blob: 25ecec2d21d290f4e70c290a133dbb8b85c5bdd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package tokenserver.admin;
option go_package = ";admin";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "";
import "";
// Admin service is used by service administrators to manage the server.
service Admin {
// ImportCAConfigs makes the server read 'tokenserver.cfg'.
rpc ImportCAConfigs(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ImportedConfigs);
// ImportDelegationConfigs makes the server read 'delegation.cfg'.
rpc ImportDelegationConfigs(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ImportedConfigs);
// ImportProjectIdentityConfigs makes the server read 'projects.cfg'.
rpc ImportProjectIdentityConfigs(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ImportedConfigs);
// ImportProjectOwnedAccountsConfigs makes the server read 'project_owned_accounts.cfg'.
rpc ImportProjectOwnedAccountsConfigs(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ImportedConfigs);
// InspectMachineToken decodes a machine token and verifies it is valid.
// It verifies the token was signed by a private key of the token server and
// checks token's expiration time and revocation status.
// It tries to give as much information about the token and its status as
// possible (e.g. it checks for revocation status even if token is already
// expired).
// Administrators can use this call to debug issues with tokens.
// Returns:
// InspectMachineTokenResponse for tokens of supported kind.
// grpc.InvalidArgument error for unsupported token kind.
// grpc.Internal error for transient errors.
rpc InspectMachineToken(InspectMachineTokenRequest) returns (InspectMachineTokenResponse);
// InspectDelegationToken decodes a delegation token and verifies it is valid.
// It verifies the token was signed by a private key of the token server and
// checks token's expiration time.
// It tries to give as much information about the token and its status as
// possible (e.g. attempts to decode the body even if the signing key has been
// rotated already).
// Administrators can use this call to debug issues with tokens.
// Returns:
// InspectDelegationTokenResponse for tokens of supported kind.
// grpc.InvalidArgument error for unsupported token kind.
// grpc.Internal error for transient errors.
rpc InspectDelegationToken(InspectDelegationTokenRequest) returns (InspectDelegationTokenResponse);
// ImportedConfigs is returned by Import<something>Configs methods on success.
message ImportedConfigs {
// The revision of the configs that are now in the datastore.
// It's either the imported revision, if configs change, or a previously known
// revision, if configs at HEAD are same.
string revision = 1;
// InspectMachineTokenRequest is body of InspectMachineToken RPC call.
// It contains machine token of some kind.
message InspectMachineTokenRequest {
// The type of token being checked.
// Currently only LUCI_MACHINE_TOKEN is supported. This is also the default.
tokenserver.MachineTokenType token_type = 1;
// The token body. Exact meaning depends on token_type.
string token = 2;
// InspectMachineTokenResponse is return value of InspectMachineToken RPC call.
message InspectMachineTokenResponse {
// True if the token is valid.
// A token is valid if its signature is correct, it hasn't expired yet and
// the credentials it was built from (e.g. a certificate) wasn't revoked.
bool valid = 1;
// Human readable summary of why token is invalid.
// Summarizes the rest of the fields of this struct. Set only if 'valid' is
// false.
string invalidity_reason = 2;
// True if the token signature was verified.
// It means the token was generated by the token server and its body is not
// a garbage. Note that a token can be correctly signed, but invalid (if it
// has expired or was revoked).
// If 'signed' is false, the fields below may (or may not) be a garbage.
// The token server uses private keys managed by Google Cloud Platform, they
// are constantly being rotated and "old" signatures become invalid over time
// (when corresponding keys are rotated out of existence).
// If 'signed' is false, use the rest of the response only as FYI, possibly
// invalid or even maliciously constructed.
bool signed = 3;
// True if the token signature was verified and token hasn't expired yet.
// We use "non_" prefix to make default 'false' value safer.
bool non_expired = 4;
// True if the token signature was verified and the token wasn't revoked.
// It is possible for an expired token to be non revoked. They are independent
// properties.
// We use "non_" prefix to make default 'false' value safer.
bool non_revoked = 5;
// Id of a private key used to sign this token, if applicable.
string signing_key_id = 6;
// Name of a CA that issued the cert the token is based on, if applicable.
// Resolved from 'ca_id' field of the token body.
string cert_ca_name = 7;
// The decoded token body (depends on token_type request parameter). Empty if
// token was malformed and couldn't be deserialized.
oneof token_type {
tokenserver.MachineTokenBody luci_machine_token = 20;
// InspectDelegationTokenRequest is body of InspectDelegationToken RPC call.
message InspectDelegationTokenRequest {
// The token body.
string token = 1;
// InspectDelegationTokenResponse is return value of InspectDelegationToken RPC.
message InspectDelegationTokenResponse {
// True if the token is valid.
// A token is valid if its signature is correct and it hasn't expired yet.
bool valid = 1;
// Human readable summary of why token is invalid.
// Summarizes the rest of the fields of this struct. Set only if 'valid' is
// false.
string invalidity_reason = 2;
// True if the token signature was verified.
// It means the token was generated by the token server and its body is not
// a garbage. Note that a token can be correctly signed, but invalid (if it
// has expired).
// If 'signed' is false, the fields below may (or may not) be a garbage.
// The token server uses private keys managed by Google Cloud Platform, they
// are constantly being rotated and "old" signatures become invalid over time
// (when corresponding keys are rotated out of existence).
// If 'signed' is false, use the rest of the response only as FYI, possibly
// invalid or even maliciously constructed.
bool signed = 3;
// True if the token signature was verified and token hasn't expired yet.
// We use "non_" prefix to make default 'false' value safer.
bool non_expired = 4;
// The deserialized token envelope.
// May be empty if token was malformed and couldn't be deserialized.
messages.DelegationToken envelope = 5;
// The deserialized token body (deserialized 'envelope.serialized_subtoken').
// May be empty if token was malformed and couldn't be deserialized.
messages.Subtoken subtoken = 6;