blob: f88ba702b856b06ae6ddae5f4be17a434e29cbd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package prod
import (
// useGI adds a gae.GlobalInfo implementation to context, accessible
// by gae.GetGI(c)
func useGI(usrCtx context.Context) context.Context {
probeCache := getProbeCache(usrCtx)
if probeCache == nil {
usrCtx = withProbeCache(usrCtx, probe(getAEContext(usrCtx)))
return info.SetFactory(usrCtx, func(ci context.Context) info.RawInterface {
return giImpl{ci, getAEContext(ci)}
type giImpl struct {
usrCtx context.Context
aeCtx context.Context
func (g giImpl) AccessToken(scopes ...string) (token string, expiry time.Time, err error) {
return appengine.AccessToken(g.aeCtx, scopes...)
func (g giImpl) AppID() string {
return appengine.AppID(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) FullyQualifiedAppID() string {
return getProbeCache(g.usrCtx).fqaid
func (g giImpl) GetNamespace() string {
return getProbeCache(g.usrCtx).namespace
func (g giImpl) Datacenter() string {
return appengine.Datacenter(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) DefaultVersionHostname() string {
return appengine.DefaultVersionHostname(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) InstanceID() string {
return appengine.InstanceID()
func (g giImpl) IsDevAppServer() bool {
return appengine.IsDevAppServer()
func (g giImpl) IsOverQuota(err error) bool {
return appengine.IsOverQuota(err)
func (g giImpl) IsTimeoutError(err error) bool {
return appengine.IsTimeoutError(err)
func (g giImpl) ModuleHostname(module, version, instance string) (string, error) {
return appengine.ModuleHostname(g.aeCtx, module, version, instance)
func (g giImpl) ModuleName() (name string) {
return appengine.ModuleName(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) Namespace(namespace string) (context.Context, error) {
c := g.usrCtx
pc := *getProbeCache(c)
if pc.namespace == namespace {
// Already using this namespace.
return c, nil
pc.namespace = namespace
// Apply the namespace to our retained GAE Contexts.
var err error
ps := getProdState(c)
// Apply to current GAE Context.
if ps.ctx, err = appengine.Namespace(ps.ctx, namespace); err != nil {
return c, err
// Apply to non-transactional Context. Since the previous one applied
// successfully, this must succeed.
ps.noTxnCtx, err = appengine.Namespace(ps.noTxnCtx, namespace)
if err != nil {
// Update our user Context with the new namespace-imbued objects.
c = withProbeCache(c, &pc)
c = withProdState(c, ps)
return c, nil
func (g giImpl) PublicCertificates() ([]info.Certificate, error) {
certs, err := appengine.PublicCertificates(g.aeCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([]info.Certificate, len(certs))
for i, c := range certs {
ret[i] = info.Certificate(c)
return ret, nil
func (g giImpl) RequestID() string {
return appengine.RequestID(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) ServerSoftware() string {
return appengine.ServerSoftware()
func (g giImpl) ServiceAccount() (string, error) {
if appengine.IsDevAppServer() {
// On devserver ServiceAccount returns empty string, but AccessToken works.
// We use it to grab developer's email.
return developerAccount(g.aeCtx)
return appengine.ServiceAccount(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) SignBytes(bytes []byte) (keyName string, signature []byte, err error) {
return appengine.SignBytes(g.aeCtx, bytes)
func (g giImpl) VersionID() string {
return appengine.VersionID(g.aeCtx)
func (g giImpl) GetTestable() info.Testable { return nil }
type infoProbeCache struct {
namespace string
fqaid string
func probe(aeCtx context.Context) *infoProbeCache {
probeKey := datastore.NewKey(aeCtx, "Kind", "id", 0, nil)
ipb := infoProbeCache{
fqaid: probeKey.AppID(),
namespace: probeKey.Namespace(),
return &ipb
func getProbeCache(c context.Context) *infoProbeCache {
if pc, ok := c.Value(&probeCacheKey).(*infoProbeCache); ok {
return pc
return nil
func withProbeCache(c context.Context, pc *infoProbeCache) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(c, &probeCacheKey, pc)