blob: 94e2f2ecc5e3d9ff2af9841a0048b9f8481ff146 [file] [log] [blame]
* This submission is loosely based on
* (C) Copyright 2000
* Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
* (C) Copyright 2014 Chromium OS Authors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "debug/cli/common.h"
#include "debug/cli/command.h"
#define DEBUG_PARSER 0
char console_buffer[MAX_CONSOLE_LINE + 1]; /* console I/O buffer */
#define debug_parser(fmt, args...) \
debug_cond(DEBUG_PARSER, fmt, ##args)
#define ESC 0x1b
/* Cursor movement commands characters. */
#define CHAR_HOME 1 /* ^A */
#define CHAR_CTL 3 /* ^C */
#define CHAR_EOL 5 /* ^E */
#define CHAR_RIGHT 12 /* ^L */
#define CHAR_DEL 0x7f
#define CHAR_LEFT 0x81 /* here and below: ficticious */
#define CHAR_UP 0x82
#define CHAR_DOWN 0x83
static const char erase_seq[] = "\b \b";
static void move_cursor_left(int positions)
const char cursor_left[] = { ESC, '[', 'D', '\0' };
while (positions-- > 0)
printf("%s", cursor_left);
static void move_cursor_right(int positions)
const char cursor_left[] = { ESC, '[', 'C', '\0' };
while (positions-- > 0)
printf("%s", cursor_left);
/*vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv History support vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv*/
typedef struct {
char console_string[MAX_CONSOLE_LINE + 1];
int cursor;
} history_node;
* 20 history entries should be enough.
* history_bottom is were the next history item will be added, history_spot is
* where the user currently is in the history array.
static history_node history[20];
static int history_bottom, history_spot;
#define HISTORY_NEXT(x) (((x) + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE(history))
#define HISTORY_PREV(x) ((x) ? ((x) - 1) : ARRAY_SIZE(history) - 1)
static void history_add(const char *string)
history_node *hnode;
if (!strcmp(string,
return; /* no need to duplicate strings in history */
hnode = history + history_bottom;
/* make sure it is null terminated no matter what */
hnode->console_string[sizeof(hnode->console_string) - 1] = '\0';
hnode->cursor = strlen(hnode->console_string);
history_spot = history_bottom = HISTORY_NEXT(history_bottom);
history[history_bottom].console_string[0] = '\0';
/* The user hit a history browsing button. */
static void history_case(u8 c, char *p_buf, int *np, int *cursor_p)
int n = *np, cursor = *cursor_p, new_n, tmp;
if ((c == CHAR_DOWN) && (history_bottom == history_spot))
return; /* we are already at the bottom of history */
if ((c == CHAR_UP) &&
return; /* we are already at the top of history */
if (history_bottom == history_spot) {
/* we are in a new console line, save it into history */
if (n)
* Just in case user was editing the line and it the cursor is now
* beyond the saved line's length.
tmp = strlen(history[history_spot].console_string);
if (tmp > cursor)
tmp = cursor;
history[history_spot].cursor = tmp;
history_spot = (c == CHAR_UP) ? HISTORY_PREV(history_spot) :
/* Get to the first column */
/* Copy new string into the console buffer and print it on the screen */
strcpy(p_buf, history[history_spot].console_string);
new_n = printf("%s", p_buf);
/* erase the rest of the line if needed */
tmp = n - new_n;
while (tmp-- > 0)
printf(" ");
/* come back to the end of the line */
move_cursor_left(n - new_n);
*np = new_n;
*cursor_p = history[history_spot].cursor;
/* move screen cursor into position */
move_cursor_left(new_n - *cursor_p);
static int do_dh(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
int i;
printf("bottom at %d, spot at %d\n", history_bottom, history_spot);
for (i = HISTORY_PREV(history_bottom);
i != history_bottom;
if (history[i].console_string[0])
printf("%2.2d %s\n", i, history[i].console_string);
return 0;
dh, 1, 1,
"commamd to support history debugging", NULL
static int console_done;
static int do_exit(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
console_done = 1;
return 0;
exit, 1, 1,
"exit command console to coninue normal boot", NULL
/*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ History support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*/
static void backspace(char *buffer, int *np, int *cp)
int n, cursor, shift;
n = *np;
if (!n) {
cursor = *cp;
if (n == cursor) {
*np = --n;
*cp = --cursor;
buffer[n] = '\0';
if (!cursor)
shift = n - cursor;
memcpy(buffer + cursor - 1, buffer + cursor, shift);
buffer[n - 1] = ' ';
buffer[n] = '\0';
printf("%s", buffer + cursor - 1);
move_cursor_left(shift + 1);
n -= 1;
buffer[n] = '\0';
*np = n;
*cp = cursor - 1;
* We want to support function keys for command line editing. Many of those
* keys on a standard xterm generate escape sequences. The code below
* implements a state machine to map known escape sequences into appropriate
* singe keystrokes.
