Update adjust_src_dst_region_for_blitframebuffer workaround to adjust both src and dst rectangles

This workaround previously only adjusted the src rectangle and then
proportionally adjusted the dst rectangle. In cases where the src
rectangle is inside the framebuffer and the dst rectangle is very
large, the workaround would leave the dst rectangle unchanged. This
update first adjusts the dst rectangle and computes the adjusted
corresponding src rectangle. It then uses the previous code to adjust
the src rectangle and compute the corresponding dst rectangle.

Bug: 830046, 926107
Change-Id: I57374f0132f07a1ef57dccac48e117910bbc192b
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1455310
Commit-Queue: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Russell <kbr@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: James Darpinian <jdarpinian@chromium.org>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#631804}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: e89959ff1648b64831bc1e9528c198511935b0e7
diff --git a/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.cc b/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.cc
index 60546d5..9b20f9d 100644
--- a/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.cc
+++ b/command_buffer/service/gles2_cmd_decoder.cc
@@ -982,6 +982,7 @@
   // Get the size (in pixels) of the currently bound frame buffer (either FBO
   // or regular back buffer).
   gfx::Size GetBoundReadFramebufferSize();
+  gfx::Size GetBoundDrawFramebufferSize();
   // Get the service side ID for the bound read framebuffer.
   // If it's back buffer, 0 is returned.
@@ -5002,6 +5003,17 @@
+gfx::Size GLES2DecoderImpl::GetBoundDrawFramebufferSize() {
+  Framebuffer* framebuffer = GetBoundDrawFramebuffer();
+  if (framebuffer) {
+    return framebuffer->GetFramebufferValidSize();
+  } else if (offscreen_target_frame_buffer_.get()) {
+    return offscreen_size_;
+  } else {
+    return surface_->GetSize();
+  }
 GLuint GLES2DecoderImpl::GetBoundReadFramebufferServiceId() {
   Framebuffer* framebuffer = GetBoundReadFramebuffer();
   if (framebuffer) {
@@ -8702,7 +8714,21 @@
   const char* func_name = "glBlitFramebufferCHROMIUM";
   DCHECK(!ShouldDeferReads() && !ShouldDeferDraws());
-  if (!CheckBoundFramebufferValid(func_name)) {
+  if (!CheckFramebufferValid(GetBoundDrawFramebuffer(),
+                             GetDrawFramebufferTarget(),
+                             GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION, func_name)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // We need to get this before checking if the read framebuffer is valid.
+  // Checking the read framebuffer may clear attachments which would mark the
+  // draw framebuffer as incomplete. Framebuffer::GetFramebufferValidSize()
+  // requires the framebuffer to be complete.
+  gfx::Size draw_size = GetBoundDrawFramebufferSize();
+  if (!CheckFramebufferValid(GetBoundReadFramebuffer(),
+                             GetReadFramebufferTarget(),
+                             GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION, func_name)) {
@@ -8919,52 +8945,161 @@
   if (workarounds().adjust_src_dst_region_for_blitframebuffer) {
     gfx::Size read_size = GetBoundReadFramebufferSize();
-    gfx::Rect src_bounds(0, 0, read_size.width(), read_size.height());
     GLint src_x = srcX1 > srcX0 ? srcX0 : srcX1;
     GLint src_y = srcY1 > srcY0 ? srcY0 : srcY1;
-    GLuint src_width = 0, src_height = 0;
-    if (!src_width_temp.Abs().AssignIfValid(&src_width))
-      src_width = 0;
-    if (!src_height_temp.Abs().AssignIfValid(&src_height))
-      src_height = 0;
+    unsigned int src_width = base::checked_cast<unsigned int>(
+        src_width_temp.Abs().ValueOrDefault(0));
+    unsigned int src_height = base::checked_cast<unsigned int>(
+        src_height_temp.Abs().ValueOrDefault(0));
+    GLint dst_x = dstX1 > dstX0 ? dstX0 : dstX1;
+    GLint dst_y = dstY1 > dstY0 ? dstY0 : dstY1;
+    unsigned int dst_width = base::checked_cast<unsigned int>(
+        dst_width_temp.Abs().ValueOrDefault(0));
+    unsigned int dst_height = base::checked_cast<unsigned int>(
+        dst_height_temp.Abs().ValueOrDefault(0));
+    if (dst_width == 0 || src_width == 0 || dst_height == 0 ||
+        src_height == 0) {
+      return;
+    }
+    gfx::Rect src_bounds(0, 0, read_size.width(), read_size.height());
     gfx::Rect src_region(src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height);
-    if (!src_bounds.Contains(src_region) &&
-        (src_width != 0) && (src_height != 0)) {
-      // If pixels lying outside the read framebuffer, adjust src region
-      // and dst region to appropriate in-bounds regions respectively.
