blob: 2c7f7e8ed51d53a8a38594658033160f8d7f080e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package logdog;
option go_package = ";logdog";
import "";
import "";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
// Error is a projection of a gRPC error.
// NOTE: This and its helper functions may be useful more generally. Maybe
// transplant this to a more general place such as "//grpc" if it ends up being
// useful.
message Error {
// The gRPC code for this error.
int32 grpc_code = 1;
// Transient is true if this is a transient error.
bool transient = 2;
// An optional associated message.
string msg = 3;
// RegisterStreamRequest is the set of caller-supplied data for the
// RegisterStream Coordinator service endpoint.
message RegisterStreamRequest {
// The log stream's project.
string project = 1;
// The log stream's secret.
bytes secret = 2;
// The protobuf version string for this stream.
string proto_version = 3;
// The serialized LogStreamDescriptor protobuf for this stream.
bytes desc = 4;
// The stream's terminal index. If >= 0, the terminal index will be set
// in the registration request, avoiding the need for an additional
// termination RPC.
int64 terminal_index = 5;
// The response message for the RegisterStream RPC.
message RegisterStreamResponse {
// The Coordinator ID of the log stream.
string id = 1;
// The state of the requested log stream.
InternalLogStreamState state = 2;
// Error is the error response.
Error error = 3;
// LoadStreamRequest loads the current state of a log stream.
message LoadStreamRequest {
// The log stream's project.
string project = 1;
// The log stream's path Coordinator ID.
string id = 2;
// If true, include the log stream descriptor.
bool desc = 3;
// The response message for the LoadStream RPC.
message LoadStreamResponse {
// The state of the requested log stream.
InternalLogStreamState state = 1;
// If requested, the serialized log stream descriptor. The protobuf version
// of this descriptor will match the "proto_version" field in "state".
bytes desc = 2;
// The age of the log stream.
google.protobuf.Duration age = 3;
// The archival key of the log stream. If this key doesn't match the key in
// the archival request, the request is superfluous and should be deleted.
bytes archival_key = 4;
// TerminateStreamRequest is the set of caller-supplied data for the
// TerminateStream service endpoint.
message TerminateStreamRequest {
// The log stream's project.
string project = 1;
// The log stream's path Coordinator ID.
string id = 2;
// The log stream's secret.
bytes secret = 3;
// The terminal index of the stream.
int64 terminal_index = 4;
// ArchiveStreamRequest is the set of caller-supplied data for the ArchiveStream
// service endpoint.
message ArchiveStreamRequest {
// The log stream's project.
string project = 1;
// The Coordinator ID of the log stream that was archived.
string id = 2;
// The number of log entries that were archived.
int64 log_entry_count = 3;
// The highest log stream index that was archived.
int64 terminal_index = 4;
// If not empty, there was an archival error.
// This field serves to indicate that an error occurred (being non-empty) and
// to supply an value that will show up in the Coordinator ArchiveStream
// endpoint logs.
string error = 5;
// The archive URL of the log stream's stream data.
string stream_url = 10;
// The size of the log stream's stream data.
int64 stream_size = 11;
// The archive URL of the log stream's index data.
string index_url = 20;
// The size of the log stream's index data.
int64 index_size = 21;
reserved "data_url", "data_size";
reserved 30, 31;
// BatchRequest is a batch of individual requests to make to the Coordinator.
message BatchRequest {
// The collection of batched requests.
message Entry {
oneof value {
RegisterStreamRequest register_stream = 1;
LoadStreamRequest load_stream = 2;
TerminateStreamRequest terminate_stream = 3;
ArchiveStreamRequest archive_stream = 4;
repeated Entry req = 1;
// BatchResponse is a response to a BatchRequest.
message BatchResponse {
// The collection of batched requests.
// Each entry corresponds to the BatchRequest entry with the specified index.
// Entry objects may appear out of order with their request indexes. Some
// responses may also be missing, if the remote end could not provide them
// due to constraints (e.g., size, time).
message Entry {
// The index in the BatchRequest for this entry.
int32 index = 1;
oneof value {
Error err = 2;
RegisterStreamResponse register_stream = 3;
LoadStreamResponse load_stream = 4;
repeated Entry resp = 1;
message LeaseRequest {
int64 max_tasks = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration lease_time = 2;
message LeaseResponse {
// Tasks are tasks leased to the caller. Only Project and Id are filled.
repeated ArchiveTask tasks = 1;
message DeleteRequest {
// Tasks are tasks the caller wants to delete. Only Project and Id are required.
repeated ArchiveTask tasks = 1;
// Services service is a LogDog Coordinator endpoint that interfaces with
// LogDog processing services.
service Services {
// RegisterStream is an idempotent stream state register operation.
rpc RegisterStream(RegisterStreamRequest) returns (RegisterStreamResponse);
// LoadStream loads the current state of a log stream.
rpc LoadStream(LoadStreamRequest) returns (LoadStreamResponse);
// TerminateStream is an idempotent operation to update the stream's terminal
// index.
rpc TerminateStream(TerminateStreamRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// ArchiveStream is an idempotent operation to record a log stream's archival
// parameters. It is used by the Archivist service upon successful stream
// archival.
rpc ArchiveStream(ArchiveStreamRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Batch is a series of requests submitted in batch. It returns a
// BatchResponse containing the same number of entries, with each entry index
// corresponding to its request index.
rpc Batch(BatchRequest) returns (BatchResponse);
// TaskQueueLease is a passthrough to appengine's taskqueue.Lease.
// TODO(hinoka): Remove this when is out of Beta.
rpc LeaseArchiveTasks(LeaseRequest) returns (LeaseResponse);
// TaskQueueDeleteMulti is a passthrough to appengine's taskqueue.DeleteMulti
// TODO(hinoka): Remove this when is out of Beta.
rpc DeleteArchiveTasks(DeleteRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);