* Some of the keys are processed but ignored.
/* Map an escape sequence into a single byte ensuring the same action */
typedef struct {
const char *chars; /* symbols of the sequence (escape not included */
char map_to; /* keystroke the sequence maps to (if any) */
} escaped_key;
static const escaped_key escaped_keys [] = {
{ "OF", CHAR_EOL},
{ "[1~", CHAR_HOME},
{ "[2~"}, /* insert */
{ "[3~", CHAR_DEL},
{ "[5~"}, /* page up */
{ "[6~"}, /* page down */
{ "[A", CHAR_UP},
{ "[B", CHAR_DOWN},
{ "[C", CHAR_RIGHT},
{ "[D", CHAR_LEFT},
{ "zzzz" } /* will never happen */
* Implement state machine discovering escape sequences listed above.
* Input parameter is a pointer to the next character received on the console.
* If the character is not a part of an escape sequence, return false so that
* the character can be processed as a regular symbol.
* If the character is a part of the incoming escape sequence, return true, as
* no further processing is required.
* If the sequence is not recognised - return false so that the last character
* of the unrecognised sequence is processed as a regular symbol.
* If the sequence is recognised and has a mapping defined - replace the input
* character with the map value and return false so that the replacement is
* processed as if received from the console.
* If no mapping is defined - return true so that the sequence is ignored.
static int escape_handled(u8 *cp)
u8 c = *cp;
/* pointer to the row matching the sequence so far */
static const escaped_key *this_key;
* Position of the next expected character in the sequence, -1 means
* we are not in a sequence yet.
static int escape_sn = -1;
if (escape_sn < 0) {
if (c == ESC) {
escape_sn = 0; /* got the escape */
this_key = escaped_keys;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
if (this_key->chars[escape_sn] != c) {
int on_track = 0;
* We are not in the right row of the table. Maybe some next
* one is better? If we are not on the first symbol of the
* sequence we can proceed only if the previous characters in
* this and the next rows are the same.
while ((!escape_sn) ||
(this_key[0].chars[escape_sn - 1] ==
this_key[1].chars[escape_sn - 1])) {
if (this_key->chars[escape_sn] == c) {
on_track = 1;
if (!on_track) {
* This is an unexpected escape sequence, consider it
* finished with this character.
escape_sn = -1;
return 1;
if (this_key->chars[++escape_sn] == '\0') {
/* end of escape sequence */
escape_sn = -1;
if (this_key->map_to) {
*cp = this_key->map_to;
return 0;
return 1;
* Erase the word at cursor in the passed in buffer. The words are delimited
* by space characters.
* Inputs:
* p_buf - pointer to the buffer containting the string
* np - pointer to the number of characters in the buffer
* cursor_p - pointer to the curcor index in the buffer
* Once the word is erased, update number of characters remaining in the
* buffer and the cursor position.
static void erase_word(char *p_buf, int *np, int *cursor_p)
int word_end, word_start;
int n = *np;
int cursor = *cursor_p;
if (cursor == n) {
do {
backspace(p_buf, np, cursor_p);
n = *np;
} while ((n > 0) && (p_buf[n - 1] != ' '));
if (n)
backspace(p_buf, np, cursor_p);
word_start = word_end = cursor;
while ((word_end < n) &&
(p_buf[word_end] != ' '))
while ((word_start > 0) &&
(p_buf[--word_start] != ' '))
move_cursor_left(cursor - word_start);
cursor = word_start;
if (!word_start && (word_end != n))
memcpy(p_buf + word_start, p_buf + word_end, n - word_end);
memset(p_buf + n - word_end + word_start, ' ', word_end - word_start);
printf("%s", p_buf + cursor);
move_cursor_left(n - cursor);
n -= word_end - word_start;
p_buf[n] = '\0';
*cursor_p = word_start;
*np = n;
* Prompt for input and read a line.
* Return: positive number of read characters
* -1 if break
static int ubreadline_into_buffer(const char *prompt, char *p_buf)
int n = 0; /* buffer index */
int cursor; /* cursor position in buffer */
int shift;
u8 c;
p_buf[0] = '\0';
/* print prompt */
printf("\r%s", prompt);
cursor = 0;
for (;;) {
c = serial_getchar();
if (escape_handled(&c))
* Special character handling
switch (c) {
case '\r': /* Enter */
case '\n':
p_buf[n] = '\0';
/* Reset history browsing. */
history_spot = history_bottom;
return n;
case '\0': /* nul */
cursor = 0;
case 0x03: /* ^C - break */
p_buf[0] = '\0'; /* discard input */
return -1;
case CHAR_EOL:
move_cursor_right(n - cursor);
cursor = n;
if (cursor < n) {
case 0x15: /* ^U - erase line */
if (cursor != n)
move_cursor_right(n - cursor);
while (n) {
cursor = 0;
case 0x17: /* ^W - erase word */
erase_word(p_buf, &n, &cursor);
case 0xb: /* ^K - delete to EOL */
shift = n - cursor;
while (n > cursor) {
printf(" ");
case 0x08: /* ^H - backspace */
backspace(p_buf, &n, &cursor);
case CHAR_DEL:
if (cursor < n) {
backspace(p_buf, &n, &cursor);
if (cursor > 0) {
case CHAR_UP:
history_case(c, p_buf, &n, &cursor);
if ((c != '\t') && (c < ' '))
/* No other control characters please. */
* Must be a normal character then
if (n >= (MAX_CONSOLE_LINE - 2)) {
if (cursor != n) {
shift = n - cursor;
memmove(p_buf + cursor + 1, p_buf + cursor, shift);
p_buf[cursor++] = c;
p_buf[n] = '\0';
printf("%c%s", c, p_buf + cursor);
if (c == '\t') { /* expand TABs */
/* if auto completion triggered just continue */
p_buf[n] = '\0';
if (!cmd_auto_complete(prompt, p_buf, &n))
cursor = n;
p_buf[n++] = c;
* Echo input using printf() to force an
* LCD flush if we are using an LCD
p_buf[n] = '\0';
printf("%s", p_buf + n - 1);
void console_loop(void)
int len, flag, rc = 0;
char lastcommand[128] = {0};
* Main Loop for Monitor Command Processing
while (!console_done) {
len = ubreadline_into_buffer(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT, console_buffer);
flag = 0; /* assume no special flags for now */
if (len > 0) {
strcpy(lastcommand, console_buffer);
} else if (len == 0)
if (len == -1)
rc = run_command(lastcommand, flag);
if (rc <= 0) {
/* invalid command or not repeatable, forget it */
lastcommand[0] = 0;
static int parse_line (char *line, char *argv[])
int nargs = 0;
debug_parser("parse_line: \"%s\"\n", line);
while (nargs < CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS) {
/* skip any white space */
while (isblank(*line))
if (*line == '\0') { /* end of line, no more args */
argv[nargs] = NULL;
debug_parser("parse_line: nargs=%d\n", nargs);
return nargs;
argv[nargs++] = line; /* begin of argument string */
/* find end of string */
while (*line && !isblank(*line))
if (*line == '\0') { /* end of line, no more args */
argv[nargs] = NULL;
debug_parser("parse_line: nargs=%d\n", nargs);
return nargs;
*line++ = '\0'; /* terminate current arg */
printf("** Too many args (max. %d) **\n", CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS);
debug_parser("parse_line: nargs=%d\n", nargs);
return (nargs);
static void process_macros(const char *input, char *output)
char c, prev;
const char *varname_start = NULL;
int inputcnt = strlen(input);
int outputcnt = MAX_CONSOLE_LINE;
int state = 0; /* 0 = waiting for '$' */
/* 1 = waiting for '(' or '{' */
/* 2 = waiting for ')' or '}' */
/* 3 = waiting for ''' */
char *output_start = output;
debug_parser("[PROCESS_MACROS] INPUT len %zd: \"%s\"\n", strlen(input),
prev = '\0'; /* previous character */
while (inputcnt && outputcnt) {
c = *input++;
if (state != 3) {
/* remove one level of escape characters */
if ((c == '\\') && (prev != '\\')) {
if (inputcnt-- == 0)
prev = c;
c = *input++;
switch (state) {
case 0: /* Waiting for (unescaped) $ */
if ((c == '\'') && (prev != '\\')) {
state = 3;
if ((c == '$') && (prev != '\\')) {
} else {
*(output++) = c;
case 1: /* Waiting for ( */
if (c == '(' || c == '{') {
varname_start = input;
} else {
state = 0;
*(output++) = '$';
if (outputcnt) {
*(output++) = c;
case 2: /* Waiting for ) */
if (c == ')' || c == '}') {
int i;
char envname[MAX_CONSOLE_LINE], *envval;
int envcnt = input - varname_start - 1; /* Varname # of chars */
/* Get the varname */
for (i = 0; i < envcnt; i++) {
envname[i] = varname_start[i];
envname[i] = 0;
/* Get its value */
envval = getenv(envname);
/* Copy into the line if it exists */
if (envval != NULL)
while ((*envval) && outputcnt) {
*(output++) = *(envval++);
/* Look for another '$' */
state = 0;
case 3: /* Waiting for ' */
if ((c == '\'') && (prev != '\\')) {
state = 0;
} else {
*(output++) = c;
prev = c;
if (outputcnt)
*output = 0;
*(output - 1) = 0;
debug_parser("[PROCESS_MACROS] OUTPUT len %zd: \"%s\"\n",
strlen(output_start), output_start);
* returns:
* 1 - command executed, repeatable
* 0 - command executed but not repeatable, interrupted commands are
* always considered not repeatable
* -1 - not executed (unrecognized, bootd recursion or too many args)
* (If cmd is NULL or "" or longer than MAX_CONSOLE_LINE-1 it is
* considered unrecognized)
* We must create a temporary copy of the command since the command we get
* may be the result from getenv(), which returns a pointer directly to
* the environment data, which may change magicly when the command we run
* creates or modifies environment variables (like "bootp" does).
static int builtin_run_command(const char *cmd, int flag)
char cmdbuf[MAX_CONSOLE_LINE]; /* working copy of cmd */
char *token; /* start of token in cmdbuf */
char *sep; /* end of token (separator) in cmdbuf */
char finaltoken[MAX_CONSOLE_LINE];
char *str = cmdbuf;
char *argv[CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS + 1]; /* NULL terminated */
int argc, inquotes;
int repeatable = 1;
int rc = 0;
debug_parser("[RUN_COMMAND] cmd[%p]=\"", cmd);
/* use printf - string may be loooong */
printf("%s\"\n", cmd ? cmd : "NULL");
if (!cmd || !*cmd) {
return -1; /* empty command */
if (strlen(cmd) >= MAX_CONSOLE_LINE) {
printf ("## Command too long!\n");
return -1;
strcpy(cmdbuf, cmd);
/* Process separators and check for invalid
* repeatable commands
debug_parser("[PROCESS_SEPARATORS] %s\n", cmd);
while (*str) {
* Find separator, or string end
* Allow simple escape of ';' by writing "\;"
for (inquotes = 0, sep = str; *sep; sep++) {
if ((*sep=='\'') &&
(*(sep-1) != '\\'))
if (!inquotes &&
(*sep == ';') && /* separator */
( sep != str) && /* past string start */
(*(sep-1) != '\\')) /* and NOT escaped */
* Limit the token to data between separators
token = str;
if (*sep) {
str = sep + 1; /* start of command for next pass */
*sep = '\0';
str = sep; /* no more commands for next pass */
debug_parser("token: \"%s\"\n", token);
/* find macros in this token and replace them */
process_macros(token, finaltoken);
/* Extract arguments */
if ((argc = parse_line (finaltoken, argv)) == 0) {
rc = -1; /* no command at all */
if (cmd_process(flag, argc, argv, &repeatable, NULL))
rc = -1;
return rc ? rc : repeatable;
* Run a command using the selected parser.
* @param cmd Command to run
* @param flag Execution flags (CMD_FLAG_...)
* @return 0 on success, or != 0 on error.
int run_command(const char *cmd, int flag)
* builtin_run_command can return 0 or 1 for success, so clean up
* its result.
if (builtin_run_command(cmd, flag) == -1)
return 1;
return 0;
* Execute a list of command separated by ; or \n using the built-in parser.
* This function cannot take a const char * for the command, since if it
* finds newlines in the string, it replaces them with \0.
* @param cmd String containing list of commands
* @param flag Execution flags (CMD_FLAG_...)
* @return 0 on success, or != 0 on error.
static int builtin_run_command_list(char *cmd, int flag)
char *line, *next;
int rcode = 0;
* Break into individual lines, and execute each line; terminate on
* error.
line = next = cmd;
while (*next) {
if (*next == '\n') {
*next = '\0';
/* run only non-empty commands */
if (*line) {
debug("** exec: \"%s\"\n", line);
if (builtin_run_command(line, 0) < 0) {
rcode = 1;
line = next + 1;
if (rcode == 0 && *line)
rcode = (builtin_run_command(line, 0) >= 0);
return rcode;
int run_command_list(const char *cmd, int len, int flag)
int need_buff = 1;
char *buff = (char *)cmd; /* cast away const */
int rcode = 0;
if (len == -1) {
len = strlen(cmd);
/* the built-in parser will change our string if it sees \n */
need_buff = strchr(cmd, '\n') != NULL;
if (need_buff) {
buff = malloc(len + 1);
if (!buff)
return 1;
memcpy(buff, cmd, len);
buff[len] = '\0';
* This function will overwrite any \n it sees with a \0, which
* is why it can't work with a const char *. Here we are making
* using of internal knowledge of this function, to avoid always
* doing a malloc() which is actually required only in a case that
* is pretty rare.
rcode = builtin_run_command_list(buff, flag);
if (need_buff)
return rcode;
int ctrlc(void)
while (serial_havechar())
if (serial_getchar() == CHAR_CTL)
return 1;
return 0;
int read_line (const char *prompt, char *buffer)
return ubreadline_into_buffer(prompt, buffer);