FrameLoadRequest should reuse origin instead of recreating it.

FrameLoadRequest is currently constructing the requestor origin from
the URL of the requestor document. However, constructing origins based
on URL is a lossy process and does not preserve precursor origin
Since the requestor document is already passed in as a parameter, the
origin of the document should be used directly. This CL changes that.

It also fixes a bug in the GetDownloadPolicy method where origin
comparison is assigned to a boolean incorrectly.

Bug: 632514, 882053
Change-Id: Ibb386ef7ecddc0b5dcc5b9e2b83f7b5215fdc1e9
Reviewed-by: Daniel Cheng <>
Reviewed-by: Charlie Harrison <>
Commit-Queue: Nasko Oskov <>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#616889}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6e845755633a4fd21c5a2492cc9b587f0248f7f3
1 file changed
tree: eee0a733fe3f42b7cbd52a807af41eb5fb7530b3
  1. abseil-cpp/
  2. accessibility-audit/
  3. accessibility_test_framework/
  4. adobe/
  5. afl/
  6. android_build_tools/
  7. android_crazy_linker/
  8. android_data_chart/
  9. android_deps/
  10. android_media/
  11. android_opengl/
  12. android_platform/
  13. android_protobuf/
  14. android_sdk/
  15. android_support_test_runner/
  16. android_swipe_refresh/
  17. android_system_sdk/
  18. apache-portable-runtime/
  19. apache-win32/
  20. apk-patch-size-estimator/
  21. apple_apsl/
  22. arcore-android-sdk/
  23. ashmem/
  24. auto/
  25. axe-core/
  26. bazel/
  27. binutils/
  28. blanketjs/
  29. blink/
  30. boringssl/
  31. bouncycastle/
  32. breakpad/
  33. brotli/
  34. bspatch/
  35. byte_buddy/
  36. cacheinvalidation/
  37. cct_dynamic_module/
  38. ced/
  39. chaijs/
  40. checkstyle/
  41. chromevox/
  42. cld_3/
  43. closure_compiler/
  44. colorama/
  45. crashpad/
  46. crc32c/
  47. custom_tabs_client/
  48. d3/
  49. decklink/
  50. devscripts/
  51. dom_distiller_js/
  52. errorprone/
  53. espresso/
  54. eu-strip/
  55. expat/
  56. feed/
  57. fips181/
  58. flatbuffers/
  59. flot/
  60. fontconfig/
  61. freetype/
  62. fuchsia-sdk/
  63. gestures/
  64. gif_player/
  65. glfw/
  66. glslang/
  67. google-truth/
  68. google_android_play_core/
  69. google_appengine_cloudstorage/
  70. google_input_tools/
  71. google_toolbox_for_mac/
  72. googletest/
  73. gradle_wrapper/
  74. gson/
  75. guava/
  76. gvr-android-keyboard/
  77. gvr-android-sdk/
  78. hamcrest/
  79. harfbuzz-ng/
  80. hunspell/
  81. iaccessible2/
  82. iccjpeg/
  83. icu4j/
  84. ijar/
  85. ink/
  86. inspector_protocol/
  87. instrumented_libraries/
  88. intellij/
  89. isimpledom/
  90. jinja2/
  91. jmake/
  92. jsoncpp/
  93. jsr-305/
  94. jstemplate/
  95. junit/
  96. khronos/
  97. lcov/
  98. leveldatabase/
  99. libaddressinput/
  100. libaom/
  101. libcxx-pretty-printers/
  102. libdrm/
  103. libevdev/
  104. libFuzzer/
  105. libjingle_xmpp/
  106. libjpeg/
  107. liblouis/
  108. libovr/
  109. libphonenumber/
  110. libpng/
  111. libprotobuf-mutator/
  112. libsecret/
  113. libsync/
  114. libudev/
  115. libusb/
  116. libvpx/
  117. libwebm/
  118. libwebp/
  119. libxml/
  120. libXNVCtrl/
  121. libxslt/
  122. logilab/
  123. lzma_sdk/
  124. mach_override/
  125. markdown/
  126. markupsafe/
  127. material_design_icons/
  128. mesa_headers/
  129. metrics_proto/
  130. microsoft_webauthn/
  131. minigbm/
  132. minizip/
  133. mocha/
  134. mockito/
  135. modp_b64/
  136. motemplate/
  137. mozilla/
  138. netty-tcnative/
  139. netty4/
  140. node/
  141. nvml/
  142. objenesis/
  143. ocmock/
  144. openh264/
  145. openvr/
  146. opus/
  147. ots/
  148. ow2_asm/
  149. pexpect/
  150. ply/
  151. polymer/
  152. proguard/
  153. protobuf/
  154. protoc_javalite/
  155. pycoverage/
  156. pyftpdlib/
  157. pyjson5/
  158. pylint/
  159. pymock/
  160. pystache/
  161. Python-Markdown/
  162. pywebsocket/
  163. qcms/
  164. quic_trace/
  165. qunit/
  166. r8/
  167. re2/
  168. requests/
  169. rnnoise/
  170. robolectric/
  171. s2cellid/
  172. sfntly/
  173. shaderc/
  174. simplejson/
  175. sinonjs/
  176. smhasher/
  177. snappy/
  178. speech-dispatcher/
  179. spirv-cross/
  180. spirv-headers/
  181. SPIRV-Tools/
  182. sqlite/
  183. sqlite4java/
  184. sudden_motion_sensor/
  185. tcmalloc/
  186. test_fonts/
  187. tlslite/
  188. ub-uiautomator/
  189. unrar/
  190. usb_ids/
  191. usrsctp/
  192. v4l-utils/
  193. visualmetrics/
  194. vulkan/
  195. wayland/
  196. wayland-protocols/
  197. wds/
  198. web-animations-js/
  199. webdriver/
  200. webgl/
  201. webrtc_overrides/
  202. widevine/
  203. win_build_output/
  204. woff2/
  205. wtl/
  206. xstream/
  207. yara/
  208. yasm/
  209. zlib/
  210. .gitignore
  212. DEPS
  213. libjpeg.gni
  214. OWNERS
  216. README.chromium
  217. README.chromium.template