-      src_bounds.Intersect(src_region);
-      GLuint src_real_width = src_bounds.width();
-      GLuint src_real_height = src_bounds.height();
-      GLuint xoffset = src_bounds.x() - src_x;
-      GLuint yoffset = src_bounds.y() - src_y;
-      // if X/Y is reversed, use the top/right out-of-bounds region for mapping
-      // to dst region, instead of left/bottom out-of-bounds region for mapping.
-      if (((srcX1 > srcX0) && (dstX1 < dstX0)) ||
-          ((srcX1 < srcX0) && (dstX1 > dstX0))) {
-        xoffset = src_x + src_width - src_bounds.x() - src_bounds.width();
-      }
-      if (((srcY1 > srcY0) && (dstY1 < dstY0)) ||
-          ((srcY1 < srcY0) && (dstY1 > dstY0))) {
-        yoffset = src_y + src_height - src_bounds.y() - src_bounds.height();
+    gfx::Rect dst_bounds(0, 0, draw_size.width(), draw_size.height());
+    gfx::Rect dst_region(dst_x, dst_y, dst_width, dst_height);
+    if (gfx::IntersectRects(dst_bounds, dst_region).IsEmpty()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    bool x_flipped = ((srcX1 > srcX0) && (dstX1 < dstX0)) ||
+                     ((srcX1 < srcX0) && (dstX1 > dstX0));
+    bool y_flipped = ((srcY1 > srcY0) && (dstY1 < dstY0)) ||
+                     ((srcY1 < srcY0) && (dstY1 > dstY0));
+    if (!dst_bounds.Contains(dst_region)) {
+      // dst_region is not within dst_bounds. We want to adjust it to a
+      // reasonable size. This is done by halving the dst_region until it is at
+      // most twice the size of the framebuffer. We cut it in half instead
+      // of arbitrarily shrinking it to fit so that we don't end up with
+      // non-power-of-two scale factors which could mess up pixel interpolation.
+      // Naively clipping the dst rect and then proportionally sizing the
+      // src rect yields incorrect results.
+      unsigned int dst_x_halvings = 0;
+      unsigned int dst_y_halvings = 0;
+      int dst_origin_x = dst_x;
+      int dst_origin_y = dst_y;
+      int dst_clipped_width = dst_region.width();
+      while (dst_clipped_width > 2 * dst_bounds.width()) {
+        dst_clipped_width = dst_clipped_width >> 1;
+        dst_x_halvings++;
-      GLint dst_x = dstX1 > dstX0 ? dstX0 : dstX1;
-      GLint dst_y = dstY1 > dstY0 ? dstY0 : dstY1;
-      base::CheckedNumeric<GLint> dst_width_temp = dstX1;
-      dst_width_temp -= dstX0;
-      base::CheckedNumeric<GLint> dst_height_temp = dstY1;
-      dst_height_temp -= dstY0;
-      GLuint dst_width = 0, dst_height = 0;
-      if (!dst_width_temp.IsValid() || !dst_height_temp.IsValid()) {
-                           "the width or height of dst region overflow");
+      int dst_clipped_height = dst_region.height();
+      while (dst_clipped_height > 2 * dst_bounds.height()) {
+        dst_clipped_height = dst_clipped_height >> 1;
+        dst_y_halvings++;
+      }
+      // Before this block, we check that the two rectangles intersect.
+      // Now, compute the location of a new region origin such that we use the
+      // scaled dimensions but the new region has the same intersection as the
+      // original region.
+      int left = dst_region.x();
+      int right = dst_region.right();
+      int top = dst_region.y();
+      int bottom = dst_region.bottom();
+      if (left >= 0 && left < dst_bounds.width()) {
+        // Left edge is in-bounds
+        dst_origin_x = dst_x;
+      } else if (right > 0 && right <= dst_bounds.width()) {
+        // Right edge is in-bounds
+        dst_origin_x = right - dst_clipped_width;
+      } else {
+        // Region completely spans bounds
+        dst_origin_x = dst_x;
+      }
+      if (top >= 0 && top < dst_bounds.height()) {
+        // Top edge is in-bounds
+        dst_origin_y = dst_y;
+      } else if (bottom > 0 && bottom <= dst_bounds.height()) {
+        // Bottom edge is in-bounds
+        dst_origin_y = bottom - dst_clipped_height;
+      } else {
+        // Region completely spans bounds
+        dst_origin_y = dst_y;
+      }
+      dst_region.SetRect(dst_origin_x, dst_origin_y, dst_clipped_width,
+                         dst_clipped_height);
+      // Offsets from the bottom left corner of the original region to
+      // the bottom left corner of the clipped region.
+      // This value (after it is scaled) is the respective offset we will apply
+      // to the src origin.
+      base::CheckedNumeric<unsigned int> checked_xoffset(dst_region.x() -
+                                                         dst_x);
+      base::CheckedNumeric<unsigned int> checked_yoffset(dst_region.y() -
+                                                         dst_y);
+      // if X/Y is reversed, use the top/right out-of-bounds region to compute
+      // the origin offset instead of the left/bottom out-of-bounds region
+      if (x_flipped) {
+        checked_xoffset = (dst_x + dst_width - dst_region.right());
+      }
+      if (y_flipped) {
+        checked_yoffset = (dst_y + dst_height - dst_region.bottom());
+      }
+      // These offsets should never overflow.
+      unsigned int xoffset, yoffset;
+      if (!checked_xoffset.AssignIfValid(&xoffset) ||
+          !checked_yoffset.AssignIfValid(&yoffset)) {
+        NOTREACHED();
+            GL_INVALID_VALUE, func_name,
+            "the width or height of src or dst region overflowed");
-      if (!dst_width_temp.Abs().AssignIfValid(&dst_width))
-        dst_width = 0;
-      if (!dst_height_temp.Abs().AssignIfValid(&dst_height))
-        dst_height = 0;
+      // Adjust the src region by the same factor
+      src_region.SetRect(src_x + (xoffset >> dst_x_halvings),
+                         src_y + (yoffset >> dst_y_halvings),
+                         src_region.width() >> dst_x_halvings,
+                         src_region.height() >> dst_y_halvings);
+      // If the src was scaled to 0, set it to 1 so the src is non-empty.
+      if (src_region.width() == 0) {
+        src_region.set_width(1);
+      }
+      if (src_region.height() == 0) {
+        src_region.set_height(1);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!src_bounds.Contains(src_region)) {
+      // If pixels lying outside the read framebuffer, adjust src region
+      // and dst region to appropriate in-bounds regions respectively.
+      src_region.Intersect(src_bounds);
+      GLuint src_real_width = src_region.width();
+      GLuint src_real_height = src_region.height();
+      GLuint xoffset = src_region.x() - src_x;
+      GLuint yoffset = src_region.y() - src_y;
+      // if X/Y is reversed, use the top/right out-of-bounds region for mapping
+      // to dst region, instead of left/bottom out-of-bounds region for mapping.
+      if (x_flipped) {
+        xoffset = src_x + src_width - src_region.x() - src_region.width();
+      }
+      if (y_flipped) {
+        yoffset = src_y + src_height - src_region.y() - src_region.height();
+      }
       GLfloat dst_mapping_width =
           static_cast<GLfloat>(src_real_width) * dst_width / src_width;
@@ -8985,21 +9120,22 @@
       GLuint dst_mapping_y1 =
           std::round(dst_y + dst_mapping_yoffset + dst_mapping_height);
-      // adjust the src region and dst region to fit the read framebuffer
-      srcX0 = srcX0 < srcX1 ?
-          src_bounds.x() : src_bounds.x() + src_bounds.width();
-      srcY0 = srcY0 < srcY1 ?
-          src_bounds.y() : src_bounds.y() + src_bounds.height();
-      srcX1 = srcX0 < srcX1 ?
-          src_bounds.x() + src_bounds.width() : src_bounds.x();
-      srcY1 = srcY0 < srcY1 ?
-          src_bounds.y() + src_bounds.height() : src_bounds.y();
-      dstX0 = dstX0 < dstX1 ? dst_mapping_x0 : dst_mapping_x1;
-      dstY0 = dstY0 < dstY1 ? dst_mapping_y0 : dst_mapping_y1;
-      dstX1 = dstX0 < dstX1 ? dst_mapping_x1 : dst_mapping_x0;
-      dstY1 = dstY0 < dstY1 ? dst_mapping_y1 : dst_mapping_y0;
+      dst_region.SetRect(dst_mapping_x0, dst_mapping_y0,
+                         dst_mapping_x1 - dst_mapping_x0,
+                         dst_mapping_y1 - dst_mapping_y0);
+    // Set the src and dst endpoints. If they were previously flipped,
+    // set them as flipped.
+    srcX0 = srcX0 < srcX1 ? src_region.x() : src_region.right();
+    srcY0 = srcY0 < srcY1 ? src_region.y() : src_region.bottom();
+    srcX1 = srcX0 < srcX1 ? src_region.right() : src_region.x();
+    srcY1 = srcY0 < srcY1 ? src_region.bottom() : src_region.y();
+    dstX0 = dstX0 < dstX1 ? dst_region.x() : dst_region.right();
+    dstY0 = dstY0 < dstY1 ? dst_region.y() : dst_region.bottom();
+    dstX1 = dstX0 < dstX1 ? dst_region.right() : dst_region.x();
+    dstY1 = dstY0 < dstY1 ? dst_region.bottom() : dst_region.y();
   bool enable_srgb =
diff --git a/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json b/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
index e08d93f..c44e749 100644
--- a/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
+++ b/config/gpu_driver_bug_list.json
@@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@
       "id": 197,
-      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside read framebuffer on Mac",
+      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside framebuffer on Mac",
       "cr_bugs": [644740],
       "os": {
         "type": "macosx"
@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@
       "id": 198,
-      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside read framebuffer on Linux Intel",
+      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside framebuffer on Linux Intel",
       "cr_bugs": [664740],
       "os": {
         "type": "linux"
@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@
       "id": 199,
-      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside read framebuffer on Linux AMD",
+      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside framebuffer on Linux AMD",
       "cr_bugs": [664740],
       "os": {
         "type": "linux"
@@ -3123,6 +3123,30 @@
       "features": [
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 291,
+      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside framebuffer on Linux NVIDIA",
+      "cr_bugs": [830046],
+      "os": {
+        "type": "linux"
+      },
+      "vendor_id": "0x10de",
+      "features": [
+        "adjust_src_dst_region_for_blitframebuffer"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "id": 292,
+      "description": "adjust src/dst region if blitting pixels outside framebuffer on Android NVIDIA",
+      "cr_bugs": [830046],
+      "os": {
+        "type": "android"
+      },
+      "gl_vendor": "NVIDIA.*",
+      "features": [
+        "adjust_src_dst_region_for_blitframebuffer"
+      ]