {
uploader.err = &gs.RestartUploadError{Offset: 124}
_, err := ce.Run(ctx, instSHA256, goodPkg)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `asked to restart the upload from faraway offset: the upload should be restarted from offset 124`)
So(canceled, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Applicable works", t, func() {
ce := ClientExtractor{}
res, err := ce.Applicable(ctx, instance(ctx, "infra/tools/cipd/linux", api.HashAlgo_SHA256))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res, ShouldBeTrue)
res, err = ce.Applicable(ctx, instance(ctx, "infra/tools/stuff/linux", api.HashAlgo_SHA256))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res, ShouldBeFalse)
func TestGetResult(t *testing.T) {
Convey("With datastore", t, func() {
ctx := memory.Use(context.Background())
instRef := &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
HexDigest: phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA256, "a"),
write := func(res *ClientExtractorResult, err string) {
r := model.ProcessingResult{
ProcID: ClientExtractorProcID,
Instance: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, &model.Instance{
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(instRef),
Package: model.PackageKey(ctx, "a/b/c"),
if res != nil {
r.Success = true
So(r.WriteResult(&res), ShouldBeNil)
} else {
r.Error = err
So(datastore.Put(ctx, &r), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Happy path", func() {
res := ClientExtractorResult{}
res.ClientBinary.HashAlgo = "SHA256"
res.ClientBinary.HashDigest = phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA256, "b")
res.ClientBinary.AllHashDigests = map[string]string{
"SHA1": phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA1, "c"),
"SHA256": phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA256, "b"),
"SHA999": strings.Repeat("e", 99), // should silently be skipped
write(&res, "")
out, err := GetClientExtractorResult(ctx, &api.Instance{
Package: "a/b/c",
Instance: instRef,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(out, ShouldResemble, &res)
ref, err := out.ToObjectRef()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ref, ShouldResembleProto, &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
HexDigest: res.ClientBinary.HashDigest,
So(out.ObjectRefAliases(), ShouldResembleProto, []*api.ObjectRef{
{HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1, HexDigest: phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA1, "c")},
{HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256, HexDigest: phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA256, "b")},
Convey("Legacy SHA1 record with no AllHashDigests", func() {
res := ClientExtractorResult{}
res.ClientBinary.HashAlgo = "SHA1"
res.ClientBinary.HashDigest = phonyHexDigest(api.HashAlgo_SHA1, "a")
ref, err := res.ToObjectRef()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ref, ShouldResembleProto, &api.ObjectRef{
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1,
HexDigest: res.ClientBinary.HashDigest,
So(res.ObjectRefAliases(), ShouldResembleProto, []*api.ObjectRef{
{HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA1, HexDigest: res.ClientBinary.HashDigest},
Convey("Failed processor", func() {
write(nil, "boom")
_, err := GetClientExtractorResult(ctx, &api.Instance{
Package: "a/b/c",
Instance: instRef,
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "boom")
Convey("No result", func() {
_, err := GetClientExtractorResult(ctx, &api.Instance{
Package: "a/b/c",
Instance: instRef,
So(err, ShouldEqual, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity)